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C'mon guys

Midgit Yoda

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Okay. On my Jawa model I have finished modeling the (Beta) version. I UVMapped his entire body and exported the UVMaps out (using Texporter). Then I got an MD3 Exporter and exported him to MD3 but it repeatedly said, "No UV mapping was found on this object. Writing out the texture coordinates of a spherical mapping for each vertex." Does that mean that I haven't mapped right? Also, how can I load my skin into the model in 3DS Max? Any help would REALLY be appreciated.

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This seems to be the point we are at on working with the TREBOR model. I think we have to use ID to load it correct the textures correctly.


Then again after re-reading your post, You can ignore that error on uvw mapping, becasue in fact you have applied coordinates to your model. Try loading you textures in MD3 viewer and see what happens.

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ok heres my setup that works for me.

make the directory c:/base/models/weapons2/saber


when you export your model to md3, since you only want to see the texture on it because your not exporting to xsi to compile, just select the main parts of his body to export, such as torso, head, hands etc. dont export the tags, caps, bones, only the mesh.


when you export him name the file saber_w, name the .skin file saber_w with only the parts that you exported in the .skin file. make sure your paths are all correct. put the md3 and .skin file in the saber directory.


try loading it up again in md3view.

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Grab the .skin file from an existing model, open it in notepad to see what it looks like. You'll see you have to modify it to include the textures you're using.

After that, import the model to md3view, then load the .skin file. Then see what pops out and what you'll have to change.

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Also, how can I load my skin into the model in 3DS Max? Any help would REALLY be appreciated.


here's how to assign a bitmap onto the mesh in Max:


Go to"Rendering" then select material editor or click the icon left of the renderer (press m in max 4.2)


Once the mat editor pops up, scroll down the bottom to the maps tab, next check the diffuse color box, click where it says "none".


The material/map browser will pop up, select bitmap from the list, and load the templates you created with texporter.


Dont forget to move your maps to the default game dir, this will prevent possible errors from the compiler:


ex: c:\base\models\players\yourmodel


You will then see the texture on the sphere, select which part of the model you wish to skin, click on assign material (the blue sphere pointing to the cube)


If you cant see the texture, make sure you clicked the checkered box (called show map in viewport).


You have to export your model using the softimage .XSI 3.0 plugin for max 4.x, included in the 1st tools released by raven.


Hope this helped out a bit.

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