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Coolest moment in multi JK2


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One time I was playing online in a free for all arena with just 2 other people, we were all going off on each other stabing back and forth but getting almost nowhere when one of them gets behind me the other in front. I force pushed the guy in front of me away, and did the move where you push you saber behind you at you waist, killing the guy behind me dead. The guy that was in front (that I had force pushed away) had started running towards me and I threw my saber at him striking him down. I never felt more Jedi in my life. :D


What was your guys (and gals ;) ) coolest moments?

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oh yeah and another time while playin on FFA, i teamed up with 2 other guys and we pretty much hunted everyone down. it was tight. :-p. i also was fighting these 2 guys and one of them did the backstab move, so i did the yellow special killing the backstab guy and did the backslash to the other dude ran right up behind me and i didnt know he was there :OP

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Funny... you guys count using the lamest overlyspammed move in the game (that's responsible for 90% of all saber-only server kills) as "The Coolest Moment" :rolleyes:



Yesterday I was dueling a pretty skilled player and the fight went on for minutes. Sabers clashing, sparks flying... :) It was great! But then it happened: I managed to sidekick him down from the platform to the lower level..I jumped down to continue the epic battle, but when I landed I got confused 'cause I didn't see him anywhere and accidently pulled a medium sweep which killed him!! :( :(


What an anticlimax to an otherwise great fight. I felt horrible. :(

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Originally posted by darthbong

whats wrong with the backstab? if someone attacks you from behind the desrve it! also you wanna talk overly spammed, i'd have to say i'm fricking' sick of lighting.


If your tire of lighting use ABSORB THEN!! Learn how to use it!

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Originally posted by darthbong

whats wrong with the backstab? if someone attacks you from behind the desrve it!



Ummm...you haven't played much online have you? :)


If only it was that simple..."backstab when someone is behind you".


In reality it's like this:


a) people running backwards, trying to bump their butt into someone and score a insta-kill with the backstab. Assfighting.


b) people turning 180 degrees once you get close and stabbing. With or without scripts.


c) add a pull to point b) and you'll see what the "name of the game" is on force servers.



All this kinda sucks. But if you haven't ran into these players yet, lucky you. :)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar



Ummm...you haven't played much online have you? :)


If only it was that simple..."backstab when someone is behind you".


In reality it's like this:


a) people running backwards, trying to bump their butt into someone and score a insta-kill with the backstab. Assfighting.


b) people turning 180 degrees once you get close and stabbing. With or without scripts.


c) add a pull to point b) and you'll see what the "name of the game" is on force servers.



All this kinda sucks. But if you haven't ran into these players yet, lucky you. :)


Actually I havent played much online yet. I did like 3 months ago before my game cd was stolen. And I just recently started again. I agree that is REALLY CHEAP. But I dont think there is anything wrong with using the move if some was attacking you from behind.

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The entire story unraveled before us all in the foothills of the majestic, gargantuan battle ground jedi 2.0. The sound of the sabers clashing perpetuated a noise that could have rivaled the skills of master yoda himself. The presentation of the force in this battle was so saturated, you could almost cut it with a knife. My opponent strong with the dark powers that almost seemed to overshadow that of my pwn. The epic battle ensued that seemed to last for months into its own, but in actuallity only lasted for about 15 seconds. It all began with a voice from nowhere telling me to begin. From then on I knew I would be fighting for no more nobler cause then my own life. I rushed up to the tallest peak I could find, only to find myself forgetting to stop.....I went over, the first damage had been done. I hadn't seen my opponent yet, but I felt his presence in the force, an intangible earthquake as if millions of voices cried out, and were suddenty silenced. All of a sudden I felt it, I tried to move quickly, but to no avail. Before I knew it, I found that my enemy behind me, masking himself in the dark, mysterious, eerie, cold, arcane, feral, contagious, gloomy, irreversably sullen pithole that was the dark side of the force that the sith so welcomingly welcomed. I couldn't move.....no.....I couldn't breathe......no wait, I couldn't move, I had to think fast. Just as soon as that thought pondered across the wastelands that were my thoughts, soon followed another one that could quite possibly be considered the solution to this dilemma. I had remembered a series of retarded, meaningless, benign, pointless, half-witted, mediocre whines that had emitted from the jedi fallen before me. The enviroment and everything around me slowed down. And I heard, "backstab whore", "wtf bs omfg, omg, omg, omg", "n00b, all I do is lose and all you do is win." It was then I discovered the true outcome of this battle. I had never thought a bot set at padawan difficulty and force mastery could ever gain the uppah on me. I wondered how I ever found myself in this situation in the first place. So I backstabbed him, and he died. The end.

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Originally posted by icefox98

The entire story unraveled before us all in the foothills of the majestic, gargantuan battle ground jedi 2.0. The sound of the sabers clashing perpetuated a noise that could have rivaled the skills of master yoda himself. The presentation of the force in this battle was so saturated, you could almost cut it with a knife. My opponent strong with the dark powers that almost seemed to overshadow that of my pwn. The epic battle ensued that seemed to last for months into its own, but in actuallity only lasted for about 15 seconds. It all began with a voice from nowhere telling me to begin. From then on I knew I would be fighting for no more nobler cause then my own life. I rushed up to the tallest peak I could find, only to find myself forgetting to stop.....I went over, the first damage had been done. I hadn't seen my opponent yet, but I felt his presence in the force, an intangible earthquake as if millions of voices cried out, and were suddenty silenced. All of a sudden I felt it, I tried to move quickly, but to no avail. Before I knew it, I found that my enemy behind me, masking himself in the dark, mysterious, eerie, cold, arcane, feral, contagious, gloomy, irreversably sullen pithole that was the dark side of the force that the sith so welcomingly welcomed. I couldn't move.....no.....I couldn't breathe......no wait, I couldn't move, I had to think fast. Just as soon as that thought pondered across the wastelands that were my thoughts, soon followed another one that could quite possibly be considered the solution to this dilemma. I had remembered a series of retarded, meaningless, benign, pointless, half-witted, mediocre whines that had emitted from the jedi fallen before me. The enviroment and everything around me slowed down. And I heard, "backstab whore", "wtf bs omfg, omg, omg, omg", "n00b, all I do is lose and all you do is win." It was then I discovered the true outcome of this battle. I had never thought a bot set at padawan difficulty and force mastery could ever gain the uppah on me. I wondered how I ever found myself in this situation in the first place. So I backstabbed him, and he died. The end.



Nicely written as well, icefox98.

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I had a nice moment the other day. I was in a saber only Force FFA game on Bespin streets. I dueled a guy on the landing pad, we dueled for a couple of times and had some nice fights, me losing some, him losing some.


In our 5th duel I thought I try something new. I stood on the landing pad with my back to the abyss and to my right there is this big tower and a large L-shape building with a flat roof. I thought "hey let's get on with the duel on that roof."


Just lately I had discovered a special jumping technique (see this thread )that allows me to jump from the pad directly to the roof (I hope you know what place I am talking about because otherwise it may not be funny :rolleyess )


So I jumped over there and looked back at my opponent whether he was following me. And he was. He jumped after me. As I saw him approaching, I noticed a small sentence in the upper left corner of the screen: "The duel has been severed". Obviously the distance to my opponent was so big that the duel was severed. "Hmmm", I thought, "the duel has been severed, that means force powers are back" :naughty: So this guy comes a-flyin at me and I already saw that he wouldn't make it to the roof, since he is not using that special jumping technique. So I just pushed him in mid-air, and he goes flying right into the abyss under the platform... :D :D :D


Now I know it may seem kinda lame but it was ok since we had dueled very nicely before and we were almost alone on the server and not really looking at the score. We were both laughing afterwards (after I explained to him what had happened, that is :D )


Also it was just so cool, imagine this poor guy:

first he sees me jumping to that roof, thinking "where is he going all of a sudden?! Ah what the heck, I'll go after him".

Then he jumps, in mid-air realizing "wtf, I can't reach that roof, I will fall down and take damage!!! How the f*ck did he get up there in one jump?!?!?".

And then, imagine his horror as I stand on the edge of the roof, grinning in his face and pushing him over. Imagine his shock, like "WTF, how can he push me in a duel!!!?? WAAAAHHH I'm falling...... aaaaarrrhhh!!!!!" Plus I got the kill!!! :D :D :D LOL

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Originally posted by Bluezman

I had a nice moment the other day. I was in a saber only Force FFA game on Bespin streets. I dueled a guy on the landing pad, we dueled for a couple of times and had some nice fights, me losing some, him losing some.


In our 5th duel I thought I try something new. I stood on the landing pad with my back to the abyss and to my right there is this big tower and a large L-shape building with a flat roof. I thought "hey let's get on with the duel on that roof."


Just lately I had discovered a special jumping technique (see this thread )that allows me to jump from the pad directly to the roof (I hope you know what place I am talking about because otherwise it may not be funny :rolleyess )


So I jumped over there and looked back at my opponent whether he was following me. And he was. He jumped after me. As I saw him approaching, I noticed a small sentence in the upper left corner of the screen: "The duel has been severed". Obviously the distance to my opponent was so big that the duel was severed. "Hmmm", I thought, "the duel has been severed, that means force powers are back" :naughty: So this guy comes a-flyin at me and I already saw that he wouldn't make it to the roof, since he is not using that special jumping technique. So I just pushed him in mid-air, and he goes flying right into the abyss under the platform... :D :D :D


Now I know it may seem kinda lame but it was ok since we had dueled very nicely before and we were almost alone on the server and not really looking at the score. We were both laughing afterwards (after I explained to him what had happened, that is :D )


Also it was just so cool, imagine this poor guy:

first he sees me jumping to that roof, thinking "where is he going all of a sudden?! Ah what the heck, I'll go after him".

Then he jumps, in mid-air realizing "wtf, I can't reach that roof, I will fall down and take damage!!! How the f*ck did he get up there in one jump?!?!?".

And then, imagine his horror as I stand on the edge of the roof, grinning in his face and pushing him over. Imagine his shock, like "WTF, how can he push me in a duel!!!?? WAAAAHHH I'm falling...... aaaaarrrhhh!!!!!" Plus I got the kill!!! :D :D :D LOL


Nice. :D

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Originally posted by John Ward

There was this one time when I was playing a duel with the cheat g_saberrealisticcombat 2000 on I used grip to pick up this person and dropped him on top of my lightsaber were he fell apart over me!


lol, if i've ever heard of a screen shot worthy moment...

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my best moment came when i was in your regular duel and i thought i was beating the other guy. i went to throw my saber and it got stuck who knows where. he hesitated a little bit and then came after me while i was trying to get my saber back. finally i said "what the heck", so i turned around and kicked him in the face and killed him. he said "WTF?" it was great.

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Originally posted by deliboy007

my best moment came when i was in your regular duel and i thought i was beating the other guy. i went to throw my saber and it got stuck who knows where. he hesitated a little bit and then came after me while i was trying to get my saber back. finally i said "what the heck", so i turned around and kicked him in the face and killed him. he said "WTF?" it was great.

heh, nice one... :thumbsup:
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