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Change Empire Air Cruiser to Star Destroyer?

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Well i think the aircruisers for each civ should be-

Republic - Republic Cruiser (start of ep1)

Naboo - Naboo Cruiser (start of ep2)

Trade Federation - Battleship

Empire - Star Destroyer

Rebels - Blockade Runner

Wookies/Confederacy/Gungans - original art

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Interesting choices, but I think the Imperial air cruiser should be a smaller ship, such as the non-movie Victory Class Star Destroyers, as the star destroyers seen in the movies are so frickin huge they could never even come close to a reasonable scale.


The republic cruiser should be the ones seen during the clone wars at the end of Ep II....essentially small, landable, early versions of star destroyers.


Other than that, I agree with you on the gungans, naboo, wookies, TF, rebels, and confederacy.

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While I don't normally conslut these sorts of things, I recently was given the cross sections guide as a gift and it says that the "Acclimator-Class Republic Assault Ship" (the mini star destroyer things seen in Attack of the Clones) are capable of, and I quote:


"Orbital bombardments with high yield proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes [to] hit enemy fortifications........armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last resort..........fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag..."


Sure as heck sounds like a warship to me. :)


Its weapons would have to be greatly scaled back, actually, to give it the standard air cruiser's level of power.

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