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The Uberest Battle: Attack Of The n00bs


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The Uberest Battle: Attack of the n00bs (Or Aotn for all of your acronym whores :) )



The entire story unraveled before us all in the foothills of the majestic, gargantuan battle ground jedi 2.0. The sound of the sabers clashing perpetuated a noise that could have rivaled the skills of master yoda himself. The presentation of the force in this battle was so saturated, you could almost cut it with a knife. My opponent strong with the dark powers that almost seemed to overshadow that of my pwn. The epic battle ensued that seemed to last for months into its own, but in actuallity only lasted for about 15 seconds. It all began with a voice from nowhere telling me to begin. From then on I knew I would be fighting for no more nobler cause then my own life. I rushed up to the tallest peak I could find, only to find myself forgetting to stop.....I went over, the first damage had been done. I hadn't seen my opponent yet, but I felt his presence in the force, an intangible earthquake as if millions of voices cried out, and were suddenty silenced. All of a sudden I felt it, I tried to move quickly, but to no avail. Before I knew it, I found that my enemy behind me, masking himself in the dark, mysterious, eerie, cold, arcane, feral, contagious, gloomy, irreversably sullen pithole that was the dark side of the force that the sith so welcomingly welcomed. I couldn't move.....no.....I couldn't breathe......no wait, I couldn't move, I had to think fast. Just as soon as that thought pondered across the wastelands that were my thoughts, soon followed another one that could quite possibly be considered the solution to this dilemma. I had remembered a series of retarded, meaningless, benign, pointless, half-witted, mediocre whines that had emitted from the jedi fallen before me. The enviroment and everything around me slowed down. And I heard, "backstab whore", "wtf bs omfg, omg, omg, omg", "n00b, all I do is lose and all you do is win." It was then I discovered the true outcome of this battle. I had never thought a bot set at padawan difficulty and force mastery could ever gain the uppah on me. I wondered how I ever found myself in this situation in the first place. So I backstabbed him, and he died. The end.

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It's good vocab for the internet. I would have suffered from cardiac arrest if he had gone as far as using medical terminology. ;)


I kinda liked Ep. 2, if only for the clones; it had a rather interesting feel to see hundreds of thousands of genetically identical Latinos whoop some battldroid posterior.

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English major? Hmmm. Well I guess I'm honored to have you here proof-reading a game forum. :) j/k, don't mean to sound harsh. I co-wrote the story with "the icefox" and our intentions were far from that of serious (and grammatically correct as well). On the contrary, the moral of this story subliminally alluded to the undeniable fact that this game is taken WAY to seriously. It's far too often that we run into people that consistently complain about the conditions of EVERY....SINGLE....GAME. However, to a certain degree I'll admit, the exaggerated use of backstab/swing combo's can become not only monotonous, but frustrated as well. Unfortunately, what I fear started out as a "problem," elevated into an "excuse." Just because these combo's are "spammed" (for lack of an ACTUAL word) on the occasion, doesn't rule out the necessity to use it EVER. As a result, you find people complaining that a "skill-less newb 'whores' the move" after only a few legitimate uses, and the rare and occasional skilled player AWARE of that move has now been flamed due to the shortcommings of others. In conclusion of this....GUYS! settle down, it's a game (A GAME), [READ IF YOU ARE THE SUBJECT OF THIS POST: would you find yourself acting like this in public if someone beat you? not likely.] So uh.....yeah, thats what we were aiming to say :D . And HEY, if we get enough feedback it's quite possible that Episode's II, and III will be written too, although there is no confirmed official release date.

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Originally posted by Bluedaze

[READ IF YOU ARE THE SUBJECT OF THIS POST: would you find yourself acting like this in public if someone beat you? not likely.]


The whole attraction of the internet is the anonymity. People can say what they want and not fear retaliation. Real life and the internet are two completely separate things, which is why they have such a strong division when referred to on the 'net.


'Do you do this in real life?' Does it matter? This is the internet! Nothing matters on the internet unless you have the SOUL to care. I care to be something on the internet. I care to be honourable, in my own unique sense. But I'm human! I get frustrated! My hard work to have 'honest' kills by my system is rewarded only by laughter and scorn of the backsweepers, who rarely score below 30. I complain! I'm not afraid to admit that I hate people who use backsweep exclusively and like it. It's monotonous.


I've been making too many posts on my view of backsweeping today.

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I certainly understand where you are coming from, and I was going to delve in to the whole "anonymity" thing when I said that about acting out in public, but my post was getting up there in length. Justifiable ranting is certainly.....uh justifiable :). However I was just referring to frequenting hazers of the forgotten group: the good players. I know that shrouding your real identity behind a monitor can be enticing at times, it's still however (in my opinion) important to keep some level of composure, to a certain extent. Plus, it doesn't help to have the occasional 35+ year old on there constantly complaining about how "childish" people can be because they are being beaten (I know, sometimes it just happens and sometimes it's because of an exploitation of an overlooked measure by raven). I guess what I'm trying to say here is: Have fun, but not at the expense of other people's.

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Originally posted by Israfel

I kinda liked Ep. 2, if only for the clones; it had a rather interesting feel to see hundreds of thousands of genetically identical Latinos whoop some battldroid posterior.

LATINO? It's a New Zealand actor! :D

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Originally posted by Marvelous*

Here Here!

My eyes are bleeding as we speak. :cool:



Well, we apologize for any eye problems the format of the story may have caused the readers. I advise you to visit your nearest optimologist A.S.A.P. We will be sure to include blank spaces inbetween words to prevent any further retinal bleeding. Thank you :D

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Originally posted by Bluedaze

Well, we apologize for any eye problems the format of the story may have caused the readers. I advise you to visit your nearest optimologist A.S.A.P. We will be sure to include blank spaces inbetween words to prevent any further retinal bleeding. Thank you :D

I'd rather you'd edit your post and ENTER FRIGGIN' PARAGRAPHS!!!! :D
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Originally posted by icefox98

The Uberest Battle: Attack of the n00bs (Or Aotn for all of your acronym whores :) )



The entire story unraveled before us all in the foothills of the majestic, gargantuan battle ground jedi 2.0. The sound of the sabers clashing perpetuated a noise that could have rivaled the skills of master yoda himself. The presentation of the force in this battle was so saturated, you could almost cut it with a knife. My opponent strong with the dark powers that almost seemed to overshadow that of my pwn. The epic battle ensued that seemed to last for months into its own, but in actuallity only lasted for about 15 seconds. It all began with a voice from nowhere telling me to begin. From then on I knew I would be fighting for no more nobler cause then my own life. I rushed up to the tallest peak I could find, only to find myself forgetting to stop.....I went over, the first damage had been done. I hadn't seen my opponent yet, but I felt his presence in the force, an intangible earthquake as if millions of voices cried out, and were suddenty silenced. All of a sudden I felt it, I tried to move quickly, but to no avail. Before I knew it, I found that my enemy behind me, masking himself in the dark, mysterious, eerie, cold, arcane, feral, contagious, gloomy, irreversably sullen pithole that was the dark side of the force that the sith so welcomingly welcomed. I couldn't move.....no.....I couldn't breathe......no wait, I couldn't move, I had to think fast. Just as soon as that thought pondered across the wastelands that were my thoughts, soon followed another one that could quite possibly be considered the solution to this dilemma. I had remembered a series of retarded, meaningless, benign, pointless, half-witted, mediocre whines that had emitted from the jedi fallen before me. The enviroment and everything around me slowed down. And I heard, "backstab whore", "wtf bs omfg, omg, omg, omg", "n00b, all I do is lose and all you do is win." It was then I discovered the true outcome of this battle. I had never thought a bot set at padawan difficulty and force mastery could ever gain the uppah on me. I wondered how I ever found myself in this situation in the first place. So I backstabbed him, and he died. The end.


thats a paragraph to me... Why it isnt? is not like 3 pgs without a paragraph? In my opinion is not that large to be separated into paragraphs.

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

thats a paragraph to me... Why it isnt? is not like 3 pgs without a paragraph? In my opinion is not that large to be separated into paragraphs.

Well, in my opinion it is. Marvelous* agrees, too....
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Originally posted by HellFyre69

thats a paragraph to me... Why it isnt? is not like 3 pgs without a paragraph? In my opinion is not that large to be separated into paragraphs.


Weren't you the one talking about grammar and vocabulary? Just didn't want your hypocrisy to escape anyone.

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