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Male Zabrak WIP - screenshots


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Okay, so I really can't rename a thread. Might as well begin a new one now that I have a couple screenshots to share. If you didn't read the other thread, this is a work in progress in the truest sense of the phrase - it's in progress, but there's a long way to go. These two pictures should illustrate that fairly well.


Neither of these has tattoos, but the final versions all will.


Yes, my Master


Dude, where's my landspeeder? - Wow, he looks stoned here ^_^


For those who haven't read the other thread, nothing is finished yet. The undershirt is the only thing that I even consider to be at the rough draft stage. The clothing is only beginning to get the most basic of textures, and none of it matches yet. You might notice that the drape isn't textured at all yet. The hand looks messed up in this shot, but that's JO's lighting; in other shots it looks fine thus far even without details. Once I detail it, I hope it'll look better.


So my basic plan for the skin is a standard skinpack - one main skin with team colors. Each Zabrak will be somewhat unique, although they'll all be wearing similar clothes. The color of the belt, pants and stole will determine the team. Hair [or lack thereof], eyes and tattoos will also differ, so that each will be his own character. Besides the massive ammount of work needed to be done on the clothing, I'll be attempting to do my own horns and teeth, which are the only non-original portions of this skin.


Problems to date: getting the hair to line up on the neck and the back of the head looks like it might be difficult, but I haven't given it any real effort yet... been busy with other portions, and I don't get to spend all that much time working on skinning at the moment. Other actual problems are pretty minor and come and go from update to update, so really that's the only consistant one.


More screenshots will be coming regularly here-on-out. Every update I make I get a new batch of shots [i've actually taken a good 150 of this model alone now] but most were from multiplayer bots in action, so the shot didn't turn out the way I wanted ;) Besides, it's only really evolved far enough recently for me to share anything at all.

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Another screenshot. Not much further along, spent way too much time playing in Icarus ^_^


He still looks a little stoned. I think I'm going to try to see what it'll look like if I get rid of the eyes he currently has, make new ones, and put lips partially over them, so he's not so bugeyed.


You might notice, I got rid of the horns I borrowed from the Darth Maul skin and made my own. *sheeps* They're completely untextured at the moment, but I mapped out which bone is which on the skin and will be doing something with them soon.


The drape, the extension of his jacket, is right now the only other completely untextured part of the skin. It's pure black in the front and blue-black in the back, just for testing purposes.


The next step is to texture the drape, retexture the sleeves and retexture the jacket, so that they all match and they actually begin to look like fabric. Then I'll do something with the horns, but I'm not sure what exactly yet; I don't think I want to copy the lined look of the Maul horns, since looking at Eeth Koth, smoother horns seem more common. At that point, the skin will be at version 1. I could in theory release it then, but I don't think I will just yet, if for no other reason that version 1 is still going to be fairly low-quality. Oh, and almost forgot, the tattoos. I printed out the wireframe, on which I'll be sketching some tattoo ideas.


Anyway, here's one new screenshots from the SP engine. If I get something else done soon, I'll be posting again shortly; but I want to at least get rid of the black-and-blue drape first.


In the elevator

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Considering Eeth Koth is in the training linneage of one of my favorite Jedi [Master Koth trained Sharad Hett who trained his own son A'sharad Hett], I would love to. However, look at the picture, and then at my avatar. Sadly, Koth and Maul come from different races of the Zabrak species, and thus have different horn patterns. I'm not sure what race he is, but Maul is an Iridonian Zabrak, so the three characters I'm slowly designing will also be Iridonians.


Small update: no new pics for it, but I added tattoos! Took ideas right off concept art for Galaxies, so I will not be using them in the final version, but instead this will give me an idea of what it looks like with tattoos and what hair and tattoos look like together. I didn't want to post new pictures until I retexture his jacket. Hopefully, tomorrow night I can get to that, but for now, it's time to crash. Whee, sleep!

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Actually, they do. I believe Eeth Koth himself also has hair under his cowl, but I can't back that up. Instead, if you check out my other thread [from before I had a screenshot, which is why I began a differently named thread] I link to concept art from SW Galaxies: An Empire Divided. Those clearly show some Zabrak with hair. The only Zabrak I really know without hair is Darth Maul, because he shaved it all off to go for a full body tattoo. Ouch.


Oh, almost forgot a link to the thread. Tis here! Male Zabrak WIP - no screenshots yet I couldn't rename the thread [i tried] so I just began the new one.


Thing is, most don't have short hair, sadly. Oh well, this guy's just different I guess ^_^ I'd love to model hair for him as a selectable surface, but I have neither asked nor received permission from Chesire actually to edit the model, nor do I know how to do so even if I did.


*yawns* Five hours of sleep, bah. To all who don't work in offices... and to all those too young to need full time jobs year around... run away. Run very far away, so that you never know what an office job is like. Save yourselves! It's too late for meeee....

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Harukaze, just some information. All Zabraks are from Iridonia, that's their homeworld. And while I'm not sure if every Zabrak has a unique horn pattern, I am fairly confident horn patterns vary between "Tribes" of Zabraks(kinda like different hair and skin colour of humans). Not trying to demean you in any way, just that a little more knowledge never hurt anyone:) And btw, I remember reading somewhere that Eeth Koth does have hair, and if you look closely, you can see it flowing down over his chest in the larger version of your avatar photo(Somewhat hard to distinguish from his robe, but it is there:D) So yes, you're right, Zabraks do have hair. I think it's mostly on the back to middle part of their heads though.

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Right. If you look at the "Yes, my Master" picture, the hair starts way back, around where I've seen it begin on other Zabraks.


And not all Zabraks are from Iridonia. That might be their homeworld, but like humans, they've evolved so far past their home that they're not sure precisely. Coruscant might be the human homeworld, but no one remembers. The same goes with Iridonia for the Zabraks. According to one source I have, they're nearly as prolific as humans, with many worlds of their "own" [such as Correllia and Alderaan are "human" worlds, even though with both species' worlds non-human and non-Zabrak respectively do live there]. I wish I knew more about what other worlds there were, and what might be common names. I need the new RP book back again, that could give me an idea. I want to name all three of the characters [default, red and blue] and give them backstories. One or two are Jedi, the other's a drifter / smuggler / whatever. I agree with Starblazer though, different "tribes," or races, or whatever, probably have different bone structures, but not every single different Zabrak. It doesn't make much sense from an evolutionary standpoint for that to be the case, but it could make sense that different races have different horns.


Anyway, expect new screenshots this weekend. I just flattened the whole thing, so that I'll have the same base starting point for everything. The whole project was an experiment, with me only beginning to learn how to make a new skin from nothing but a wireframe. Now that I have an idea, I've begun over again from scratch, keeping only the head [and that too will be updated soon-ish] and will hopefully have something even better to show for it.

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Yeah, basically humans, Duros, and Zabrak (roughly in that order) are the most populous (sp?) (more of them than anybody else) species in the galaxy. The Rodians might be up there too, except that being hunters they tend to die alot. Of course, what else would you expect from a culture that glorifies death and the hunt (Rodian opera is all about death).


That's why there are so many near-human varients. There are different types of Zabrak, based on which colony they come from; Iridonia is only one of them. Even Duros have their "near-Duros" cousins; Nemoidians are actually Duros removed by millenia of evolution.

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I have temporarily ditched the hair, and for now I'm not showing my tattoo designs.


I discovered a glorious paintbrush in Photoshop that allows me to make actual cloth-looking textures, so he looks a lot better than before. I tried it once, thought, wow, this is gorgeous... until I got it in game. The game's lighting made it look as flat as he is up there. I have since exagerated the process on the drape and like what I have thus far. So, for now, two new shots; mind you, only the drape is remotely done at the moment. I redid almost everything else [cept the head] but I think I'm going back to the old shirt, or at least I'm going to try to recapture what I did there.


In a few minutes, I'm going back to work on the jacket and sleeves. Once done, I'm finally texturing the horns, and then beginning work on alternate versions. As you might be able to guess, this one here is a preview of the blue version. He's an as-of-yet unnamed Jedi Knight of the late Republic era. By tonight he should be almost done, and by the end of the week I expect to be able to release the skinpack.





As always, please, any comments or questions, feel free to post. I'll take any constructive criticism I can get as this is my first full skin project.


Oh, and just cause this is a fun one, even though you really don't get to see the Zabrak up close, I'll toss in one more :) He only survived a few minutes after this picture was taken, and it's pretty easy to see why ^_^


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Yea Harukaze, you hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what I meant with that post, but I think the way I worded it made it not get my point across. I meant to say that the Zabrak species is from Iridonia "originally", but as you pointed out, many are now born off planet and have never even been to Iridonia. Eeth Koth for example, was born and raised on Nar Shadaa, but he is considered an "Iridonian" Zabrak. And I'm fairly confident that different "Tribes", for lack of a better term, do have different horn patterns, at least we agree on that. Also, another thing I noticed that you got right with your Zabrak(not sure if you intentionally did this though, excellent work if you did), is that his horns are the same colour as his skin, like Eeth Koth's. Skin grows over and covers a Zabrak's vestigal horns. Darth Maul's however, are more bone-like in appearance because that's basically all they are. He apparently, maintains this look by periodically filing the skin off his horns, or he removes it by some other method(BTW, OW:(, and I thought shaving was bad) I wish I could rememer the site I got most of this information from, it would probably be a great help.

Your work is coming along very nicely, I particularly like the Jedi robe. Great job.

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Almost done! Here's a taste of the tattoos, as well as the clothing for the default skin. It is finished in my mind unless anyone offers up a suggestion. Detail for the boots is a little beyond my skill at the moment, so maybe in the future I'll release an update for that. The horns have a slight texture to them, but it's really more a skin-tone coloration than a texture, which is how I wanted it. Like I said earlier and Starblazer backed me up on, only Maul has the more chiseled looking horns; people like Master Koth have very smooth, skin/bone colored horns. I lidded his eyes a little more so he doesn't have such a wide-eyed gaze. Lesse... what else? Think that's about it. Oh yeah, I forgot to change his belt-pouch, it's still the blue version; don't worry, I'll change it. It's probably going to be black on the default version.


I think, although I'm not decided yet, that I'm abandonning the hair idea. Unless I can maybe convince Chesire to update the model with hair as a selectable surface, my Zabrak might just happen to be bald Zabrak ^_^ The short hair kinda works, especially where the tattoos run underneath the hair - perhaps he's young and only just received his tattoos, and had to shave his head in order to complete the design; the hair would only just be beginning to grow back, right? I love convenient explanations ^_^ Okay, so I take that back, one of the skins at least will have hair, but not all three, and that's a definate.


Shot0691 Not sure what he's going to attack, but I'm sure glad I'm behind him ^_^


Shot0701 Oh crap, he sees me now *runs*


Shot0704 Really out-of-place beltpouch


Shot0705 No matter what I do, he still looks stoned


Shot0719 Glad this one's on my side ^_^


Shot0720 Mission accomplished


One last note, on the tattoos. Yes, I know, they're quite angular. I'm still trying to figure out if this is normal or not; one source I've seen suggests angular tattoos, one suggests more curved lines. Anyone know for certain which is correct? It's kinda hard to tell on Koth.

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Your skin is coming along nicely. I was actually messing around with some Zabrak skins before I started my Joruus model. I really didn't know what I was doing then, but some tutorials have helped me out. The clothing textures look great, glad you got them figured out.

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i really dig the skin you're creating. i'm glad to see that somebody has made a "good guy" zabrack (i know, i know, there were "good guy" skins included with the maul model). not for anything, but maul kind of gave the race a pretty bad reputation. eeth koth is a good guy, too, but we don't really know what he's capable of, do we?


as for your tattoos, angular VS curvy, DO take a look at the skins that came with the maul model. maul's were angular (like nobody knew that ;)), but the other ones (black & white face and blue face) seemed to have more curvy, rounded lines on their tats. basically make your tattoos however you think they look good. personally, i think the curved lines resemble someone using the light side of the force, or even angular lines that aren't overwhelming. i think koth has angular ones, but their mainly lines, not as bold as maul's.


he looks *BLEEP* great overall. and don't say he's stoned, say he's "meditating" ... yeah, that's it. :D


are you gonna be using maul's sounds for this guy, or are you coming up with custom audio? just curious.


keep up the great work!

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Hmmmm.........pretty good. I was wondering since your already skinning a maul could you make me a reg. darth maul just with green tattoes? I dont wanna be an ashole and take you away from ur work, but I was j/w if you had some time or after your done with this guy. If you have any chance to skin him just send it to CB6368@aol.com


Thanks :D

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