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1.04 error

Darth Vader19

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Hey i jus installed 1.04 and i clicked on the jkIIup1.04.exe thing

it installed then i went to play

as i went to play

i clicked on the "play" then as i always do refreshed my favorites

after a sec or so, it sent me bak to windoes and said Wrong Version! ne 1 know y it does dat?!

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Originally posted by Darth Vader19

Hey i jus installed 1.04 and i clicked on the jkIIup1.04.exe thing

it installed then i went to play

as i went to play

i clicked on the "play" then as i always do refreshed my favorites

after a sec or so, it sent me bak to windoes and said Wrong Version! ne 1 know y it does dat?!


Are you using the no-cd v.1.03 startup fix?

I tried with that very file and got the same error.

Then I used the regular startup with the cd in drive. No prob.


Now I'm waiting for a no-cd to v1.04 so I don't have to bother with the game cd being in my drive.:D


Other possiblities could be you have to reinstall, but check and see if you start the game using the "normal" files :)

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If you don't want to use the CD, get CloneCD (http://www.elby.de) and Daemon Tools (http://www.daemon-tools.com) i think... i might've got the urls completely wrong, but i think they're right... Tho CloneCD can be used to pirate, it can create image files on your hd, so u can mount them using daemon... works exactly like the original if you do it right...


using these, i don't hafta rummage thru a pile of cds!!! (esp music cds)

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