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Okay to all computer experts..... GeForce4 and Win XP vs 2K

Darth Kaan

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I have three friends that all run WinXP Pro with a GF4 card and non via chipset mobo's. The game runs fine for all three of them.

Many users however are experiencing game lockup and washed out colors.


Because of this, when I bought a GF4 card I upgraded to Win2k Pro instead of WinXP Pro since my mobo is a via chipset. I have had no problems and the game runs fine.


So my question is, are the people running XP and GF4's that are having lockup and washed out color problems having them because of the VIA chipset mobo's or could this be a soundcard/driver issue?


Just curious....



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From what I've been hearing, it's mainly a compatibility bug caused by Windows XP. I run JK2 using a GF4 under Windows ME (embarrassingly unstable, but I'm too lazy to upgrade :o ), and experience no problems. Heck, I also have a linksys router and still have very few crashes (another frequent problem). Perhaps I'm just lucky, or Windows XP is to blame.


Sue Microsoft!


Hehe, wait... that would never work.... :rolleyes:


Merc out. :fett:

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I run a Geforce 3 but some of my friends run TI4600 cards and XPpro and they have had no issues whatsoever with their cards or the system in general. Sometimes I think that a poor installation may be the culprit. One thing to remember is that under XP you do not get all of the via driver options during the inital install as you do under say 98 or 2000. Install the via drivers using the compatability mode and you will find the options have returned to you. Now install as under 2000 and you will have a better driver setup. Then when you install your Geforce driver do it under safe mode and do not let the computer reboot itself. When it is complete restart and try out the game. This helps to assure that the drivers are installed properly. Also use only the certified drivers from Nvidia on XP. It does not react well to beta drivers or 2000 drivers.

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