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Coloring - Haplash perhaps help?


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I went on your website Haplash and saw those 2 imperial skins. You changed the grey uniform to that brownish color...and kept all the wrinkles and shadows on it intact. Is there a method to change the color of something while keeping the shadows and wrinkles on the clothes without having to color over the entire uniform and shade back in the wrinkles?

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Many image editors allow you to alter an image by changing the hue or color balance. It's kind of hard to tell you exactly how, as not everyone uses the same image editor. I myself use Micrografx, which I feel is the best image editor I've ever laid my hands onto, but then again I'm the only person I know of who uses this program,...




Interesting enough though, I didn't utilize those features when creating the new imperial textures,... I simply took the brown uniform and pasted a transparent grayscale copy over it.

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I hate photoshop :( . I don't get all the uses of the airbrush tool. Seems like most of the functions either...do nothing...or just make a big streak of the color you are on...onto the skin. Overlay is one thing I see that does something...seems to lighten up the colors. But I don't see how Hue works or Dissolve...or Darken..or Lighten.......

CRAP!...the skins I've done...I've used just the paintbrush and the smudge tool.

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I have the same regards toward photoshop, I thought it was clumsy and disoriented. If you want a really nice program pick up the Micrografx Picture Publisher 7, but don't get 8 though, they tried to emulate photoshop there, and it shows. It's a great program, and can be easily picked up for about $8-$15

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Paintshop Pro 7 is an okay paint program to use to. I altered the

kyle skin and gave him a cool smoke suit when I wasn't able to

start making my own models. But now that I can make my own

models I really don't work with paint programs that much



Paintshop Pro 7 also allows you to change an image's color without creating a solid color too. It's pretty good for changing

character's suits.

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On your Kyle Katarn skin....to turn off his extras- shoulderpad....did you d/l that thing to turn certain surfaces off? Or is there another way to do that?

If you used the d/l....I CAN'T find it anywhere anymore for some reason.

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Ok if all you want to do is change a color you dont need to use any brushes, or anything. I will try to explane how to do this fairly short, and simple.


First have the image open you want the color changed on. Then on the navigator window, click the little buttun on the bottom center thats used to denote contrast. It will bring a dropdown menu up, and in about the middle it will say Hue/Saturation. This is the simplest way of going about it and gets easy results.


This will bring up a dialog with 2 sliders on it. Just slide the top around till you get the color you want. The second controls the color saturation. the more to the left you go the more grey scale it gets. The last slider conrols the brightness.


After you get it how you want, just hit ok. What this does is creats a layer mask. If you didnt want all of the image to be changed by the mask you made, for instace the ranks on the chest will be the wrong colors after you make the mask.


All you need to do then is make a selection making sure that, that layer is selected on that area, and delete it. This will delete that section of the mask, and you will see the original color of the layer then.


There are some other coloring methodes in photshop similar to this, but for most aplications this works wonders.



Hope that helps some.


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Do you mean open the model_default.skin with notepad(or something else) and delete the line that has what you don't what..such as the shouldpad?

Or just delete the kyle_extras.jpg.

In modview I see when I do either one it makes that part of the skin plain white.

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yeah, you can do either, but remember that kyles belt and collar are on the same image as the shoulderpad so you'ld probably just want to change the line in the skin file (I just replace it with 'cheese',... I'm kinda screwy that way).


The trick doesn't work in modview, but it will show up clear in-game. If you want to get the basic effect in modview, you can check out the tutorial I wrote out which explains all the major workings of the ModView program on my homepage,...

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alternate surfaces only works with 1.03 and above. So I think the most universal safe (and correct) way to have a surface not show is to point it to a cheese.jpg :)


The best way to recolor using photshop is to convert an image into greyscale and then use blending.(you create a new layer over the greyscale, fill it with the color you want and then blend it with the greyscale, doing this with various opacities, then playing with the paintbrush and opacities you can ad more hues, this gives the best results I think for photoshop users).


I have downloaded the micrografx trial version and I don't like too much (since corel bought the company I think, it got worse). Version 7.x is indeed more intuitive and very nice except for layers. But I will end up using both at the end I think. The layout is niceeee.


PS Hapslash, please buy an optical mouse! I just bought the microsoft optical wheel usb mouse whatever and it's a mousing dream! 28 euros. ( I don't work for microsoft)

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logitech optical mouses rule!!!

oh to not draw something like the shoulder pad i think you go

shoulder_pad nodraw in the .skin file

and a different way to change color without losing folds nad things: (photshop you can prob do it in others)

make a new layer.

set the opactiy something like under 80%

pick a color. paint over the areas you want recolored, and you get an interesting effect.

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Yeah, I'm actually too much of a mental deficient to understand large complex words such as 'copy', or grasp abstract ideas like 'select'. In fact, I found PhotoShop so confusing, that I had to chug an entire bottle of aspirin just to ease the migraine it was giving me,....



But seriously, I found that PhotoShop lacked the abilities and ease of use that Micrografx's Picture Publisher 7 has. The only thing I found in PS that couldn't be done in PP7 is the ability to save images in multiple layers. But to be honest, I never really found that option to be all that useful in the first place.

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