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Tell You I Will 2


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Guest Boba Rhett

As of now, we don't. Leon will be back soon to help me. :)


As for the spam thread......It's most likely going to die pretty quickly and I think I might rename it.



Is the glass half empty or half full?

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Guest Tie Guy

that was the original purpose, but no one uses it as that anymore


How can you not see that the only purpose of the "make your own spam" thread is to SPAM and not post anythign intelligent whatsoever?

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Guest Tie Guy

actually, its more like the "that topic doesn't make sense game" thread, but that doesn't make any of them right. I don't even look at the "say the first thing that comes to your mind game" thread anymore, and only once have i looked at the spam thread.


So, who wants to change the topic?

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Guest Boba Rhett

Nope. Sorry. :(


Lol. yeah, If there's anyone who hates it more than me, it's him. :D



What's your favorite meal at Perkins?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

The spam thread has bored me beyond belief and Rhett you are successful in converting me to the "good" side. Dont close it though I have 40 posts in there. Lol Anyways, Im still planning on making a website and Im still recruiting so is there anyone that wants to help, Ive got a couple people on my list already so its going along quite smoothly.

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, i think i sent you an e-mail, i'm not sure who it was that asked earlier, if it was you, i'm still interested.


Why didn't you ask a question?

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Guest Tie Guy

12, just red squadron


BTW, Corrans saber was white when normal, and purple when extended.


Which arm was cut off of the Wampaa on hoth in ESB?

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