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kicking (and force in general)


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I know you probably get a million threads about kicking and crap, and I was too lazy to dig up the old stuff... so you all HAVE to listen to me. :)




I find kicking to be... ehh whats the word... horrid. Its ruining this game, I can single handedly with my eyes closed go 12/0 on a duel server without using my saber. Its just horrible. Force powers? BAH I'll go 25/0 with just force powers and kicking. no saber needed... Isn't this a PROBLEM?!


maybe it's just me.... (and I'm not trying to flaunt my awesomeness ;) ) but I feel that the competition nowadays is extremlely lacking... NF Saber Duels just aren't the same. It's either I'm getting a hella lot better than everyone, and no one can keep up, or all the good players left because of 1.03 :p.


Hopefully some of you will feel me... maybe im not the only one?

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TRy a server running Duel SE mod its pretty good because kick damage is changeable - i set it to 1hp, and the chance of a knockdown from a kick is 1 in 10 which is acceptable for me


I suggest you give it a try it's finally made it so u can have jump enabled on a server without loads of plonkers scoring cheapshots all the time - but you can wall run (essential for the matrix dojo map) hehe

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar



I would suggest that you stop beating on nOObs for starters.


Har har, I concur. :p


Fight someone with some skill and not someone with a penchant for moonwalking for a change. Then we'll see how good your vaunted skills are.

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ok, I've completly taken over ALL nf duel servers with no luck of good competition, and I try it all the time. I'm not saying "OHH IM THE BEST" although it may seem like it. I'm just worried that the competition will slowly move downhill. :(

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Kick-spammers are the easiest of people to beat....I mean, what do you think they're planning to do they charge at you jumping and not even swinging their saber. Or if you're a better kicker, just stand there and at the last second(when they are jumping towards you) step back and kick them instead. any smart lamer will stop.

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Kicks completely lag me out, i try and persuade people not to but you get the odd retadr who will not, so then i'll just leave but yeh kicking seriously is annoying but on a lan i can handle anyone who kcik spams (but he does it for fun tho :) ). Like he said Duel SE is quite good, tho that 1.04 thing is seriously messed up

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Kicking can really get to you when you have a lower ping than your opponent. Sometimes it makes it almost impossible to kick him back.


But unless he really got you backed into a corner, you can dodge his kicks. One example: try crouching, he'll jump over you, then backstab. BOOM! :D

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Originally posted by CapitalB

maybe it's just me.... (and I'm not trying to flaunt my awesomeness ;) ) but I feel that the competition nowadays is extremlely lacking... NF Saber Duels just aren't the same. It's either I'm getting a hella lot better than everyone, and no one can keep up, or all the good players left because of 1.03 :p.


Hopefully some of you will feel me... maybe im not the only one?



soo true... NF servers are no longer a challenge to me.. I join a nf server usually my score is 10/1 or 10/0...

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Well, if kicking is just so "horrid" then don't use it. And if you are so good at force powers, stop using them as well. Go ahead and make it challenging for yourself and expand your skills into areas you're not all too familiar with. Diversify a little.


But I must say that you're probably just not looking in the right place for a good oponent. There are servers out there with some really good people (and my personal fav which is running the 1.04 changes [Vulcanis Admin Mod, sweet stuff] and has all force disabled except for kick and it's really nice. And with aerial light lunges disabled it really makes the duels much more interesting [FFA server that's mostly just dueling, very relaxed slow atmosphere, but multiple duels are enabled]. And there are some pretty darn good people there who could certainly show you a few tricks, and at the very least give you a run for your money in a 1 vs 1 fight. And don't worry, if you try to kick whore you will die many, many times. Most everyone there of any skill can't be beaten by kicking alone, no matter what you might think.


And unfortunately, you really do seem to be comming off as the cocky arrogant sort, regardless of the intent behind your posts.


Also, I'm not saying I could beat you, that is not the point of this post. I have moderately good skills, and can do pretty darn good against some pretty darn good players, but that's beside the point. The only reason I'm speaking up is because you really don't seem to be looking in the right place for competition, but rest assured, it's there. And remember, 1 vs 1 competition isn't just found on duel servers. There are some FFA servers just made for dueling, and are FFA just for the added atmosphere of having players in the game world and spectating. Plus it's less boring for the specators that way.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar



I would suggest that you stop beating on nOObs for starters.

Heh heh, thats funny that,

Anyone who can lose by just being kicked is one of two things:


1) n00b

2) Someone with a 14.4kbps modem


Thats the only acceptable circumstances for a kick win, ive only ever seen two types,

The lag type, and the n00b type, surely no other exist?



maybe it's just me.... (and I'm not trying to flaunt my awesomeness ) but I feel that the competition nowadays is extremlely lacking...

Err... i hate to break it to ya, but if you rely on one move to win games, then u aint that awesome.. sorry :(

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Originally posted by CapitalB

haha I assure you these are not noobs...


In your original post you were inquiring whether you had gotten too good, or if all the good players stopped playing as a result of the patch. If you aren't sure of that, how can you be sure that you aren't playing "n00bs." Also, if one of your posted options, "or all the good players left because of 1.03" were the answer, wouldn't that constitute the possibility that the remaining players AREN'T good (also known as 'n00b')? I agree with "The Fromeister" on several aspects of his post:


As changes, and new ideas are introduced into the game, also comes along the opportunity for your style of playing to evolve as well. If things have become a problem, find a different way to solve them, IE: change your gameplay, limit yourself to a few force powers (or none), etc.


As for your intent of your message, I knew you meant well, but I am going to have to agree with some people and say that you DO in fact sound as though we're all lucky to play on the same server as you (which in fact none of us have). Like I have said on other replies on other threads: It's not the force powers/combos/kicks that have become the problem, it's the kind of person utilizing those moves that makes the difference.

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Err... i hate to break it to ya, but if you rely on one move to win games, then u aint that awesome.. sorry


ok, well Im just SAYING its possible to win like that, I never play in force duels anymore....


I agree with everythng you all are saying and I thank you for the input. Now... I gotta find that duel SE mod. Thanks guys.

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Is it me or is Multiplayer getting very boring, very fast? When I play on a different server rather than my usual one the games are really strange. On duel servers I either find I am surrounded by people that are much better than I am and suffer defeat 99% of the time, or I find that I am surrounded by either complete Noobs or a group of people with a collective IQ of a fried cheese sandwhich and win 99% of the time. On one duel server I lost 12 games out of 13 to the best player I have ever faced. On another I won 26 games out of 27, the one exception caused by a lightning spammer while I was talking to someone else. Why oh why is there not some kind of system that allows us to play people of our own skill level? That would be wonderful. For the first time I could have a match where I win some, lose some and have a great time not worrying about any stupid fights or people either calling me a 'noob', a 'backstab lamer' or just saying 'hahaha! i killed you!' at regular intervals after kindly waiting until I have finished dispatching of seven other people and have 3 hp left and lightining me. I know lots of people who feel the same way. Is there anyone out there who could design a rating system mod that might work, or even make a special server where people become spectators and give everyone else ratings and pitt them against each other accordingly. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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The solution for your problem would be to join a clan. By choosing your clan you can make sure that people are about your skill level. Also most clans have their own servers that are not public. This way it is rather easy to enforce server rules like saber off = peace or whatever.


Another way is simply to keep looking for a server with nice people, if you find some ask them where they play regularily and maybe try to meet with them on a regular basis...

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