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whats the best dismemberment patch?


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You dont need a patch. For single player all you have to do is type in helpusobi 1 and then g_saberrealisticcombat 1 or cg_dismember 3.


In multiplayer type in cg_dismember 100 and you can see limbs flying even if others can't.

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Ah, the dismemberment issue pops up again...


Here's some problems with that issue that most non-european gamers do not consider :rolleyes: : CENSORSHIP!!!! :(


Nebelwerfer, I assume you are German, just as I am. :D So you'll notice that in single player most probably the saberrealisticcombat stuff doesn't do the trick (besides it's a cheat and you might want to have dismemberment without the cheat).



Getting dismemberment to work with the german version is very tricky. I can't get it straight now but it was something like uninstall the game, set all language settings in windows to american, install game, set every language setting in the game to english, turn cg_uicensored to 0, bla bla bla....VEEERY tricky stuff...


It didn't work for me, don't know why. Friends of my got it to work, probably it's even something about Windows XP or whatever. I finally got it to work with a patched .exe I got from bloodpatches.de. I don't know if they still have it, however, it only worked with the 1.02 version of the game. Duh! :( I haven't got it to work in 1.03 (single player that is).



Here dismemberment is a server side thing. If it isn't enabled server side, you can't see it. If it is enabled, the client needs to set cg_dismember 3 (like Old_Ben said, setting it to 100 doesn't change anything: 0 is off, 1 is only arms and legs and 3 is everything including waist cuts and heads). For Multiplayer, no patch is needed. The trick is to find a server that has it enabled. Most servers run by Gaming communities such as jolt.co.uk or gamers.net have it turned off because they have lots of kids on the server (violence in computer games is a big issue in Germany :( )


If anyone knows how to get dismemberment to work in single player in 1.03 (europeean version), pease tell me.


Nebelwerfer, if you want the patch for 1.02 and can't find it, pm me and i'll mail it to you...

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If anyone knows how to get dismemberment to work in single player in 1.03 (europeean version), pease tell me.

At http://www.blutpatches.de theres a patch for 1.03 available.

It is also supposed to add blood to the game but instead of blood you can only see a lot of grey squares. To make it work you have to download the ultimate blood patch from JediKnight2.net .

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Cool, thanks. Last time I checked, they only had the 1.02 version.

I'll try that as soon as I come home...


I am just playing Single player for the 3rd time, now with cheats and all force powers maxed out from the beginning, having lots of fun with stormies etc. but couldn't use dismemberment so far.... now, let's rock :naughty:

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It's rather disappointing to have dismemberment turned on and only see hand fly off every 4 kills, but I just use ultimate blood patch, and is pretty cool, but as for G_saberrealisticcombat, i set it to 3 and nothing happins, i'll try to set it to 9 and see what happens. and as for Neuer Jedi Knight 2 Blutpatch, will that show torso cuts into 2 peices?

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I tried it, it works nicely. You get cut off limbs with every kill. Arms, legs, heads, torsos cut in half...


It gives you the option of having blood (instead of the yellow sparks coming from the saber, they are red, looks like blood) or having no blood (for all the people saying "Nooooo, blood is not right, the saber seals the wound, there is no blood supposed to be seen!!!")


Try it, you'll like it. :)

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You have to have cheats enabled for g_saberrealisticcombat to work. Did you do that? :) Unless you do have the European version and that doesn't work or something, but, of course, I wouldn't know about that 'cause I don't have the European version. ;)

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you know the blood mod its unrealistic because you know that a light saber is all heat and it only burns you i would download the sword mod from jedi center and then the blood mod so it looks cool and whats the difference betwen the g_sabercombat 1 thingy (or however you spell it) and g_sabercombat 9?




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Originally posted by Moldy_Bun_Bolon

you know the blood mod its unrealistic because you know that a light saber is all heat and it only burns you


That wasn't true in ANH when obi cut off that guys arm in the cantina, but I guess that was just because they weren't able to do that in movies then.

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you know the blood mod its unrealistic because you know that a light saber is all heat and it only burns you i would download the sword mod from jedi center and then the blood mod so it looks cool


You could also download my Katana Battles Beta mod for Jk2.

You can download the mod here http://mbalch.free.fr/subject452/katana_battles.zip

Want more info about the mod then read the following thread:

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you know the blood mod its unrealistic because you know that a light saber is all heat and it only burns you i would download the sword mod from jedi center and then the blood mod so it looks cool and whats the difference betwen the g_sabercombat 1 thingy (or however you spell it) and g_sabercombat 9?


Actually, you'll notice in TPM Maul bleeds (spray of red mist) when he gets cut in half, so lightsabers still can make you bleed.

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Um actually if you read 'A New Hope' i think you'll find that when Luke first lights up his old mans Blue Lolly, it's described as an opaque blue-white blade which gave off no heat. Therefore no heat = no automatic cauterizing of wounds, inflicted with the saber ;0)


Cheers ....

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Originally posted by Ged

Um actually if you read 'A New Hope' i think you'll find that when Luke first lights up his old mans Blue Lolly, it's described as an opaque blue-white blade which gave off no heat. Therefore no heat = no automatic cauterizing of wounds, inflicted with the saber ;0)


Cheers ....



Actually it gives off no heat because a Jedi's saber is designed to use very very little energy unless it is cutting through something. According to http://www.starwars.com

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Originally posted by Moldy_Bun_Bolon

you know the blood mod its unrealistic because you know that a light saber is all heat and it only burns you i would download the sword mod from jedi center and then the blood mod so it looks cool and whats the difference betwen the g_sabercombat 1 thingy (or however you spell it) and g_sabercombat 9?




The difference is that the higher the number the less slashes it takes to take off a body part such as with G_saberrealisticcombat 1 if you touch the enemy with the tip of your blade it wont kill him. with 9 if you were to touch the tip with your finger your arm would fly off.
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::snippy snip snip::Once unleashed, the power channels through a positively charged continuous energy lens at the center of the handle. The beam then arcs circumferentially back to a negatively charged high energy flux aperture. A superconductor transfers the power from the flux aperture to the power cell. As a result, a lightsaber only expends power when its blade cuts through something. So efficient is the blade, that it does not radiate heat unless it comes into contact with something.

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