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a saber hilt worth taking a look at.


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Hey guys.. im new to modeling, and to your forums at that, but i managed to produce a pretty kick ass saber hilt with gmax (learned it all last night...) in my opinion its better than most of the ones iv'e seen so far (accept darth maul's.. thank you oh unnamed man) so check it out.. i post this though cause i need some help with skinning.. and importing it into the game.. hope ya like it, and if you can help me out, IM me (PuterB0X)


Link 1 - http://hardwaretaco.netfirms.com/LightSaber1.JPG

Link 2 - http://hardwaretaco.netfirms.com/LightSaber2.JPG

Link 3 - http://hardwaretaco.netfirms.com/LightSaber3.JPG



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wtf.. i didn't mean that.. i said i THOUGHT it looked better than most the other saber hilts IV'E seen.. you guys.. jesus, my opinion.. all the recreations iv'e for the game i thought sucked, adsept for the saber hilt that came with darth maul.. wanna know some better ones in MY OPINION.. Rusted saber and shaft saber, both.. realy cool..


(i guess how it looked kinda like that with the word all, i didnt mean that.. sry)

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How dare you degrade other quality models. Especially with this piece of crap you call a saber. I mean come on, your far too arrogant as chronos said. Youve just started last night for crying out loud and your already bragging. Shame, SHAME!!

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wtf.. its my f*cking opinion.. could you guys read the posts thoroughly before you start bad mouthing me! here it is for you bastards.. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SOUND ARROGENT! ALL THE ONES IV'E SEEN I THOUGHT WERE CRAP now listen up..k.. ALL THE ONES IV'E SEEN!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVN'T SEEN MACE WINDU'S AND "SOME OF THE ONES" THAT CRONO HAVE SEEN!!!!

... give me a ****ing break for god sakes... you guys are a ****ing bunch of dicks i swear, bastards..

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??? u guys r acting a bit crazy, the poor guy just wants his saber to be finished and he needs some help. No one should just attack him and clearly by his posts he didn't mean what he said. Anyway i think the saber looks pretty kool, with it's original design but i can't skin if my life depended on it.

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I Think chrono mot got affended cause hes been making alot of sabers lately and this guy comes and says he hasn't seen anygood lightsabers besides darthmauls so I think chrono took it too personaly but understandedly. Second maybe he hasnt seen your saberhilts. Who knows mayber if you guys would calm down and work together on a project you guys could create something realy good for the game since one of you is realy good already and the newbie obviously can model decently just think about it instead of fighting.:D

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thanks, i guess that ones going in the garbage, im working on a second one.. lower polly count, that was my second work up their, other than a gay ass mace.. i think you guys will like the new one, what ever.. i am new to the forums, not like i checked out all the post about saber hilts, i didn't even know there were so many, only ones iv'e seen were at jediknight2files.com.. sorry agian.. mine doesnt kick so mutch ass anymore..

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yea im guessing your saber has around 10000 polys...



heres a few tips to keep the polycount down while making a saber. when you make a cylinder dont give it the default 18 sides, its too much detail to notice, make it max about 10. also set the segments to 1, this way the cylinder isnt cut into more parts. and to keep things simple practice with extruding the end of a cylinder and shape the extruded part to make it bigger or smaller , depending on what you need, instead of just making another cylinder and attaching it to the old one.

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I like it. The rapier style handle (what it looks like to me) is something I have been hoping for in a saber hilt. If you could make a two handed version, it would really rock!


Thanks for sharing what you have created with the community,




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Originally posted by icepool

I Think chrono mot got affended cause hes been making alot of sabers lately and this guy comes and says he hasn't seen anygood lightsabers besides darthmauls so I think chrono took it too personaly but understandedly. Second maybe he hasnt seen your saberhilts. Who knows mayber if you guys would calm down and work together on a project you guys could create something realy good for the game since one of you is realy good already and the newbie obviously can model decently just think about it instead of fighting.:D


Still tho....i have been seeing some awesome hjilts...The Apex Saber,Alaris's Saber,Vaders Saber,Windu's Saber,Plo koons was pretty good.....not to mention chrono man is working on a Bong Saber...oh yah...SNOOTCHIE NOOTCHIES!

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