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Hey... I am new to all this stuff so forgive me if I ask a question that has been already answered. First of all, this game truly looks awesome: from the graphics, to the gameplay, the roleplaying, to just about everything. I know this game will be available to the PC, Xbox, and Playstation 2, (which I will most likely get for the Xbox with Xbox Live), but my first question is:


What are the specs for the PC?


My second question is probably a solid 'yes', but I would just like to confirm my stupidity lol...


All 1 network right? So if I have a friend and gets it for the PC and get it for the Xbox, then he will be able to play with/against/greet/interact/do whatever with my player in the game?


Third, is it true that you will be able to have a 'pet' so to speak, for instance if you find a wild Rancor, if you have the skills to train (if there is such a skill) you can train it to be a 'pet' (goes for all other wild animals)?


I have browsed around the forums and look through the Official site's FAQ, and it appears to me in the second CD (coming in 2003 sometime) you will be able to fly/purchase a spacecraft, but is it possible to buy a land speeder right away?


Okay, for my next question it is geared mostly towards the Xbox version of Galaxies. Working with Xbox Live, will you be able to use the headset to speak through your character? If so will your character move it's mouth accordingly (for instance, if you've ever played the FPS Operation Flashpoint-- which move to the speech or sound)?


I also noticed that the price tag for pre-ordering Star Wars Galaxies is $54.99. Do you know how much this will differ in price from the Xbox version?


Finally, (which probably won't be a final post, because I may develop more questions while looking at pictures, reading into posts, and other FAQs) if you become a hairstylist (just for an example) can you give yourself a new 'hair-dew'?

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First, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS! It's great to see another loyal imperial citizen here!


*glares at all the rebels and neutrals*


Specs haven't been confirmed yet.


I don't see any reason for them to split the network, anyone else know different?


Yes, you will be able to train a rancor in theory (my free advice on this is that training it not to eat you is a good start...) as well as a variety of other animals...


There is a lot of debate about the vehicles, they may not make it in the initial release of the game, something which is angering a lot of people...


No idea on the next two...


Hair-dressers as well as tatoo artists and clothes designers will all be able to produce unique and new styles...

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On the servers, wasn't the word on the streets that they would be non-compatible? Don't remember any official word about it, though. The net code for Xbox and PC could be the same, since it's based on NT, but for the Ps2? Beats me.

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Auto-attack? They must mean the fact that you don't push a button each time you attack. You proclaim a target, pushes a button to engage it, and then you will continue to do your 'basic' attack until combat ends (you flee, you die, you kill your targets). But at the same time, you can queue special moves, attacks and styles, which drains your hitpoints, but gives you an advantage. When you queue them, they will be performed instead of your basic attack. You can also move around in combat, talk, etc. The main difference from an FPS is that you won't have to point a crosshair at the target and pull a trigger each time you shoot. Your character will do that.


Get me?

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I think getting 'xp' or whatever it will be called just by killing stuff will be nearly impossible it seems... i would like it if my bounty hunter was able to kick some ass too tho... so it would be better if i got some training with some lil critters

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Hi there and welcome.. i invite you to look at my sig for the official welcome :D


1: on the E3 video they were running a 256 MB memory with a Geforce 3 if i remember correctly. well then im far into the green :D

BUT: this is not the lowest specks.. they say it goes a lot lower than that.. i think you will at least need a geforce 2 to run it smoothly tho.


2: has been answerred :D


3: well the devs said it would be possible... but they also said it wouldnt be wise to tame a rancor... and walk it into mos eisly :D


4: They are working hard on many aspects of the game right now.,.. i think they are now very busy in making the planets complete.. they said they wanted to have 12 planets on realease.. they now have 8.. with 6 months to go.

they said they might not have time to throw it in on release.. but they also said they will throw in player controlled vehicles in the very first patch.


5: dont know


6: dont know


7: well i dont know if you can give yourself a new hair dew..... hmmm.. interesting question for the Devs i believe :D


I hope this answers some of your questions.. and i hope you will stick around some more


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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