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2 notes about 1.04 patch


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Originally posted by V-tecc

Hey Fatal!


About the match, could we test the server you guys have before we go at it for real? :=)


So that we can test the ping, we are all the way in Sweden you know.


And another thing, the time difference: its 17:30 here right now, on weekdays I'm home from work first 18:30, so if you guys can it would be great some time after that...



Oh... got a tad off-topic here... .but so what.. its my thread! :)


My servers are all messed up. But we can use a public server that I know about. Dreps CTF server seems to get pretty good pings for my members in Finland so it should work for you.


Just drop by it anytime and see for yourself.


Also let me how many people you want to bring.


About the time difference we will have to make it on a weekend, on a weekday I think I get off work while you are sleeping. But I can get my Finland guys to meet with your clan if you want, the time difference should be less, and that could help you guys test the servers.


hahahaha your thread!

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Not sure if this has been addressed yet, so forgive me if it's flogging a dead horse - but... say I install 1.04 and dislike it, or want to revert back to 1.03 to play on a server I like - how do I do it? I've heard mixed horror stories of going from version to version and would like the skinny on the whole thing...


I saw a download called PatchCommander - how does this work? W/ this, am I able to go from 1.02 to 1.03 to 1.04 at the touch of a button? I'm seeking advice before I install it - and before I install 1.04...



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Originally posted by FatalStrike

My servers are all messed up. But we can use a public server that I know about. Dreps CTF server seems to get pretty good pings for my members in Finland so it should work for you.


Just drop by it anytime and see for yourself.


Also let me how many people you want to bring.


About the time difference we will have to make it on a weekend, on a weekday I think I get off work while you are sleeping. But I can get my Finland guys to meet with your clan if you want, the time difference should be less, and that could help you guys test the servers.


hahahaha your thread!


I can only find one of Dreps servers on ASE, and when I was on it, it had horrible ping. Could you send me a mail with the IP to the server that we shall play on?


Dude if its on the weekend, then screw the time, we can probably play late, I want to fight against you! :)


Do you have ICQ? - Or do you guys have an iRC channel?


Oh, and since this is MY thread, and its title is: "2 Notes About The Patch" - then here they come:








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now the game is not fun... i noticed one person said...


Well, I don't really think Dark is any less stronger than Light now. The main problem with Dark in 1.3 is that it was alot easier to get knocked down, due to being pulled down alot, because of the lack of any sort of absorb power. So basically anyone using Dark was backstab/sweep fodder (usually, but not always, I and I've seen some other Dark users that could own a backstab whoring light user).


and i have to wonder what person diddnt read the manual. DARK DOESNT HAVE A SKILL LIKE ABSORB YOU SAY? they diddnt need absorb.. they had dark rage.. but dark rage doesnt stop you from getting knocked down you say.. no.. but it does stop you from being damaged when you do get knocked down. i dont enjoy the new patch.. its completely different from what was released.. i dont play it anymore.. it sucks.


now anyone can get thrown around with force powers.. but also.. you cant get knocked down.. and backstabs suck.. also sabers suck. i just dont enjoy playing multiplayer now.. and multiplayer is WHY I BOUGHT THE GAME.

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V-tec who cares about u being the nº 2 in an ultra ladder for the best, who cares if u were nº 2 in the world?Does that make u feel better?Cmon get a life! Btw humblety is a gift.


I do think kick is overpowered now.

Everybody is abusing of the kick now.

Btw if a sabre cut takes about 50 hp from a guy a kick should take no more then 10 hp.

The kick should work more like push then has an atack

Thats my opinion.

Btw v-tec u don't need to reply cuz i wont even read it.

If u are smart then shut up, that's what u should have don before.







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Originally posted by Nosun

V-tec who cares about u being the nº 2 in an ultra ladder for the best, who cares if u were nº 2 in the world?Does that make u feel better?Cmon get a life! Btw humblety is a gift.


I do think kick is overpowered now.

Everybody is abusing of the kick now.

Btw if a sabre cut takes about 50 hp from a guy a kick should take no more then 10 hp.

The kick should work more like push then has an atack

Thats my opinion.

Btw v-tec u don't need to reply cuz i wont even read it.

If u are smart then shut up, that's what u should have don before.








Who the hell are you and who gives a f* about what u say?



First of, you're lack of the ability to read sickens me, if you had glanced for more then 2 seconds at what I had written then you would know that I have stated that this means ONLY that I have played a lot!! - Since you haven't.. that makes you an idiot, not even worthy of a reply!


"humblety is a gift" ... this is true and proofs that you aren't gifted what so ever.


But over to your main malfunction: Lacking the ability to read.


You said (so stupidly) "I do think kick is overpowered now."

What are you blind or ignorant? - I have said on more than one occasion that kick is way more effective then the saber, and un-blockable, but its not overpowered, its the result of everything being tweaked to insanity.


Do you want to remove everything that can inflict damage from the game??


And telling me to not reply is plain stupid, you cant state idiotic remarks and then say: "dont prove me wrong".


"Btw v-tec u don't need to reply cuz i wont even read it." - Yes, I have noticed reading is a tad 2 dificult for you, isn't it?


"Cmon get a life" - Ha, dude, I'm not the one typing "l33t" = "e-diot" - punk


Now shut up, stay the f* out of my face.. before I slap you like a B1tch!

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Originally posted by Nosun

V-tec who cares about u being the nº 2 in an ultra ladder for the best, who cares if u were nº 2 in the world?Does that make u feel better?Cmon get a life! Btw humblety is a gift.


I care about the fact that being highly ranked shows that he knows what he's talking about. Normally all we see is players that can't play worth a damn suggesting game changes.


Also having a high rank does make one feel better. If you had ever played any sport your would be familiar with "if someone is keeping score than you must try to win"


What's this "C'mon get a life" comment? You are trippin out because he is a good player, to me that makes you a bitter loser. Try Pac-Man, sounds more your speed.


BTW champ the word is "Humility" not "Humblety"



Originally posted by Nosun

I do think kick is overpowered now.

Everybody is abusing of the kick now.

Btw if a sabre cut takes about 50 hp from a guy a kick should take no more then 10 hp.

The kick should work more like push then has an atack

Thats my opinion.

Btw v-tec u don't need to reply cuz i wont even read it.

If u are smart then shut up, that's what u should have don before.



The kick is not overpowered, it is simply the next in line to get the attention of you whiners. First the DFA then the Backstab and now the kick. You whiners are just working your way down the power ladder in hopes of making everything weak. The kick has had the same strength since 1.02 but it was never a problem until now.



Originally posted by Nosun

If u are smart then shut up, that's what u should have don before.



ooh you better watch it V-Tecc, looks like you angered this big man. (I figure anyone God made this intellectually challenged must be a big guy, after all making him small and feable would just be too cruel)

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in a game for which my WHOLE PURPOSE for buying was multiplayer fun. the fun seems gone.. and i am sorry i bought it. they screwed with multiplayer too much.. and changed too much.. pull and push are worthless.. sabers are worthless. bacstabs are worthless.. i just dont have fun when i play it now.. so i dont.. im not gonna say what i think is wrong with it.. it would take too long.. and other people have said it before. i just dont like multiplayer now.

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I agree with graigsmith, they changed too much and now with all the mods I gotta download, it's not even worth playing. I joined the Jedi Academy in hope of getting better, and all I did was get owned by a bunch of kids. Yeah there were a few classes, but they didn't help. No matter how hard I try, I'm just not good at this game. I can't devote all my time to a game, I just want to have sometime to enjoy in my free time and I don't get that. On top of just sucking at the game, I am sick and tired of the game constantly freezing and crashing for me on my fast computer :(

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Originally posted by Demolisher

I agree with graigsmith, they changed too much and now with all the mods I gotta download, it's not even worth playing. I joined the Jedi Academy in hope of getting better, and all I did was get owned by a bunch of kids. Yeah there were a few classes, but they didn't help. No matter how hard I try, I'm just not good at this game. I can't devote all my time to a game, I just want to have sometime to enjoy in my free time and I don't get that. On top of just sucking at the game, I am sick and tired of the game constantly freezing and crashing for me on my fast computer :(


Thats because this game defense does not allow any "NEW" to learn to love the game. Everything they do gets blocked, and they can't figure out why when it clearly shouldn't. They get bored with the time it take to get ONE kill and they quit. Face it people anyway you look at it 1.04 is not better then 1.02.


When we all played 1.02 for the first time we LOVED it. In fact thousands of people did. I would bet that had none of played 1.02 or 1.03 before we played 1.04 there wouldn't be HALF the people on-line right now as there is.

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I have been saying this all along, from when I posted as a little bantha fodder, to now. Whiners are whiners, they will never stop complaining, so Raven should not appease to them. They will always find SOMETHING to complain about. These are the brand of people who THINK they are good, but in reality are not, and cannot cope with the details of the game. If they spent some time to learn the game and become GOOD, they would see that the complains they HAVE BEEN making are all wrong. First of all, DFA. People complained because they thought DFA was over powered? HELL NO it wasn't. I rarely used DFA, and when a DFA whore faces me, he usually dies, because well, there's something called moving to the SIDE of him. THe only the that needed fixing of the DFA was the in ground damage it dealt.


But the story goes along with the little whiney kids, that flaunt there way back to this forum and start complaining, and in the end, nerf DFA, and actually nerf sabers altogether.


Alas, out comes 1.03, the supposed 'savior' of JK2, 'the' patch that was going to balance things for those who thought it was UNbalanced.


Little did we know that 2 days later, a scurry of vermin, the whiney little gremlins, the plague of JK2, come back with some MORE to complain about. It seems that backstab has become a move that is over used, and is a 1 hit kill. Those who cannot use it are all complaining about how they cannot win. wah this, wah that. They do this without thinking..hmm..why didn't 1.02 have backstabbers? Maybe because we caused Raven to nerf saber damage and make it nothing more than a glow stick?


With the unsuccessful opening of 1.03, many of the JK2 community left, because of the crumbling of their JK2 foundation, and the overrun of noisy whiners all over the community.


A new savior was needed. Something new, something that would bring saber fighting back. Heroes walked into the community, claiming they will save it, and bring it back to what it once was. These heroes brought us Jedi Mod, JK2++, and 1.04. They had improved the community, at first bringing back saber damage, and the lethality of the once glow stick. But things would not remain this way...as our heroes fell into the constant whining of the scum of the community. In turn, the backstabs were nerfed.


As the community adjusted to these changes, and learned to live with them, and actually began to enjoy the game again, the community grew, and it's strength in the gaming world began to blossom once more. But the little gremlins have not left our gentle community. They still lurk out there, there have been sightings of such ghastly beings, as some men continue to here their complaints about kick being overpowered. Alas, could this be another attack on our gentle community?

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"humblety is a gift"


BTW champ the word is "Humility" not "Humblety"



I thought Humblety was one of the TeleTubbies characters.


Or was it that wierd tuna fish character...(sing!) Hum...Hum...Humble...ty Humblety Tuuuna! I love Humblety, Humlblety....


Okay, not my best material...but look what I have to work with. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Oh wait I forgot. Gunners can deal with and adapt to things in games. People here just cry and whine anytime someone kills them when they believe they are invincable little jedi boys from the movies.


Yo GEEZus!

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  • 2 weeks later...

what is everyones problem these days? you all bitch wine complain.. christ you bitch about everylittle detail.... uppercut in 1.00 bs in 1.03 dfa in 1.04 kick in.. let me think.. just about all of them.. just accept the fact its a part of the damn game??? cmon people say stuff like.. oh thats so stupid you should be able to do that.. if its an easy kill (eg 5 kicks) then do it straight back to the person who did it to you.


in 1.03 if someone kept doing bs on you.. learn how to do it to them.. or if they are ass fighting.. d'oh! run away from them so they cant get the kill...


i do agree that. ..cmon its a light saber a beam of ......light.. electricity.. whatever it is.. lazer.. its an instant kill. ok maybe each slice should take mmmmm 60hp? more then that.. but......... a jedi is trained obviously to block these attacks..... like in the movie... just accept the fact that when each saber slice takes only.. what sometimes 10hp.. lucasarts are really tying to make it seem like these attacks are being blocked.. i think.. anyone agree? i do agree that people over abuse these moves(bs,dfa,kick) but hey. thats life.. just dont bitch and wine.....cya

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this topic has completely melted my head.


it seems that everyone is for freedom of speech, but only if it's their own. or if someone else agrees with them.


i have played the game on v 1.2 /3 and 4 and have always enjoyed it.


if i didnt enjoy the game on .4 i would reinstall it, it only takes ten minutes. fortunately, i do though, so i'll stick with it for now.


a few months ago i was getting nailed by people overusing either heavy special, kick, backstab, pull-backsweep, grip, lightning or any other move (potentially all of them) which they spammed. i eventually figured out ways to avoid/nullify each one.


now i am in no ways a pro at this game but i have done my best to adjust to the tactics used by others who are looking for a quick kill. i honestly dont think complaining about a move/force being too powerful or spammed because their is a counter for everything and with every patch there will be po#tential for spamming.


and i agree with stalker... if someone is using the same move on me over and over, i do it back to them.


always will be whiners, always will be spammers. i'm just dealing with it. adapt.

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