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New custom Npcs are possible


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fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel jan

surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class jan

snd jan





fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel jan

surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"

saberColor blue

reactions 4

aim 5

move 3

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

// race human

class jan

snd jan

sndcombat jan

sndjedi jan

dismemberProbHead 1

dismemberProbArms 1

dismemberProbHands 20

dismemberProbLegs 1

dismemberProbWaist 1


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Londo, I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Are you trying to get npc and cutscene Kyle to be Jan? You know changing Kyle's info to Jan in the npcs.cfg won't change your player character...


But anyway, with the Vong question.... I assumed you already had the skin/model pk3 you converted your npc from in the base folder, which would allow you to in essence "link" to this skins custom sound folder (if any). If you want to use your own custom sounds, just make a path "sound/chars/yourmodelname/misc and put your sounds here (include this folder in your mod pk3). Then fill in yourmodelname for the snd, sndcombat, and sndjedi entries. Bear in mind if you're only using a custom taunt or something, you'll need to add the rest of the sounds. Just extract whoever's sounds you want from assets1 and put them in the folder as well.

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Thanks Drj I make a new sound.pk3 file with all the custom sounds in it and it worked great so now I have a sound pk3 and a npc.pk3 in the base folder. One thing I found interesting is the game ignores any suroff's in the base/model/players folders. (ex. jarjar had gauntlets on when I spawned him eventhough the surface was off in the model_default.surf file. However when I put the line in the npcs.cfg file of the npc.pk3 jarjar was "fixed" had to do the same for leia as boushh and the gungan model. Yep I was struggling with the age old question of playing as nekkid jan. Question.. if I remamed the npcs.cfg file in the npc.pk3 file to newnpc.cfg and included only the "new"spawnable models would the game read both? Right now my npcs.cfg file has all the originals npcs as well as the new ones and I've read that there is a limit to how many you can put in there. I tried making the separate new npcs folder as in emon's tutorial but that didn't work for me. Sure love listening to jarjar as I hack him apart with a saber

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Londo, JK2 won't recognize whatever.cfg, but it will recognize whatever.npc. So if you want to make a separate entry for each custom npc or put all of the new characters in just one, go ahead and put them in an .npc file(s). Stick this in ext_data just as you would an npcs.cfg, and the game will read both. Using .npc files avoids having to update the entire .cfg file and you won't have to worry about knocking out different mods that utilize the npcs.cfg.


The limit I reported earlier (still unconfirmed by anyone else) seems to occur at the 60th new npc (as in additional to the default npcs), but as far as I can tell it makes no difference whether the new npcs' entries are all in the npcs.cfg or in one or several .npc files, or both - the limit is still in effect.

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Hello all i made a npc mod


you can download my one you can have










diablo the guy on the diablo 2 cd case

jan with saber


the new npc's are

RebornVader :deathstar


RebornJango :fett:








Jedirf jan with saber


if there is a npc you want added just email me at Red Devil Red Devil


if you want it tell me your email and ill send it


just need to thank the others who made the skins


Red Devil :jawa

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This is great! And it's not that hard to do once you get the hang of it.


Question: the class may not permit it, but I'm trying to get a NPC to spawn empty handed, yet have forcepowers. This would be good for a TESB Yoda which did not yield a lightsaber or a Emporer Palpatine which did not appear to have a lightsaber in ROTJ. Does anyone think this is possible?

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Anyone know if its possible to give custom npc's there own saber sound effects?


For example.


Give Vader, the old trilogy style sound effects. But


Give Qui-GonJinn and Obi the episode 1 style saber sounds.


Couldent you just take the sounds put them in your sound folder, then edit the animsounds.cfg by adding the lines in and the new directory for the saber sounds. I assume there is a line command that you can add for the saber sounds.


Just curious:D

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