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OMG! WTF!? I'm not l337 anymore!?

Luc Solar

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

Anyone who knows even a little about the Quake3 engine or has a programable joystick/gamepad could rule in 1.03. Why? Because the pull backstab/spin takes next to no skill to use. In five minutes you could teach yourself that move. Now all of the so called "elite" bitch and moan over 1.04. If you cannot adapt to the changes in a game then you just plain suck. So what if someone uses only one stance. If they are good at it and kick your butt then they are a noob? No I think your just plain lame, waiting for a kill with a script is just plain silly.


I script everything except attack binds. Why? Because you do not need them. If you do then your even more lame than you seem to already be. Adapt to the game as it is or uninstall and go back to getting a boner from pull/backstabbing people in 1.03.


Your arrogance is astounding to say the least. If you hate regular 1.04 go and play some Jedimod, Jediplus, or the Promod. Most of these servers up the damage and some will even allow you to do your precious backstab again. Give us all a break from the "I am a elite" crap.


You were never elite, you were just a guy, among many, who had a good script. All of you who are whiners over getting killed by noobs need to look into yourselves not the game. Why whine if you got kicked to death? You would spam your backstab over and over for "easy" kills. Serves you right.





Next time you write a long "1.04 is better" flame, how about explaining who you are writing it to.


1.04 has its problems buddy boy and just cause someone doesn't like it doesn't always mean its due to the BS nerf.

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First off I am not your buddy. :mad:


This was posted to the original poster. That is why it does not inclue a quote. I know that 1.04 has some issues.... This was posted to the crybaby about how he lost his bs and to those that think they wre "elite" because of one scripted/macro move. If you though this was to you perhaps I should have quoted the original poster, so for that I am sorry.:eek:


I am just sick of this "I was elite in 1.03" crap. If you do not like 1.04 go back to 1.03 and play it. Just stop complaining about it. We all have internet access and computers with the ability to setup and run the versions we want with the settings we like.


I have NEVER heard so much whining over game patches befor. Perhaps it should have been changed, perhaps not. But in the end WE have the CHOICE to upragde or not. Plus with mods out that change settings to be more 1.02 and 1.03 friendly I just do not get the debate. Install a mod and play. Its free and easy. I guess I am just sick of this whole "patch" business. Next time I will keep my opinion to myself, because all of us bitching back and forth sure does nothing for the game. Nuff said.

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

First off I am not your buddy. :mad:


This was posted to the original poster. That is why it does not inclue a quote. I know that 1.04 has some issues.... This was posted to the crybaby about how he lost his bs and to those that think they wre "elite" because of one scripted/macro move. If you though this was to you perhaps I should have quoted the original poster, so for that I am sorry.:eek:


I am just sick of this "I was elite in 1.03" crap. If you do not like 1.04 go back to 1.03 and play it. Just stop complaining about it. We all have internet access and computers with the ability to setup and run the versions we want with the settings we like.


I have NEVER heard so much whining over game patches befor. Perhaps it should have been changed, perhaps not. But in the end WE have the CHOICE to upragde or not. Plus with mods out that change settings to be more 1.02 and 1.03 friendly I just do not get the debate. Install a mod and play. Its free and easy. I guess I am just sick of this whole "patch" business. Next time I will keep my opinion to myself, because all of us bitching back and forth sure does nothing for the game. Nuff said.


sar·casm (särkazm)


A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.

A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

First off I am not your buddy. :mad:


Fine then I don't want to be your buddy either!

*grabs tissue box*


Originally posted by Sith Maximus

This was posted to the original poster.


I hope you are either very young or English is your seond language, because as IRN_matrox point out (great wit!) Solar was using sarcasm. In other words he agree's with you.


Originally posted by Sith Maximus

I am just sick of this "I was elite in 1.03" crap. If you do not like 1.04 go back to 1.03 and play it. .


Plus with mods out that change settings to be more 1.02 and 1.03 friendly I just do not get the debate. Install a mod and play. Its free and easy. I guess I am just sick of this whole "patch" business.


The reason people whine is because ladders use the latest patch. So they are FORCED to decide between real competition (ladders) and gametype. Besides I think everyone should whine about how much they hate 1.04. After all the only reason we have 1.04 is because no one opposed the whiners the first time. If everyone whines hopefully Raven will actually have to decide what is better for gameplay instaed of listening to losers.

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