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Jk2 1.4....


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I have lurked long enough - I must speak. Patch 1.04 has ruined my enjoyment of the game to a degree where I actually felt a physical reaction in real life I was so angry at how crippled Mulitplayer is. In their quest to 'balance' the game, Raven has removed the fun. I just came from several servers where people are 'running backward' again to backslash - and since you cannot ankle twist now, when people miss it plays terrible, and people keep missing, and it just sucks.

Also, I did a test and I blocked 4 Hard backslash backstabs in a row without dying. Sure, I was down to low health, but the fact is if you get hit with a heavy backslash - you should DIE. Blocking 4 is absurd.

To say nothing about the lag and amature bugs such as the 1.04 showing as 1.03. Probably the guy Raven hired away from Urban Terror caused that bug, and is now ruining JK2 as he runied SOF2.

I have seen this for years, developers trying to 'balance' a game. All have failed, it is impossible to get perfect balance, and you miss 9/10 times and 9/10 times you cause more problems. I saw it happen in Street Fighter 2 - Capcom tried to 'balance' the game - and ruined it.

The only way to 'balance' a game is to OVERPOWER every weapon, every power, and let SKILL in using the powers rule. This 1.04 patch was developed to please the mainstream anti- backstab crybabies, and since that was the only Email raven got, they listened and look what has happened.

As for me, I am going back to 1.03 until this crap is fixed. A for effort Raven, d- for results.


- Vanguarde

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I got a chance to briefly play 1.04 this afternoon and like the changes. I still think Raven is crazy to not lower blocking or increase saber damage though.


No more backsweep blenders and force pull was always kinda overpowered IMO anyway.


Quietsith- I am going to drop by your server soon. But, I gotta ask first- is it the kind of server where everyone runs around with their sabers off waiting for people to finish duels before fighting?

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I *need* to comment on this... LoL!


"I just came from several servers where people are 'running backward' again to backslash - and since you cannot ankle twist now, when people miss it plays terrible, and people keep missing, and it just sucks."


Ankle twist? Am I mistaken, or do you mean the "twisting" while doing the blue stab? The move where you don't move your feet at all but somehow manage to spin like crazy generating a hurricane of unblockable instant death to all who happen to be close by?

How terrible! I will totally miss this wonderful, yet so realistic move. . LMAO!



"Also, I did a test and I blocked 4 Hard backslash backstabs in a row without dying. Sure, I was down to low health, but the fact is if you get hit with a heavy backslash - you should DIE. Blocking 4 is absurd."


Umm...like WHY should it be impossible to block 4 sweeps in a row? Think about it for a moment:


A person turns his back to a Jedi (who is standing still, focused, waiting for an attack with his saber ready...actually at this point the moron turning around should be dead!), executes a slow, ridiculous swing backwards without even looking that way..(not to mention aiming!) You think that should be unblockable? I ask again: WHY?


The fact that backstabs were unblockable was as ridiculous as is the fact that kicks still are. I mean...you're sticking your bare, unprotected feet in the face of a jedi HOLDING A LIGHTSABER! I'd be quite careful when doing that "in real life". Unless you want your leg to be cut off, that is. The unblockability is absurd. But so what...no biggie. i can live with that :D



"This 1.04 patch was developed to please the mainstream anti- backstab crybabies"


You *really* think there was nothing wrong with backstabs? You... Oh damn!! Silly me! You're just trolling! LOL! Sorry! My mistake. You sure had me going...Hahahaha! Good one!


Oh man....excellent post! :D

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Originally posted by Vanguarde

I have lurked long enough - I must speak. Patch 1.04 has ruined my enjoyment of the game to a degree where I actually felt a physical reaction in real life I was so angry at how crippled Mulitplayer is. In their quest to 'balance' the game, Raven has removed the fun. I just came from several servers where people are 'running backward' again to backslash - and since you cannot ankle twist now, when people miss it plays terrible, and people keep missing, and it just sucks.

Also, I did a test and I blocked 4 Hard backslash backstabs in a row without dying. Sure, I was down to low health, but the fact is if you get hit with a heavy backslash - you should DIE. Blocking 4 is absurd.

To say nothing about the lag and amature bugs such as the 1.04 showing as 1.03. Probably the guy Raven hired away from Urban Terror caused that bug, and is now ruining JK2 as he runied SOF2.

I have seen this for years, developers trying to 'balance' a game. All have failed, it is impossible to get perfect balance, and you miss 9/10 times and 9/10 times you cause more problems. I saw it happen in Street Fighter 2 - Capcom tried to 'balance' the game - and ruined it.

The only way to 'balance' a game is to OVERPOWER every weapon, every power, and let SKILL in using the powers rule. This 1.04 patch was developed to please the mainstream anti- backstab crybabies, and since that was the only Email raven got, they listened and look what has happened.

As for me, I am going back to 1.03 until this crap is fixed. A for effort Raven, d- for results.


- Vanguarde



I have never before flamed anyone in public but THIS has to be personnally flamed by me.

The disease of backstabbers has been chasing me down since it started, i used to play CTF until it was overwhelmed with your putrid scurge, i left it and went to Duel where all was good, until in the last 3 weeks its started to spread to the place i have escaped to, but there was a savior.





I am so Hugely glad that people like you are getting mad now about the backstab being fixed, if you could only see my face and how happy i am that people like you will finnally get your comeuppance :D


All i can say is Karma people Karma



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Spider says: 1.04 is excellent. It fixes most of the esoteric game-balance problems that afflicted 1.03. FFA is now more fun, and I do enjoy watching people try to backstab other people. heh-heh. Hopefully there won't be another build until an expansion pack is released, so that we have time to appreciate and enjoy this fabulous patch.

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What s wrong with this guy?

Even ppl that were doin assfighter style 24/7 begged for this patch.

Well it was the most effective style for a long time and to get a high fragcount you had to use that style.

What s wrong with seeing the ppl s faces again instead of their butts all the time?

Or do you enjoy butts so much you want to keep that friggin 1.03 experience?

I can only say it was damn time Raven patched this bs whirlwind **** so JK 2 comes back to real skill in sabre fighting.

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Originally posted by Darth Omen

I can only say it was damn time Raven patched this bs whirlwind **** so JK 2 comes back to real skill in sabre fighting.


Yeah .....i just love the skill in praying for getting trough the newbie friendly guard

But after all i don t use saber ....just kick and Saber throw/pull, or simply guns if they re available

So plez don t get over with the skill argument, i got enough skill to win without using crappy saber

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Originally posted by Vanguarde

I have lurked long enough - I must speak. Patch 1.04 has ruined my enjoyment of the game to a degree where I actually felt a physical reaction in real life I was so angry at how crippled Mulitplayer is. In their quest to 'balance' the game, Raven has removed the fun. I just came from several servers where people are 'running backward' again to backslash - and since you cannot ankle twist now, when people miss it plays terrible, and people keep missing, and it just sucks.

Also, I did a test and I blocked 4 Hard backslash backstabs in a row without dying. Sure, I was down to low health, but the fact is if you get hit with a heavy backslash - you should DIE. Blocking 4 is absurd.

To say nothing about the lag and amature bugs such as the 1.04 showing as 1.03. Probably the guy Raven hired away from Urban Terror caused that bug, and is now ruining JK2 as he runied SOF2.

I have seen this for years, developers trying to 'balance' a game. All have failed, it is impossible to get perfect balance, and you miss 9/10 times and 9/10 times you cause more problems. I saw it happen in Street Fighter 2 - Capcom tried to 'balance' the game - and ruined it.

The only way to 'balance' a game is to OVERPOWER every weapon, every power, and let SKILL in using the powers rule. This 1.04 patch was developed to please the mainstream anti- backstab crybabies, and since that was the only Email raven got, they listened and look what has happened.

As for me, I am going back to 1.03 until this crap is fixed. A for effort Raven, d- for results.


- Vanguarde


I totally agree... And I don't think i'll be playing jk2 anymore because of this patch. I thought that the only things that needed to be changed were:


(1) The fact that you could pull people down


(2) spinning while doing a backSLASH not the blue backstab


(3) lower saber throw and kick damage


(4) increase saber damage in all stances (since in 1.03 and 1.04 the saber is essentially a giant tube of styrofoam)


If that's all they had changed from 1.03 then the game would have been perfect for me. Now I have to hit a guy about 5 billion times to kill him... that's not fun at all. Except wait! if I do a yellow or red dfa it's a 1 hit kill or close to it! Now how does doing a specific attack magically make the saber do damage? I haven't been able to figure it out yet. So 1.04 is going to be a yellow and red dfa war! hoorah to Raven for their lack of playtesting and their inability to listen to people like artifex who knew what the hell they were talking about.


btw. I still win almost all my duels in 1.04 and do well in ffa it's just that a lightsaber isn't a giant noodle that does no damage.

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Originally posted by ThirdGenRX7


I totally agree... And I don't think i'll be playing jk2 anymore because of this patch.


...Except wait! if I do a yellow or red dfa it's a 1 hit kill or close to it! Now how does doing a specific attack magically make the saber do damage? I haven't been able to figure it out yet. So 1.04 is going to be a yellow and red dfa war! hoorah to Raven for their lack of playtesting and their inability to listen to people like artifex who knew what the hell they were talking about.


Oh my god! Did you read my response to the guy you quoted. If not, please do.


The Yellow special and DFA....yeah right...you go on and "whore" those moves. That ought to be fun!


As for the question "how does doing a specific attack magically make the saber do damage?": Ummm...are you serious? Does the red DFA seem like a powerful move to you? It sure as hell does for me. So where does the "magical damage" come from? Umm...like...maybe because it's a POWERFUL MOVE...!?


You could ask that question about the backstab, but come on: The Red DFA?!


And please, if you ever face me in battle, go ahead and spam the DFA. I would enjoy that very much. :)



Your post made no sense.


But go ahead, quit playing this game...show us all what you're made of. :rolleyes:

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I love guys that spam red DFA sidestep and kick them in the back of the head every time. Same goes for for yellow finisher. Move and kick or saber throw. Do this a few times and anyone with a brain (ok about 20% of people that play this game) will learn not to do it again. These are instances where kick should be used. I totally agree that if you jump into someones saber you should get your leg cut off(take damage).


So what if it now takes longer to kill an opponent. The person with the real skill will now win instead of the person landing a powerful move first. I for one welcome the fact that in FFA the numbers will be a lot closer rather than having the most kills go to the best backstabber. The backstab is a great suprise move. It being attempted 5 or 6 times during a battle is just plain rediculous. Backstab should never have been a main move. (using backstab every time you fight someone constitutes it as a main move)

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I have lurked long enough - I must speak. Patch 1.04 has ruined my enjoyment of the game to a degree where I actually felt a physical reaction in real life I was so angry at how crippled Mulitplayer is. In their quest to 'balance' the game, Raven has removed the fun. I just came from several servers where people are 'running backward' again to backslash - and since you cannot ankle twist now, when people miss it plays terrible, and people keep missing, and it just sucks.


ROFLMAO.. Ahaha. i would like to flame you but i can't stop laughing AHAHAHA!!!

Jeez dude get a life ROFL.

seriously i am going to die of laughter here.

Oh dam i've left my nakle twistewd the wrog way, there let me fix it.

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I agree with Zan to a degree. I think DFA should be a move to keep people off your ass. Keep the ones who like to attack you from behind(I do this myslef). I think it should do more damage, but I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that they stopped it from making you into a spinning top, same with backstab. As Zan said this patch will bring about a ton of kickers and people who whore that move to death, but with every move there is a counter to that move.


Some people are right... this patch will put the people with the most skill back at the top of the chain. Finally after a long time since the intro to 1.03, I see my name S0ulblihtr burning in red at the top of the standings at the end of a match. I finally get the chance to continue to hone my saber skills instead of getting in a big crowd and DFA. Getting the chance to out think a person in combat rather than out backslash is awesome. I love this patch.


Thank you raven for bringing JO back to the roots and making it once again a game of technique instead of crappy game of luck moves.


Anyone who wants a game of technique and fun check me out (S0ulblihtr), thats my name it never changes... I don't mind getting my arse whooped, as long as you don't mind it either. I love losing to someone with more skill, always willing to learn.

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