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Light or dark

James Brophy

which side do you like?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. which side do you like?

    • DARK side
    • LIGHT side

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Dark Side only bacfires when u use that one force power (fergot, cuz i dont use it). I know some really good Light Siders, like this guy i played last night, TheGhost, but those lightsiders who think that they are all that when they use mind trick to escape during a battle or sneek up on u are pussys. I can shoot them even when i cant see them!

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Originally posted by Pada-Wan

"I guess it's after the Yoda craze that everyone's converting to the Light Side and the Jedi. *sigh* Damn that little green bastard."


Weak in you, the force is


I agree. He Knows not the power of the LIGHT side.



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Whoa, that is one crisp and clean pic.


And I didn't say that the the Dark Side is better "just because."


I have no use for Mind Trick, or Absorb, or Protect. (well, maybe Mind Trick, a little.) I just do my best not to get hit. If I do have to die, I don't mind respawning that much. At least I start with a full Force bar.


I find the Dark Side powers not only an alternative weapon when you run out of ammo, but it's much more entertaining to use. Who doesn't like choking or shocking their opponents to death?


Well, like I said, most people since the the Yoda fight here are Light-Siders, Yoda fans, etc. As for non-JKII stuff, I find the Dark Side users, like Vader and Sidious, much better characters than than the Jedi. The only Jedi I really like is Luke (which is, like, the least favorite of the Light Siders, hehe.)


Just my opinion. Dark Side forever.

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I agree very much with Shadow Angel.


Moreover, Drain is always better than Heal because of the radius in which Drain affects.

Lightning is just plain entertaining :emperor:


Although having said these, I'm still learning to side with the Light. Abandoning Lightning and Drain is hard... :tsk:

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Darkside = offensive

Lightside= defensive


I personally like the darkside cause im an offensive kinda person and i think grip is really fun tossing ppl real far :)


Though I dont use lightning unless its being spammed already. Drain is a nice replacement for absorb/heal. Seeing counters mind trick (always spend the 2 force points)


You decide.

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I use light side just because it's so incredibly overpowered. In Singleplayer I like Dark Side cuz it's so cool. Besides all the geeks that horde in this forum get angry when I say Darth Vader is coolest badass (And Mark Hamil can't act.)


Mind Trick: Quick little force use. Counter with Seeing. BUT: Seeing is sustained! BIG WASTE OF FORCE! AGH! Invisible!?


Absorb: Sustained. Force doesn't affect you and it recharges your um.. thing. vs Drain: Total loss of force leaves YOU with LESS.


Heal: Nothing much. About the only LS power that isn't toally n00bified and cheap.


Team Heal: *Yawn*





Lightning: Little damage. Have to aim it. Big force drain and if you have a dark monitor like me you can't see if they're using Absorb and you're wasting your time.


Grip: Decent, but I have a problem with accidently tapping the force key and gripping someone, and then I just wasted my stock. Easily countered, unlike Light Side powers.


Dark Rage: Only okay. Moving slow is a good way to die, however.



Raven ****ed the Dark Siders up the ass. Lightsiders are the JK2 equivilent of "Newbies for life"

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Originally posted by Uranium - 235

Raven ****ed the Dark Siders up the ass. Lightsiders are the JK2 equivilent of "Newbies for life"


I disagree. The lightside - when played properly - is purely for defense against the darkside. The darkside is purely offensive.


There's nothing wrong with the game as far as the programming is concerned. It's how people use the Force powers which is the problem.

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I think the Dark Side powers are so much cooler. I mean, THIS is POWER! But what can i say. they ALL can be countered by Absorb. On multi-player i find it a waste of time to use Darkside Force powers because of Absorb.


Light Side powers are simply boring. Healing, even at rank 3, simply isn't economical. ditto for Protection, and with Mind Trick the game is up quickly. Most of the time i just go around using the lightsaber alone, slashing and throwing, and toggling on Absorb when i run into an avid Darksider.:evanpiel:

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  • 3 weeks later...

the dark side is stronger then the lightside.

i thing lightining grip rage and drain is better then protection

and the other s**t.


i am a sith and i dont want to go to the lightside

someone sayed: you must find to the light


i say:you already found the light but see what the dark is good for!!!!!

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id definiately say the dark side. one reason is it awesome to act like palpatine or vader when ur frying or choking someone :lightning + :vadar: = :D then again some part of choice depends on the situation. ur screwed if u dont have absorb on ctf_ns_streets. i feel a fairly experienced player would love dark side, cause if ur opponent has absorb, shoot em or slash em. there is a little trick i like using with dark force and the red style. . .

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