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WIP: Dark Helmet Model

Midgit Yoda

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Thanks for the support guys. I really appreciate it. It's good to finally have a model in progress that a few people are looking forward too. I just got home today (Like 20 minutes ago). I'm really tired so I might not stay up Very late working on Dark Helmet. I will however work on getting his body correct (he looks so hillarious the way I made the tie LOL). This model is going to be funny as crap. I can't wait to get him in game and run around with this gigantic head lol.

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Alright, I'm awake, I'm awake lol. I've put in some work on him last night and today. I almost have the kinks worked outta the torso. I do need to open up his skirt/kilt thing a little bit more to avoid problems with in game play. I have 3 screens today. This morning I was lookin at him and I thought, man, his head looks like a funky Darth Vader (size wise). So I made it bigger lol. Critisizm is welcome...

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Keep in mind, changes will take place. I personally think that's pretty close. (the actual Dark Helmet has got baggy shorts over his pants but I am debating on making it a kilt that will look like shorts in a way.

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Looks very good so far. Just one thing - I think the helmet is too wide around the bottom. It seems like you were going for that exaggerated look, but maybe a little bit trimmer would be good too..


I'm sure you have many already, but here's another reference pic: (copy link to new browser)




Keep up the good work! :D

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Looking great, but isent that Helmet just a lil bo big? Ohh wait......yes.


I can't wait ^_^ well I can, but hey playing as dark helt will be funny stuff


"So Lonestar now you see evil shall always triuph, because good is dumb"



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Thanks. I agree. He looks better with the new helmet. Also, I wasn't planning on adding a cape as of now to the model. Maybe once I'm done with the rest of him I will add a cape but I don't really think it's 100% necessary (also I'm not 100% sure how to make it work).

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Originally posted by drjimmy515

We probably don't need a Lone Starr model, since there's already a decent skin out there (maybe if someone just wants to fix up the face)...


Barf... or maybe Pizza the Hut :p


or... Vinnie!


lol i bought the DVD today for this: can't believe i didn't already have it :p


the helmet looks a lot better now than it did Midgit. someone just needs to make a Schwartz ring now for him.


next model: Definitely do Barf. That would be schweet.


May de Schwartz Be With You!


"It's Mega-Maid... She just went from Suck to Blow"

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1. GET RID OF THE ####ING LINK TO YODA!!! You've already made sithlord-ii leave the forum, so what do you think will happen with everybody else working on the REAL Yoda? Sure, they may go about their happy little lives. OR they could just decide not to release the model, and quit altogether. And then other modelers, like the guys working on Count Dooku, Palpatine, The Tusken Raider, the Battle Droid, and PloKoon may decide to just quit and leave as well, and then NOBODY will get the models.


2. Your dark helmet doesn't look very good. The top part of the helmet is fine, but WTF is up with his face? It looks like you just took a bunch of random shapes and threw them on in hopes that it might look SOMEWHAT similar to DH.

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what kind of person does a space balls model..thats stupid. now ill never get to play as yoda thanks to you..i, like everyone else have been waiting for months in baited breath for the yoda model...and with a singel post you tossed it down the drain...there is no way i am going to dl the model you put on because like someone said on another topic...which are you gonna buy

a new car from a respected car dealer

or a stolen car from some pothead down the street


*starts breathing really heavy from saying so much*

and i certainly can't say i got ALL that off my chest...i still have alot more to say

:swear:#$!#@%!#@$^%!@^#@$%!*&(&*($^!$#%$#@!%~@#@%#$#@DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE :hang1:

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