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what is ur fav civ

Guest Droideka

what is ur fav civ  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. what is ur fav civ

    • Empire
    • trade Federation
    • naboo
    • gungans
    • rebels
    • wookie

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Guest Boba Rhett

No no no. your doing it all wrong, David. It's much easier to just use the Grenade.


*Pulls the pin on the MPG he's holding, drop kicks it into the post and runs away*




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Guest die rebel scum

The wookie species were captured by the empire what makes u think this game will be any different.....oh yeah chewie is dead...ahjahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

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I have said this before and I'll say it again:

But, to clarify the "Empire conquering the Woookies" thing, They never actually did. The conflict started when the Imperials set up an embassy on the planet Kashyyk. They then ferried troopers and Mechs there, but were thoroughly defeated when they attempted to take the Wookie's Capital City. They tried many other ideas to conquer them until they finally decided to ferry over another Star Destroyer full of Stormies. this time the Wookies let them take over the cities to quit the bloodshed. The Imperials tried to take some Wookies as slaves off planet, but were again struck down. They finally fortified their garrisons and decided to contract the neighboring Trandoshans. the Trandoshans had long since been jealous of the Wookies great success's, so they were willing to comply. The Empire gave the Trandoshans weapons, ships, and money, while they acted innocent in the whole affair. The Trandoshans then began to raid the Wookie villages in order to gain Wookie slaves to sell to the Empire. The usual peaceful Wookies again began to battle their war-loving neighboors , the Trandoshans. The Trandoshans were able to take many slaves but at a large price of lives and ships. The Empire, content with it's million or so Wookie slaves cut off the official contract, but the Trandoshans kept up there slave running, satisfied with their new-found profession. By the time of the Liberation of Kashyyk, there were only about 100 thousand to half a million stormies and other Imperial assets on the planet "keeping the justic".


So ha, the Wookies were never under the Empire's Yoke.

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Guest die rebel scum

If I ever face u and your pitiful wookies in Gb I will crush u into submission and then the wookies will be under imperial control............hhahahhahahahahahahhahaahhahah die rebel scum



Keep it civil, die rebel scum. - Rhett

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The only civ in the game worth playing is the Empire...rebels too but thats pretty much it for me....here are the reasons:


Wookies: A bunch of hairy apes that can build stuff and break stuff so people think they are awesome at everything. Yeah yeah yeah they have Chewy and he is so great blah blah blah...fixing and breaking does not win a war.


Gungans: Alright they have guts, you have to respect something that can fight blasters and tanks with water bombs. How are they going to kill people with a electrical water bomb?


Naboo: I will stop right there because if this takes place before episode one then they must suck because they dont have an army DURING episode one.


Trade Federation: Cool, but their not water proof.

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Bah the Empire's overrated anyway, besides its not the side, its the skill. And besides, the Empire eventually bites the big one..


I degress the Empire is the Civ i'll play last, T.I.E no offense, but the reasons you give are kinda dumb. Building and Breaking is a key in an RTS, Electrical Water is a deadly combo all you science freaks should know that, we don't know much about the Naboo, and I agree with you on the TF..


Have a nice day..

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Alright Clefo, I was only playing around about the sides. I think it will be fun to play everyside, but the Trade Federation still is kinda dorkey. I will be happy to play the Gungans, it will be interesting to see their units, and I think the weapons are plasma bombs or something because they explode on contact. As long as I dont see, hear, or think I see Jar Jar Stinks I am happy. I want to play as the Empire against the Naboo so I can play "Capture the Queen". Hehehehe


Long live the Empire!!!!!

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Guest Droideka
Originally posted by T.I.E

Alright Clefo, I was only playing around about the sides. I think it will be fun to play everyside, but the Trade Federation still is kinda dorkey. I will be happy to play the Gungans, it will be interesting to see their units, and I think the weapons are plasma bombs or something because they explode on contact. As long as I dont see, hear, or think I see Jar Jar Stinks I am happy. I want to play as the Empire against the Naboo so I can play "Capture the Queen". Hehehehe


Long live the Empire!!!!!

the trade fed will destroy the gungan army so that they will say"meesa gots beatan by the best"

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by T.I.E

but the Trade Federation still is kinda dorkey.


Whta, dorky?? I like the Wookies the best, but i still can't wait to play the TF in campaign mode with their 800 droids. That will be really fun.

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