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Giving permission to use in your anti-whiner replies


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I reported this thread earlier for the obvious spamness in it, but that was this morning, and no mod has shut it down yet. either they are beginning to like the spam or someone isn't here to clean it up. Now what a shame that is. See, if I where a mod, I would have this thread closed. *Hint hint hint again at mods:D *

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Yoda's Swamp---


Give the lightsaber a rest, let the force recharge, and discuss just about any topic of interest with your fellow Jedi in Yoda's Swamp.... (JKII or Non JKII topics allowed)



This topic is about anti-whiners ;) no reason to have it deleted...because it isn't spam.


Now, if I would keep posting the same topic over and over and over and over...THEN it would be spam....and THEN should be reported. Making a habit of reporting every single post someone makes? :confused:

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I wasn't talking about what the thread was about, or how it started off, and I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about things like that huge empty space that the one guy did. I am against things like that. You had good intentions.

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We have plenty of anti-whiner threads already, please post your concerns in an existing thread. Posting these types of threads and replies only trivializes legitimate concerns that some people actually have. You are free to post your opinion on LucasForums, let's not belittle the people that post intelligent thoughts about improving the game, okay?

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