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What's a good max ping to prevent laggy players?


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i find a ping of 250 keeps the 56kers off the server - the real problem is idiots with downloads running in the background.


If you want to check this i suggest you type cg_lagometer 1 to see there connection graph, if it has huge blocks appearing at regular intervals then that denotes a download in the background. (i usually ask those folk to kill their downloads)

If they don't kill their downloads they will teleport around the map making them blinking impossible to hit at times. So ultimately they kill their downloads or get kicked.

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Ya, I don't understand the desire to keep modemers off the server either. Most problems I've had online have been with BW sucking broadbanders who have their rates so high that you phonejack when you enter the same room as them.


Also, warping IS NOT exclusive to dial up users, but happens with any connection (or route) that is suffering from packet loss. In fact, I find that modemers are MORE conscientious of their settings because they want to prevent anything from impacting their connection.

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i'm on a 56k (Getting broadband next week :D :D :D :D )

and i usually get a ping of 225-350 ( usually aobut 250-275) and no one has ever actually kicked me off a server for lagging or thought i was lagging. i do get good fast servers tho but kickknig(with your feet in-game :D) lags me out.

and quietsith, warping starts round about 425.

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