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Tell You I Will 2


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Guest Tie Guy

Well, lets just say that i hope nobody who saw it was under 21 ;)


BTW, i didn't see it, the mods took care of him while i was sleeping.


How do you know about him?

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Guest xwing guy

Because hes a very sick person. I think people under 21 saw it but I was asleep then. I told you why I don't ask a question, I have none.


Anybody got a question?:)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Lots of people flammed him a while back.


I think hes cool but anyways why does the DSC army suck so badly?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Science, well law but im only taking basic crap now so I cant really say its my favourite when I dont have an extended knowlege of everyone.

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Guest Tie Guy

It wouldn't be if people stopped posting really stupid questions


so...i think the rules need an amendment. You can't post a question asking about the next question. Got it? good!


What was Leia's maiden name?

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Guest Admiral Odin

Organa I believe.


In episode 1 Bail Antilles is mentioned. Do you think he is related to Captain Antilles of Tantive IV?

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Guest Boba Rhett

Sny, "tall and has a claranet instrument" is an alien that plays in a band with Max Rebo. "blue guy with piano"



How tall are Wampas?

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