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Strange assimilate error

Anavel Gato

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I am finally finished with the weighting of the vertices of my Padme model, have linked everything proper, set up all the files paths right and now I get an error in Assimilate when it tries to build the GLM file.

It says that it cannot find the lhand_tag_bone (or lhand_bone_tag...i forgot). I checked the Max model a ton of times and this bone is present and also linked to another bone correct.


Help!!!!!!!!!! :)


I really wanna see my model in-game after a months of work :(

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Ok try this, the "lhand_tag_bone" should be added to the left hand's bone hierarchy BUT no vertex assigned.


the "bolt_l_hand" tag is weighted only to the mc5 bone.


For the right hand, the "bolt_r_hand" is weighted only to the "rhang_tag_bone" and the "rhang_tag_bone" is not part of any bone hierarchy.


This is how mine is setup and the saber moves fine.


hope this helps...


i know how you feel, dont worry, you're almost there!:)

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PsykoSith's idea may work, but I have a solution that works also, because the same thing happened to me. Don't weight the lhand_tag bone to anything, just weight the lhand to the l_hand mesh. Then for the right hand, weight the rhang_tag bone to the r_hand. Note that it is rhang, not rhand. Then weight like normal and then complie it. It should work.

- Wolf :jawa

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It all worked and I can view my model all animated in Modview.

But the whole upper body is not straight on top of the lower body.

It seems that it's a couple of fingers to the right :(

And the pouches of the belt float somewhere on the ground too :(


Any bright solutions to those 2? ;)

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