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Let's Taunt

Young David

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Guest Tie Guy

Hmm, yeah i guess that would work. Plus, it be a lot of taunts to have 42 for every civ. That's 252 taunts, wow. :D

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Let's see ...


Sio Bible: "A communication disruption can only mean one thing ... invasion"

Nute Gunray: "Is that ... legal?"

Jabba: "Hohohohohoho" (Santa Claus will do for this one too)

Vader: "I sense something, something I've not sensed since ..."

Vader: "I have you now"

Vader: "The Force is strong with this one"

Yoda: "Judge me by my size you do?"

Yoda: "Wars do not make one great"

Han: "Watch this!"

Leia: "Watch what?"

R2-D2: "beepabiepiediepiedp"

R2-D2: "Screeeeeeeeeeeech"

C-3PO: "Oh switch off!"

Vader: "You have failed me for the last time"


And the road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began


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Guest Rebel Pimp

:vadar: "Don't make me destroy you..."


:vadar: "Apology accepted, Captain Needa." (or a variation of that...)


:ewok "Yub, Yub" (ok, just kidding on that one!)


:jawa "UTTEEEENI!!!!" (that one, too)

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Guest Tie Guy

I don't know, i haven't played it either. but here are some more.


"Mesa so bombad"

"I will not approve a course of action that will lead us to war"

"We must continue to rely on diplomacy."

"Then i'll see you in hell!"

"The Emporer is not as fogiving as i am."

"We shall double our efforts"

"Imperial troops have entered the base."

"Open Fire"

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

hehe... "open fire" really is the only taunt-like shout there..


Yeah, well, i wouldn't know, i haven't played the game. Actually, i wen to get it but it was 50 bucks and i didn't want it that much.

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come on, what do i have to tell you to buy it ?!?

i have never spent as much time with a game as i did with AOK. and if GB isn't reason enough to get you interested, i don't know what does.

(hehe... Lucasarts probably wants it the other way 'round; AOK inspiring people to buy GB)

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Guest Tie Guy

I think they could all be taunts, but oif you don't think so, why don't you tell us oh great, all-knowing master of the taunts. ;)

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some more taunts:


Leia: "I'd reather kiss a wookie" ESB


Luke: "that's the last mistake you'll ever make!" ROTJ


Yoda: "away put your weapons, I mean you no harm!" ESB


Emperor: "Everything is proceeding as I have forseen" ROTJ


Luke: "Your overconfidence is your weakness." ROTJ


Imperial Officer: "You Rebel scum" ROTJ


???: "You just watch yourself, we're wanted men, I have the death penalty in 12 systems"


Emperor: "Give in to your hatred, strike me down..." ROTJ


Vader: "I find your lack of faith disturbing" ANH


Vader: "All to easy" ESB


Luke: "I'm not afraid" ESB


Obi-wan: "who's more the fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him? ANH


Obi-wan: "You can't win (darth), If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." ANH


Vader: "The circle is now complete, when I left you I was but the learner, Now I am the master."


Darth Sidious: "Wipe them out, all of them" TPM


Battledroid: "that does not compute...um..ahh...you under arrest!" TPM


Nute Gunray "I'm afraid your little insurrection is at an end!" TPM


Nute Gunray: "and I'm afraid you will not survive as long as your people"


Nute Gunray: "As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal" TPM


Captain Panaka: "You can kiss your Trade Franchise goodbye"


Han Solo: "over my dead body" ANH


Luke, Leia, Han Solo, Obi-wan: "I have a bad feelin about this" ANH,ESB,ROTJ,TPM


To be continued....

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Guest Tie Guy

Wow, i'm impressed. Very nice.


How bout these:


"We shall double out efforts"

"The Emporer is not as forgiving as i am."

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."

"Join us, or die."

"There's too many of them!"

"Imperial troops are entering the base. Imperial troops are entering the base....*static*"

"One of these days your gonna be wrong, i just hope i'm there to see it."

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