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1.04 One step closer.....


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Ah yes, my young sith apprentice. The transformation of the elegant, but deadly weapon known as the 'lightsaber' into a frail stick is almost complete. With the addition of my new patch, I have singlehandedly taken out any more suprising moves left in this computer game. Try and BACKSTAB now, or try and LUNGE IN THE AIR, yes, that is correct. You cannot! Now, everyone is faced to drop down to your level my young sith apprentice, and use your techniques (or lack there of).


Ah yes, many a month ago I remember the times of 'DFA' and 'Red stylin' whore,' but now....NOW what will the apprentices of the dark and light side complain about! I find this most intriguing....what shall I nerf next in this game? I think...yes...I will nerf heavy stance....and yes....lunge. The 'Heavy' stance does far too much damage, and is unwieldy and unpredictable! And, for many apprentices the lunge also is unpredictable! AH YES I HAVE IT! I will nerf everything except light stance and the ugnaught and rebel trooper skin! Perfect!


What is that my young sith apprentice? Add something? Build upon something we have already made to make it more complete and better? You still have much to learn, my young sith apprentice. As I know, and I will teach you, over time, that the addition of things into a patch to make a game better instead of taking away everything regarded as suprising or damaging is indeed a sign of lunacy. Ah yes, maybe in time you will learn, my young sith apprentice.


[The feet shift.]



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You are right.

v1.04 out of the box on default settings is like whacking away with two rubber lightsabers.


Go start up a server and enter the settings in my sig.

The saber becomes more lethal than it ever was.


Granted, you can crank the damage scale all the way up to 200 if you like, but 4 is pretty damn effective.


It does suck that the air lunge is gone, but I don't think anyone based their entire play style around that one move.


Honestly, I would rather have cocker spaniels gnaw away on my genitals than have to spend 30 minutes in a duel chasing some guy around because of crappy saber swings not being able to match his constant healing.


Try these settings and you will be in for a pleasant surprise.


These guys that are pushing this stuff, like them or not, have the right idea.


I have played a Rosco The Prince of Space before, I assume it was you.

I know you’re a good player and by no means a "whining n00b".


I also know how damn frustrating it can be to constantly have to have your play style weakened by patches made to compensate for your opponents lack of ability.


Trust me dude, these settings are worth checking out and worth pimping to server admins.

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Agreed that the settings are better than the default game, and is really a big step in the right direction. It still needs some work though. Setting saber to 4x empowers the light stance a little bit too much for my tastes. Other than that, love it love it love it. Wish every server was running it, and not just the ones I have seen. Wouldn't it be fun to see a saber this strong vs gunners? Hmmm...

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Originally posted by JaledDur

Agreed that the settings are better than the default game, and is really a big step in the right direction. It still needs some work though. Setting saber to 4x empowers the light stance a little bit too much for my tastes. Other than that, love it love it love it. Wish every server was running it, and not just the ones I have seen. Wouldn't it be fun to see a saber this strong vs gunners? Hmmm...




The 2, 3, 4 Hell even 100 x is just a matter of personal taste.


Some game types like CTF will be great at 4 X due to having to take out a flag carrier fast, where a duel will pretty much be a "who can land the first/last hit" match very much like v1.02 unless you set it at 2 or 3.


And yes, the backstab becomes a "newbie" killer once again.

The thing is, with so many other powerful saber attacks, there is no need to Spam it.


The Jedi vs. Merc and FFA w/ guns is simply perfect now that the repeater got an ammo boost and the saber can be lethal and quick once again.

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I have yet to download the new patch and try it out, but I am encouraged that they've taken out the spinning in the backstab as well as the lightstance mid-air lunge. I'm especially intrigued by the damagescale variable that you mention in your sig, Ewok.


As far as turning everyone into n00bs, I hardly think that balancing what were essentially explots qualifies as turning people into n00bs. Anyone who really relied on backstab and the midair lunge, really can't call themselves all that skilled in the first place. To my way of thinking, true mastery of the sabre deals not with specific moves, but knowing when and how to apply them. If your whole repertoir consists of maybe two or three of the uber moves, you will and should get your ass handed to you by someone who effectively uses the basic swings. If you don't like the aesthetics of the swings and how they look, why not program yourself a few new animations and make a mod to make things look flashier? I think there's a mod out there already doing this called style over substance or something. Look around on the jediknighii.net page for a ling. Anyway, all I'm saying is that using the basic moves more than the flashy moves doesn't make you a n00b. Hell, half of the flashy moves would get your ass killed in a real duel. You turn your back to me in a swordfight to do some goofy backstab move that looks fancy, and I'm just gonna stick you in the back with my sword. End of story. :)



P.S. It was a KENNER lightsaber, Ewok, not a Hasbro one. ;)

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Ah yes, many a month ago I remember the times of 'DFA' and 'Red stylin' whore,' but now....NOW what will the apprentices of the dark and light side complain about! I find this most intriguing....what shall I nerf next in this game? I think...yes...I will nerf heavy stance....and yes....lunge. The 'Heavy' stance does far too much damage, and is unwieldy and unpredictable! And, for many apprentices the lunge also is unpredictable! AH YES I HAVE IT! I will nerf everything except light stance and the ugnaught and rebel trooper skin! Perfect

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

It does suck that the air lunge is gone, but I don't think anyone based their entire play style around that one move.


I played some geeza the other day that used it constanly, cant counter it other than getting out the way asap. :eyeraise:

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I hardly think that balancing what were essentially explots qualifies as turning people into n00bs. Anyone who really relied on backstab and the midair lunge, really can't call themselves all that skilled in the first place.


Well, thats kind of true.......


I think what Rosco was trying to get at is that Raven keeps trying to satisfy all the idiots that incessively complain to them about "exploits" (which are player produced mind you), instead of tending to the real problems in the game (and I don't mean MY problems, I just mean ACTUAL problems).


To elaborate more, I don't anyone relied on backstab or midair lunge, but it wasn't that which was part of the bigger picture. Regardless of what they take out......they are still taking out! Why not add something once in a while. Instead of nerfing force moves and "uber" moves as they were, how's ab00t adding more animations and new counters. To me, that sounds better, and from what Icefox and I talk about this game, I think we would agree. Because like I said before "exploits" are player produced.....what in the hell is to stop them from exploiting something else now that MORE stuff has been removed and/or nerfed. Absolutely nothing, which is what I wish was the amount of attention raven paid to these irrelevant complaints. "And so the saga continues my young sith apprentice."


I guess the moral of the story would be: Instead of patches fluctuating...I wish they would expand. "Of that's just my opinion, I may be wrong."

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Hellfyre....Yes I am....


Rosco: The Prince Of Space




The Intergalactic Being; Rosco: The Prince Of Space


I fought a Hellfyre today....


One of the worst fights ive ever had, i think I killed you what, 7 times in a row in a duel server before you started just flat out running from me, so we kicked you from the server then you came back, and we kicked you again. Well, well, well. You sir, are a n00b.





[The Feet Shift.]

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Originally posted by icefox98

Hellfyre....Yes I am....


Rosco: The Prince Of Space




The Intergalactic Being; Rosco: The Prince Of Space


I fought a Hellfyre today....


One of the worst fights ive ever had, i think I killed you what, 7 times in a row in a duel server before you started just flat out running from me, so we kicked you from the server then you came back, and we kicked you again. Well, well, well. You sir, are a n00b.





[The Feet Shift.]


lol... well thats nice to see you here too =)... It was my first time playing 1.04 =P.. I dont play jo all day long u know.. cant be as good as u are.. sry =(

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That was my first time playing the patch too...you know NOTHING has changed since the last patch except bacsktab, which i didnt use in duels anyways.


Well, nice to see you here too....next time....don't be such a jerk when playing, and maybe we can get along.


I would really appreciate it if people didn't run from me in duels then trying to backstab me when i give chase.


And you don't play all of the time? Ehh. I play maybe once or twice a week on a duel server before I get fed up with people saying stuff like,


"Wow, your good you must have been trained by a Master."




"STFU N00b you damn win whore!." :p

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