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Hey. I'm pretty much a n00b at jk2 right now and I'm still trying to find a style of play. I know one things though: I don't like the lightsaber. I don't care about other people using them, it's just that my ping is too high for it to be worth the trouble. So I use guns.


I'd like to know if anyone else here shys away from the saber. I was just on a server where almost nobody used it, so I know I'm not alone. If you are out there, mind sharing some strategies?


Right now, I skip the saber and put those points to all the neutral powers, team heal and mind trick. I go after the explosives and stay hidden when I use them (whats with people briging tripmines and detpaks into firefights?). I'm starting to love the flechette cannon, is there anything it DOESN'T smack down? Those grenades are almost too good, most people aren't quick enough to push them back at me and they rarely seem to miss AND it's hpb friendly (i usually have a 300 ping and still do good with it)


What force powers are good to use when not using a saber? Right now I'm using team heal (sometimes people follow the guy giving out free health) and push to get those jedi out of my face, but I have the feeling there's a better config to use out there.


I mainly play CTF by the way, all the other modes are just too fast for me.

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Well... guns....


Um... I know a person who shys away from the saber, my cousin who goes by the name of Padawan20. He is a complete newbie and I always beat him :)... but he might be at the same skill level you are at. :D.


I have some strategys:

While using guns, it is a good idea to stay on the light side because the light side rep. defense, and you going to need it if your are facing off against people with sabers. I would suggest to put points (or max out)on Push, Pull (so you can't get pulled and backstabed or pushed off ledges as easily), speed (handy for running back to your own flag in CTF), Seeing (though not that usefull, it is handy to use when welding guns cause then you can see opponets that are around corners, allowing you to use the alt on that Golden Arms gun to kill em, or use the less pop. Bowcaster alt, or use Termal Det., ect). In light side powers, you should put points in Heal (useful for healing your self when you have no Bacta Containers) and Absorb (the one weapon that makes you imune to lightning spammers, grippers, pull/backstab people, and other force powers). Mind trick can also be useful, although I don't use it that much. A good idea is to use Mind trick when snipping, so they can't see you and snip back. Force Protect to me is useless. Team Heal is a useful power in CTF to heal some one with the flag. Bacisly, max out powers that will be good for defense, not offense.

If you should use the dark side, I guess you should max out dark rage (can't be killed while raging, and shoot faster, and move faster), and Team energize.


When fighting other guys with guns, strafe constantly to avoid their fire and use a fast shooting gun (my fav. is the Heavy Repeater. or if your out of ammo: the E-11 Blaster Rifle). If they have a rocket laucher, you should try to avoid the rockets by : stafeing, or jumping. I personal don't push the rockets back 'casue I don't have good aim ;) . It is also a good idea to carry an Assault Sentry to basicly out gun the other person. You can also atemt to pull their weapons away from them.


When fighting guys with sabers, try to aim for their feet. If that proves to be not very effective, use the alt on the Heavy Repeater or the DEMP alt fire. (you can also try to use the Stun Baton ;)) You should try to get them down so you can gun them to death. Do this by: Kicking or pulling (or pushing, but I don't like pushing 'cause you want them closer to you, not further)


Well, thats my mini guide.... :confused: Hope that helped. 'cause my hands hurt now that I've typed so much...:cool:


-teutonicknight :atat:

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