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What happened to my Blue Saber??

Bird Of Prey!

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Originally posted by DarkJediExarKun

I have the same problem but on the player setup screen it shows it as green but in-game it's still blue for me.


Weird, I just noticed that I have 2 green sabers in the setup menu. However both look green in the game itself. Only difference is one does cast a blue glow on the surrounding objects. Something is definately futzed up!:confused:

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I Figured it out!!!!!


After a reinstallation, a defrag, and a lot of file moving, I figured out what was causing this glitch.


Somehow a file called "Lukesaber.pk3" was placed in my "Base" folder. I renamed it to "Lukesaber.bak" and my problems went away. This did not affect my skins or settings.

I figured it out!!!

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