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Thank god for 1.04!!!


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I'm definitely going to mess around a bit with those CVARS. I've been looking forward to saber combat becoming truly realistic. One blow can sever you torso, your arm, your head. Just a little glance to the midsection can tear your organs open, leaking vital fluids... I'm describing all this too graphically, aren't I?

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i think the blocking is damn fine the way it is. i mean you should be able to block things right? look at the movie battles. you can still get past defenses and such with specials and getting past the arc and using combos. i do agree that i like uping the saber damage sometimes though.


now i didn't complain about bs, i found ways around it. but i do enjoy the new patch very much.

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Glad you guys like it, remember you have to spread the word if you ever hope to see it become the norm.

BTW, thank QuietSith for bringing this to everyone's attention if you get the chance.


The blocking is kind of a matter of personal taste.

I prefer to rely on my movements to avoid the swings, but I know others will prefer the blocks.


Personally I have found the blocking to be somewhat unreliable at times whereas a "strafe left" works every time (if you do it fast enough).

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