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Found new moves (no mod)


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Ok, I experimented a bit and found out something that was rather interesting. I'd like to share this with you and want to hear if anyone can reproduce it. To give people credit, I didn't figure all of this out by myself, some things I was told/taught and then experimented more with it.



There is a way to go into a DFA instantly, that means without starting a swing and waiting that half second (that gives your opponent the chance of sidestepping it ;) ).


Somehow, you can start a dfa in the moment your saber makes contact with another saber. For the computer it's sort of the same as being in mid swing.



1.) when someone throws his saber at you, press attack + forward + jump at the moment the thrown saber touches yours, and with the right timing you go into the dfa immediately. :naughty:


2.) run into somebody who is standing there facing you not moving and at the moment your sabers touch, press attack + forward + jump and with the right timing you go into the dfa immediately. :naughty:


It doesn't have spamming potential because its very hard to do. :p



You can make longer jumps using less force by jumping (running forward, keep forward pressed and press jump, keeping it pressed) and in mid air do the following: strafe left and right constantly while at the same time look into the direction you are strafing to. E.g. strafe left + look left, strafe right + look right etc.(all while keeping forward + jump pressed)


This allows you on ns_streets to actually jump into the hole where the speeder cars come out! You can sit there (crouch, or the car will hit you!) and taunt people to follow you and they will jump to their doom :D


Anyone seen/done this before? Does anyone have other moves like that?


E.g. I have seen someone do a yellow DFA and then twirl like madness in midair. He said he didn't mess with mouse sensivity or yawspeed and it was no script. Anyone knows how to do that?

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E.g. I have seen someone do a yellow DFA and then twirl like madness in midair. He said he didn't mess with mouse sensivity or yawspeed and it was no script. Anyone knows how to do that?


Um.... just read the manuel. Its the yellow finisher. Press forward attack+jump. Look at the manuel, page 23.





Why does no one read the manuel? :rolleyes:


Never heard of the others... then again, i'm a total rookie.... :D


-teutonicknight :saberb:

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I haven't seen anyone spin like crazy during the yellow move, but I have noticed that the red DFA move can be done without going through the exact steps they tell us to as you mentioned. For me I mostly did it by accident & couldn't figure out how I did it. The commands for yellow DFA also will do the red DFA. I also found that out by accident one day when I thought I was in yellow & was in red instead & tried to do the yellow DFA.

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The DFA thing I've seen before. I saw someone win a saberlock then DFA out of the saberlock and land on the fallen guy. There was absolutely NO time to get up as he landed on the guy almost a second after he hit the ground.


The jump thing sounds like a variation of bunny hopping (atleast they way you described the mouse movements). The majority of quake/CS players will know what I mean by bunny hopping... but it follows the exact same movement you described, with the look left mouse left/and to the right. The only difference is I don't think you held foward when bunny hopping. Doesn't suprise me that it's in this game though, since jk2 is on the q3 engine if memory serves. It's a shame it's not disabled since it renders force speed useless for the most part :(


The mid air thing I'm not 100% positive on, but it may of been someone doing the medium finisher in the air then rapidly hitting jump (maybe attack too).



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Originally posted by teutonicknight


Um.... just read the manuel. Its the yellow finisher. Press forward attack+jump. Look at the manuel, page 23.

:rolleyess: I know what the medium finisher is and I read the manual. OF COURSE I read the manual before I go and bother the community ;)


About the yellow DFA: I met the guy again tonight and he told me that it was just moving the mouse left and right in large strikes, so nothing special here really :o :rolleyess:


I know the term bunny hopping but I'm no Quaker. But I always thought that bunny hopping was getting quickly about the map by making a lot of short jumps after another. Thats not what that long jump does. It is just like a regular force jump, very high and very far, in fact about 20% farther that a regular jump.


I tried today, on Bespin streets (FFA) you can jump from the higher of the two bridges in the middle of the map rightaway to the higher walkway on the side of the map. Try that, with a normal jump you won't reach.


Also, it doesn't really give you an advantage over force speed, because level 3 speed wil always be faster than the speed with which you jump, plus you can use the jump only in open spaces since you jump so high.


It basically only lets you reach places you couldn't reach other wise or makes you cover a distance in one jump that usually would take you two. Not really giving an unfair advantage... Ok, it's still a bug ;) but not that bad..

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