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Will next patch fix saber crap?


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I hope 1.4 will fix the problems with the saber in 1.3 so it will be more like 1.2. Cause right now (as most good players know) the only way to really win at saber fighting is to ass fight or cheat. I like to play for real and I hope 1.4 does that. Does anyone have news on it?:confused:

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hey i thought i would never get used to the new saber combat. i am not great, but i can handle the average ass fighter and make use of openings. i have to say that saber fighting now is more of a thinking game to me. i actually have to think about the applications of heavy slash and such. bottom line - grin and bear it, you'll get used to it.

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Will they come out with some kind of expansion pack like "JK2 GOLD" to fix this ****?


And in reply to what people said about handeling assfighters, it would seem the only way to win against that is to assfight yourself. I dont so that. Like I said before I like to play for real.:mad:

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You can handle assfighters! I fought with them on the ASC dueling server before. It wasn't that easy, since he's a turn-around-at-the-last-minute backstabber, but I did it.


You just need really, really good reflexes and heavy stance them or medium them when they try to turn around........

However I faced a full backstab with light stance and survived.........


EDIT: Oh yeah, jump a lot! Usually, people can't handle air.........

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Originally posted by DarkJediNut

I hope 1.4 will fix the problems with the saber in 1.03 so it will be more like 1.02.


To this, I just want to emphasize that the original intent of 1.3 was in fact to correct specific problems in 1.2. Well, they tried, and it did a few things correctly. However, no matter how much they can patch this game (which rumor has it they aren't anymore anyway) there will always be certain things to exploit. In this particular case it's force/saber combo's being "spammed" (for lack of an ACTUAL word). So what? You fix one thing, it just means that it will screw up another thing. Why? Because you can't please everyone. Plus, it was raven's attempt to please people that necessitated the release of 1.03 in the first place.


Moral of the story: 1)You identify the problem 2)You GET over it 3)Either deal with it or stop playing the game. Trust me, you are priveleging and/or impressing no one with your incessive whining.


PS: The moral is only intended for the people that consistenly whine about Player produced exploitations in Jedi Knight Outcast.

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plus... i think that playing online in jk2 is a privilege not a right. You should be more than happy that you can play online. Plus you didnt pay 40+ bux (if you went and bought not dl it) so you could play a perfect online game. not all games are perfect. Take an example from diablo2. At the beggining of the game no1 ever thought that they could be a way to hack... However time passed, LoD came out, and guess wut? Dupes like kz appears, value of the items decreased like crazy. moral of the story? not all games are perfect, THERE will be always Cheap shots, and hacks, there is no way to prevent it...

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

not all games are perfect, THERE will be always Cheap shots, and hacks, there is no way to prevent it...



Exactly what I was trying to say as well. As long as there are players in a game, there will always be problems. You know what? That's "half the fun", things happen. There is an overlooked virtue that a very large portion of the jk2 players need to excersise: it's called an inner monologue. Keep some things to yourself, what good does whining about losing do? I mean, come on! People that occasionally lose and whine about it: don't flatter yourselves, you're not GOD. **** happens, but then you press fire to respawn.

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Hey! You dont need to start preaching to people who have legitimate complaints about a true problem. There is a difference between legitimate complaints and being a cry baby. I dislike it when people accuse me and others of that. How would you like it if I said that you were a dumb hacker for saying that **** happens? **** does happen in games and thats ok. But theres nothing wrong with the act of improvement and enhancement. I love Jedi Outcast. Its one of the best games ever created. I get ticked at glitches, hackers and cheaters of course but I get over it and move on to play with someone better. Now it is lame that Raven wont produce any more patches to fix and enhance the game but over all its aaaaallllll gooooood. I win more than I lose so I'm fine.:cool:

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A fair contrary position, and that does on occasion happen. BUT:


**** does happen in games and thats ok. But theres nothing wrong with the act of improvement and enhancement.


that's all what I was trying to say


You're preaching to me for things that I just said. Game "enhancers" will impress some, and frustrate others, but I never said that they shouldn't do them. I simply think people should accept that they got killed a certain way, and a certain time and just try it again. Legitimate complaints? Yeah for now....but say another patch was released, which solved all the problems you wanted fixed. It's not your problem anymore, it's somebody else's? Don't be so narcisistic. All I (and maybe hellfyre) was saying is that I acknowledge the fact that there will always be problems for someone, and what makes my bad luck, cheap death, hacked game, etc. more important than anyone else's? I guess I'm crazy for just asking for some selflessness. And don't get me wrong, this is just my opinion, don't mistake it for a verbal attack on anyone else in here. I know how bad it can be in some games.

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