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I think Raven is pretty close to this patching business...


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Take v1.04...And


1. Double the damage of all saber swings (or use 1.02 damage levels, whichever is lower).


Why? Absoultely garbage now, taking so many hits to kill someone, even if in red stance. Since there is a new damage system where you the end of a swing is not that powerful, there is no need to nerf saber damage-put it back to 1.02 damage levels, or simply double the current levels.


2. If you are in the air, the player should be a lot more vulnerable to saber swings and saber throws.


Why? To minimize the spamming of kicks which will be apparent now for v1.04. Anyone who believes otherwise are like the people who said that "backstabs in 1.03 can be countered...blah blah blah". Yea, of course it can be countered. but the pull+backstab/throw/kick was still the most efficient combo.

But now if kicking is better than any of the saber swings or other moves, competitive play will simply be about pull+kick+throw combos and finished off with more of the same kicks. It can't be blocked, and it's too difficult to hit them in the air. Staying crouched only wokrs if you are ready for it. Taking on the mid-airlunge took out the only efficient counter to the kick, but it also took out an annoying spam move.


These two SIMPLE, yet EFFECTIVE changes IMO will make the game significantly better as well as keeping balance. The only move you can spam then would be to swing...


I must comment, the slow down of backing up in 1.04 was the perfect addition to stop obsessive saber throws and backing up.

Taking out saber throw in NF duels was also good.

Only thing I must comment on were those two. Swing damage and air vulnerability to stop overkickers.


Feel free to comment on my reasoning and changes.



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Originally posted by Myst

Why? Absoultely garbage now, taking so many hits to kill someone, even if in red stance.


I have no problems killing decently quickly. I prefer fights to last 30-45 seconds and unless there's a lot of health and shields laying around, it's pretty safe to say that one or the other person is going to be dead or near dead by that point.


I wouldn't mind fewer parries, but then again the increased blocks help me as much as they slow me down so it's a double edged thing. ;)


2. If you are in the air, the player should be a lot more vulnerable to saber swings and saber throws.


They're already quite vulnerable to lunges, force powers, or backstabs. It's kind of sillly sometimes how easy it is for someone to launch you into a bottomless pit just by tapping force push while you're midair.

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"well you already are, because you don't block things below your feet"


You mean to tell me saber throws and swings will actually hit someone who is trying to front kick spam you? I mean even without pull.



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Originally posted by LoneJedi

IMO, I think that it should be easier to put yourself into a spin in the yellow stance like in 1.02. With the current yellow stance, the spin is rather slow and easy to avoid.


erm, ya....and it does just as much damage, leaving you open though

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Originally posted by LoneJedi

IMO, I think that it should be easier to put yourself into a spin in the yellow stance like in 1.02. With the current yellow stance, the spin is rather slow and easy to avoid.


Uh, it's been pretty much verified that the spins are almost completely useless moves. All they do is look neat.


This was suspected a while back, but confirmed once the game source was released. There is an option you can turn on in the source to have the game draw the saber hitbox, so you can examine where exactly the blade could be doing damage at any one point.


If you do a spin move with this on, the hitbox completely dissappears for the entire time you are facing backwards. That means the saber is incapable of doing damage until you finish the animation.. which results in about 50% of the total time you are animating.


In other words spins = bad. ;)

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Originally posted by Myst

"well you already are, because you don't block things below your feet"


You mean to tell me saber throws and swings will actually hit someone who is trying to front kick spam you? I mean even without pull.




if somebody is trying to kick you all you have to do is keep backing up and saber throwing

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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg


lol you can counter almost anything by backing up and saber throwing ;) makes for a boring fight tho


So true, I agree.


But, it also makes for a f*cking boring fight when all that your enemy does is jumping around like a l33t bunny on crack trying to hit with his l33t h4x0r frontal kix...... 'nuff said.

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