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Need help with new movie project!


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Well I figured everything out :) I kept /cl_avidemo 30 to allow multiple demos to be recorded in order, to use adobe photoshop to add the fades and special effects, frame by frame :) If anyone has any better suggestions, please feel free to post :)(as long as it's free). Thanks

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I just picked up Adobe Premiere from http://www.adobe.com


Go to the products --> downloads page... it's free... for 30 days anyway :-) It *will* come in handy for adding a soundtrack. I'm in the figuring-out stage right now...


There's another program that looked useful called aviedit... I think I have the URL somewhere, but if you type aviedit in google, you should find it okay. Sadly, I looked at this program for about a day in February to try and fix a movie, but I never got the chance to explore its full power before the 30 day trial expired.


It was very efficient at obtaining specific screenshots and eliminating troublespots in the movie that I was watching.


I'm also using JPGVideo from http://www.ndrw.co.uk to convert the screenshots to avi. You determine the framerate.... I haven't quite settled on the right one...if you have any suggestions, I'm open... my first attempt offered a very choppy version.




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Well... I finally finished my movie project. Problem is... it's 30 mb! I've tried several codecs to trim it.... got the screen size down, etc. But that's it.... Actually, DiVx created a *larger* filesize.


Anyone have ideas on where to host it? My webspace has a 10 mb limit. If all else fails, I'll put it in WinMx and let the internet do its thing there.


I'm really pleased with the whole thing, though. Good sound track, ties in some movie clips with game clips, almost has a plot, etc.



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hmmm did you resize the jpegs ? It does eat up alot of space, mine usually create around 1000 screenshots.


I use JpegVideo to convert from the screen to the AVI. you can get it from http://www.ndrw.co.uk It is pretty good and has alot of codes to include the DivX. Make sure you sort them by date and time created so they are in order. (had that problems once) I always resize them down to at least 512x340 to lessen the mb size. You can get Robotphoto from http://www.robophoto.com TO batch resize the jpegs :)


With Windows movie maker, you can add alot of #### to the wmv like the avi clips, jpegs, flash, music....just about any type of media. With movie maker I usually use the streaming video for broadband 1500 codec to make the WMV

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I, too, am using jpgvideo but I'm letting Premiere resize the video once it exports the timeline.


The thing with my video is that I created using video clips from the original trilogy that I had on a StarWars CD, plus the sound track is approximately 4 mb by itself. I'm thinking of converting the soundtrack file to an inferior bit rate, but I've a feeling that I'll only save about a mb or so.


The whole movie's runtime is about 3 1/2 min, which is probably too long. Problem is, I really like what I've done! Premeire can export as a Real Media file, so if I can find a site that'll host it, I may put it there so folks can stream it. I'm open to ideas. I think I may post a small clip of the movie as a demo of the demo....


One *good* thing that came about: I knew Jack about Adobe Premeire prior to playing around with doing a video of JK2. Now I can honestly say I'm semi-proficient, though there's still much for me learn about the program. And I owe it all to Mutt's inspiration! Thanks, bubba!




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well I am very surprised to see that I can touch all of you so...**sniff** LOL anyhoo glad to see this thing picking up ! This crossflow will generate some excellent movies !!! I am too experimenting more, and am getting pjBmptoAvi. I also switch to 30 as the fps for the avidemo. Also I am sure you can create them into a DiVX but win movie maker is what came with my comp so it is what I use but am looking into more as I learn more about this :)

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Though, I must say that one of the most frustrating things that had happened to me was that learning that I had to play all the demos one after another when recording pics to have them in order. When I didn't I had to go through a whole mess of renaming that didn't even work :( So tip, if you are going to have multiple takes, record all of the demos to screenshots at one time.


BTW is there an option to start recording screenshots for a demo at a certain point and to stop it? Thanks

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Originally posted by Evolution

Though, I must say that one of the most frustrating things that had happened to me was that learning that I had to play all the demos one after another when recording pics to have them in order. When I didn't I had to go through a whole mess of renaming that didn't even work :( So tip, if you are going to have multiple takes, record all of the demos to screenshots at one time.


BTW is there an option to start recording screenshots for a demo at a certain point and to stop it? Thanks




Oh I found that the hard way myself on my second try, with JPGVideo, you can sort them by date and time created for error free conversion. DivX is also on that prog, but I am trying the pj one as well. I also do one demo at a time :) Not sure about the start and stop, I usually go into the screenshots folder and edit it myslef one jg deleted at a time :rolleyes:

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BTW is there an option to start recording screenshots for a demo at a certain point and to stop it?


I tried to bind cl_avidemo 30 and cl_avidemo 0, but it stops the demo if you press any keys during.... I *do* abort the demo playing after I've got what I want, though.


To keep things organized (at least in my head) I've been playing/capturing the demo, exiting the game, running JPGVideo and saving to named directories like ObiVader1, ObiVader2, etc. JPGVideo didn't seem to be able to write to specified files. I suppose I could have just renamed the avi files afterward, but I moved all of the screenshots of each demo in case I needed specific shots later.


It just seemed more convenient to work with small batches of screenshots with accompaning avi's than one large batch and on large avi.


I ended up with a frame size of 320 x 240 in a .wmv file of 30.1 MB that has a run time of 3:55..... I think I may have gotten carried away!





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Well, I've been reading your posts for some time now, and have decided to make my own movie... HaHa, we will see who is the true master of film making. So.... if anybody feels sorry for me or doesn't like NwO_2k_Mutt ;) or has nothing better to do; you can send me demos to me here. Please start the subject with "JK2 Demos" or something similar or I will probably accidently delete it :)


Anyway, i'll send you some stuff soon NwO_2k_Mutt; always good to have some competition.... Always a pleasure to meet a jedi... :jango:

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lol thats what I am talking about ! Spirited competition ! Hell who knows maybe raven will hire some of us to do trailers for upcoming games although I am not holding my breath ! One hint do not try to record in spectator mode it will not work. You have to be playing or viewing through a person to get it to work. I always add music to mine. Tossing around a few new ones now. Problem is the new project I am working on, I usually get so far then hate it and scrap it. :( I am thinking of now getting clips from the movies to add as well.

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Whoa.... I did *all* of mine through Spectator mode! They turned out pretty good. I kinda felt like I was a cameraman (combat correspondent?).


I have a wonderful shot of Luke and Vader in a saberlock that occurs at a lull in the music score.... the timing was accidental, but very appropriate. I pan in a semi-circle, then zoom in for a close-up just before the break the lock.



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Originally posted by teutonicknight



I was planning on resizing my avi's in Video Stduo 6, but I can't do that now becasue I ran out of disk space. Now I have to resize my jpgs first. What batch processor are you using?


I use Robophoto, it is used for web pages but has an option to batch process jpgs. you can get it at http://www.robophoto.com Whne you use it, start with the creat new web page, then you will have an option for other processes, there is a pull down menu and you select batch process and hit NOW. Then you got to the menu where you find all the setting you can select.


Jade, lemme see if I have it on another server. It was under the media section of the files on jediknigtii.net tho :)

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