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looking for a good server, any left for christ sakes?


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I play FFA mainly, and i do like to follow the no saber no fight rule, but not the bow.


Any servers still adhere to that?

That are not pure, with a good selection of skins and models?

That don't have any of that mods that screw with how the oriignal 1.03 patch plays?

I do not mind if they have dismemberant on or some other kind of mod, at long as it doesn't totally mess up the gameplay.

Any servers out there that ban clans?

Tired of rebel, SS, all the Siths, Jedi, whatever your tag may be, puss pusses.

Meaning if people in your server rely on pull and backstab, i don't want to be there. Ya i think anyone who does that is just a loser, poor baby ain't that right Rebel? LOL


Low number of people as well, so you can come in and chill and talk.


Anyone got a server like that? If not i think i might have to take another break from this game. I left for 2 weeks, and first game i come into theres a Rebel player with 23 kills doing pull and backstab. LOL The sadness of some people.

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Ive learned to disregard your posts as most of them are preaching about your arrgonant ass, as your sig is a demonstration.


Please refrain from replying to this post anymore, or to any other post i start. Thankyou.

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KnightHawk's Saber Only FFA


-T1 West Coast Connection

-FFA (no attacking people with sabers down rule enforced)

-Running Vulcanis Adminmod (u1.04)

-Pure server, but with 60+ skins/models installed, running some custom maps.



Many find my server a fun place to play. The gameplay is different than 1.03, if you are not one to depend more on standard saber strikes as opposed to lunge/dfa/dfa/etc.... then you will probably be beat quite often.




Homo ewok.... there is defintately some truth to what you say, but it is far from the real and total picture. You can say whatever you like, in v1.02 nothing but servers full of spinning DFA'ers, in 1.03 spinning backsweepers.... whether someone can counter or not is besides the point. AT the end of the day you still have nothing but pull/backsweeping/assfighting whores. Multiple essays on how to counter a 2 move routine that even a nOOb or scripter can use to WIN games. If you find it fun, so be it, but I do not as do many others... Bottom line, you guys who seem to fully enjoy backsweep sessions and sick of the so called whiners stay on your own servers. Everyone else come to mine. :)

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Originally posted by KnightHawk420

Homo ewok.... there is defintately some truth to what you say, but it is far from the real and total picture. You can say whatever you like, in v1.02 nothing but servers full of spinning DFA'ers, in 1.03 spinning backsweepers.... whether someone can counter or not is besides the point. AT the end of the day you still have nothing but pull/backsweeping/assfighting whores. Multiple essays on how to counter a 2 move routine that even a nOOb or scripter can use to WIN games. If you find it fun, so be it, but I do not as do many others... Bottom line, you guys who seem to fully enjoy backsweep sessions and sick of the so called whiners stay on your own servers. Everyone else come to mine. :)


By all means you are entitled to enjoy the game type of your choice, be it vanilla or a mod.


Actually, one thing most people don't know because I hardly ever mention it, is I actually dislike most of the changes made in v1.03.

To me fun is danger. The more lethal moves in a game the faster and smarter I must play to stay alive. Nerfing to me equals boring slow paced game play.


My harsh comments have never been directed to those who simply dislike v1.03.

Nor do I ever flame guys with a low post count (well, I may tease them a little but it's good natured ball-busting, nothing personal). We all got backstabbed in the beginning, we all got mad and we all vented our frustrations in one thread or another.

No big deal.

My beef is with people who refuse to learn a solid defense before they flame someone who beat them. These are the same people who want software companies to provide them with patches every time a player kills them in a way they don't approve of.

You didn't like v1.03?

You made your own server and ran the game type you found enjoyable.

Perfect solution IMO.

Why is it that I, as a player who has practiced, sought out the best players and learned from my mistakes and defeats, have to make excuses for killing you when I see flaws in your play style?

Do I backstab?

Yes, but only when my opponent does something absurd and puts himself in a position to be hit.

I also do multiple hit, juggle combos that the average player couldn't even hope to pull off, yet because of that one move I am lumped into the herd of morons (yes I said morons) who run around backwards hoping for a lucky backslash.


If given the choice to make backstab users stay in one fixed position rather than spin, believe it or not, I would.

But anyone who wants to come here and call it a lame-unblockable move that *must be fixed, I dare you to try it on me in a duel.


The solution for those who start threads like this is beyond simple.

Don't like v1.03?

Play a mod that caters to your tastes.


But please stop flaming the people who do enjoy it or have simply adapted to the changes and make use of a powerful, yet easily avoided move.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Actually his sig is quite true.

The same people woh moan about 1.03 are the exact same people who moaned about 1.02,

And i noticed there isn't actually as many moaners as there was!


Well, I defended the 'don't change the gameplay in 1.02' (see Whiner's Guide in Game Feedback - a thread I created) and now I"m moaning because of the assfighting, but I found my solution - it's just a matter of more servers doing the same - and a possible patch.

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Originally posted by Grabes

I play FFA mainly, and i do like to follow the no saber no fight rule, but not the bow.


Any servers still adhere to that?

That are not pure, with a good selection of skins and models?

That don't have any of that mods that screw with how the oriignal 1.03 patch plays?

I do not mind if they have dismemberant on or some other kind of mod, at long as it doesn't totally mess up the gameplay.

Any servers out there that ban clans?

Tired of rebel, SS, all the Siths, Jedi, whatever your tag may be, puss pusses.

Meaning if people in your server rely on pull and backstab, i don't want to be there. Ya i think anyone who does that is just a loser, poor baby ain't that right Rebel? LOL


Low number of people as well, so you can come in and chill and talk.


Anyone got a server like that? If not i think i might have to take another break from this game. I left for 2 weeks, and first game i come into theres a Rebel player with 23 kills doing pull and backstab. LOL The sadness of some people.


I used to have the saber down rule on my server until people would abuse it - take the saber down at the last minute, or walk around in the middle of heated battles and start telling me about how someone killed them saber down or voting to kick someone off.


In my opinion if a person walks around in FFA with saber down on a normal basis he/she should consider a duel server.


Anyhow, I'm just sharing the issues of saber down so you might gain a different perspective on why many admins disregard the rule.

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The solution for you is simple go on a non-force server. I could see SOME people having a problem with pull - backstab but if you should have no problem countering backstab while standing in a NF duel match. There are so many ways but my favorite is to kick them and if they fall just roll towards them turn quick and attack. If you do it right you'll backsweep them and they're toast.


There should be plenty of servers that would suit your taste. You can try my server if you like. I'm running the DUEL_SE mod which is not very well known but I have saber damage set higher overall for saber damage. It decreases the amount of ass-fighting since one good heavy strike can kill you if you don't pay attention. People who are skilled at the backsweep can still kill you just as fast with this move since its still very powerful unless you learn how to defend against it. Its that simple.


Info on my server:


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First off, i have a right to say whatever i want. If the KKK can have a pepe rally outside a evanglien church, then i believe i can say his sig shows that homo is a arrogant person when it comes to games.


So a big cup of shut your mouth to all my adorin fans.


argue away at the 'right' way to play the game, but theres only one way to play the way you like, make your own server.


FOr the guys ?'s i have a 56 k and i live oinc ocnnecticut, but get good pings, no slow down or lag, what i need is a bunch of people who like to play like me since i can't host my own.


Ta Da.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

The solution for you is simple go on a non-force server. I could see SOME people having a problem with pull - backstab but if you should have no problem countering backstab while standing in a NF duel match. There are so many ways but my favorite is to kick them and if they fall just roll towards them turn quick and attack. If you do it right you'll backsweep them and they're toast.



Apparently you only read a half of posts. Kick backstab, and repated use of lighting is cheap in my opinion. Play how you like, i don't care. If i fought you in a duel, id adhere to my rules, but i would expect you to fight by your own.

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Well, I defended the 'don't change the gameplay in 1.02' (see Whiner's Guide in Game Feedback - a thread I created) and now I"m moaning because of the assfighting, but I found my solution - it's just a matter of more servers doing the same - and a possible patch.

I never whined or anything in 1.02, i thoguhtg the gamepaly was decent apart from DFA etc.


When they changed it to 1.03 i didn't liek the changes at all at first but i got used to it and decided i liekd it better that 1.02 (apart from the backstabbers) but Duel SE sorts alot of things out unlike 1.04 which creates quite a few new ones.

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