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New custom Npcs are possible


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I'm sad to report that I think I've reached the limit to custom npcs.


I have 59 (give or take one, if I miscounted) working custom npcs, mostly in an edited npcs.cfg file, but when I try to add a 60th, either to the npcs.cfg or in a new.npc file, I get "ext_data/NPCs.cfg is too large" or "NPC extensions (*.npc) are too large)" , respectively, when trying to load a map. I've tried various combinations of characters in npcs.cfg and .npc files, but nothing seems to let me break 60 npcs. :(


Can anyone confirm this?

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As far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with the size of the .npc file or npcs.cfg. I've tried 59 new npcs in a single npcs.cfg... add a 60th to that - boom, doesn't work. Add a 60th with an .npc file instead. Still doesn't work. Start with 58 npcs in the npcs.cfg, add two separate .npc files... still no go. The only thing I haven't tried is putting them all in one .npc or multiple .npc files... but something tells me it won't work...


Update: Just tried putting all of the new npcs in a single .npc file, and then tried splitting them into four smaller .npc files. Still can't get 60 with either method.

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Has anybody tried adding the new Darth Vader model (over at Jedioutcast.net) and ave the head not appear.


Thats whats happened to me. Anybody have a solution. I've tried the surf off routines, but no result.





forget this. I forgot to update the model information in my rebornvader model folder (in my npc.pk3)

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Just to let yall know. new animations are now possible. To do a new animation.


1)Make animations in SoftImage XSI.

2)Export to XSI format(not sure of which format. I saw this on modelling forum)

3)name the file the same as the model

4)Using assimilate compile the model/animations

5)This will create a .gla and .glm, and animations.cfg



Now all we need to know how to do is get the animations working for npcs's.


And so custom NPC's have gone to a new level.



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ok i will explain the steps for makeing a new NPC as best i can for you guys who need it. Keep in mind you dont have to have the model's pk3 file in the base folder for the npcs to work.


1) download or find the model you want to use, and open the pk3 file with winzip, find the model files and hold on to them for a sec.


2) go to your base folder [gamedata\base] and find the, ext_data, folder, if you dont see one, then just make one.


3) make a notpad file, and change the ext to .NPC and copy your npc script into that file, then name it, newnpcs.npc.


npc script should look like this. (for this example we are making darth maul)





playerModel rebornmaul

saberColor red

rank captain

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

height 78

crouchheight 42

width 18

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class tavion

yawSpeed 300

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd maul

sndcombat maul

sndjedi maul

health 500

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbWaist 99




As you can see, i beefed him up a bit for more challenge. ;)


4) Ok now that your npc file is made, go to your base\models\players, folder, if you dont have a models folder, simply make one, then make a players folder inside that.


5) Make a new folder named RebornMaul, and drag those model files you had inside that folder.


6) While in the RebornMaul folder find the Model_default.skin (or whatever yours is named, just find the default.skin file). Right click on it, and click open with, then choose notpad. You will see a bunch of lines of script that looks like this.










excetra, there will be alot more, but you get the idea. This is the file that tells the game where to look for the skin on your model when its loaded into the game. So what you do is, see how it says on them /players/Maul/blah.jpg just replace the "Maul" with "RebornMaul" that way the game will look inside your Reborn Maul folder for your model and skins when you load your npc..


Thats it, it should work, you may find models that dont work no matter what you do, that usually the fault of the person who made the model not includeing enough files, and shares to many files with other models, but for most of them, it works just fine.


I hope this helps some of you..:D



May the force be with you, and tell whoever is makeing the yoda model to hurry up, i want a yoda npc;) hehe





Qui-gon Jinn: Pay back's a bitch!

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OK I don't know about anybody else but I had a real hard time getting characters to spawn. I did something different. I took the skin I wanted and put the player models in the Gamedata/Base/models/players folder as mentioned before. Renaming the model folder as described before (ex jedivong). I changed all the lines in the model_default.skin to jedivong like mentioned before. I added the appropriate line to the npcs.cfg file which I copied from the assets0.pk3 from the ext_data folder. Now this has all the npcs in there not just the new ones. I took this ext_data folder sent to compressed file,renamed to pk3 and put in the base directory. I do get an error about shader images not found when I spawn but the models show up Ok. Where do you put the custom sounds for the new characters (ie sounds/char/jedivong/misc so the new charater uses them? I realize you have to change the npcs snd values and the animsounds.cfg but I can't get the custom sounds to work

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If you adapted your JediVong from a pre-existing skin, the custom sounds are already in your base directory. Just change the "snd" values in the npcs.cfg to read the name of the sounds directory for the orginal skin/model ("Vong", for instance). There should be no need to modify the animsounds.cfg, just be sure it's in your JediVong player folder. It'll still link to whatever sounds the original Vong model uses.

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just wanted to let you all know that while stud may have you thinking he had the idea about custom animations, he's full of it.


SilentMobius came up with the idea/concept of it, and he's not even sure it works. He says it will work in theory.


STOP taking credit for other people's work man! And if you're not intentionally doing it at LEAST put their name in as the person who came up with it!

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Drjimmy the only thing in my base folder is the pk3 that contains the modified npcs.cfg file. Do I put the custom sounds in here or elsewhere? As for the modification I changed both kyle models to jan in the npcs.cfg file and kyle shows up as jan when spawned and in the cutscenes but the player still is the kyle model

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