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Double sabers cracked! Pics inside!


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dest, that was me, the big dude, i was playing around with the /model stuff and i was on the reelo model, i dunno how it happened but if u type in the console /model reelo/default you'll turn huge like that. Arondno found out that. But i have no lidea how i got that big in the first place. Also when your that big, its basicly a one hit kill, with 9999 feet long sbaers, u just saber throw and sweeps the entire area, greatly unbalanced. Aaesome job on the mod Dest.

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Terac -- this 'problem' has already been addressed...it's actually a test...the "reelo" model was scaled to maximum height / size to see the potential of the scaling program...don't worry -- I'm sure our masta will change it back to normal when he's ready to :).


--Lord Horrorz :saberr::vadar::saberb:

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Hehe, that was great. BTW, I'm Andon Mi'Den. I figured if you jump and enter it in console you won't get stuck. I thought we found a bug, oh well.



EDIT: Or if you're on the ground just select it in the Player menu, but you will be stuck in the ground.

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Dest, your mod looks awesome. I don't care what anyone says, its looks good. I just have one main concern, how far did you have to tweak the game engine to get this to work? I can't even imagine the amount of hours it took to get this thing to work, but i appreciate every one of them. Thank god for you since the Kairburr Saga mod got the boot. :p i got one other question, is this going to be released to jediknightii.net any time soon? not to push you or anything, i just wanted to know, cause by all means take your time on this. I may have missed it, but i didn't see how it was going to be released, except on the server. But i wanted to wait for it to be a mod released to the community. Thanks man.

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