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The 4th Best Day of My Life

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Anyway today started off as just an ordinary Saturday, we were going up to Maplins to get a USB Extenstion cable so i could have the net in my room, anyway we got up there and it was cheaper to buy a network, so we got one, i got home and fitted it with all but the smallest problems, (so i now have the net in my room, where i am posting this from) and then I find out that my first program has been published on http://www.lancersreactor.com (anyone who plays starlancer the download would be appricated).


Anyway I though I'd See what other peoples best days where.


Btw ive been away so long that im finding it difficult to attribute memories and names (even for milkshake :D), but now ive got the net in my room ill be here much more - now doesnt that make ur day :D


BBTW - whats my sig?

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You can try. Unfortunately, he appears to be on a moon of Jupiter, and I think that Niner, Nute and I control the bulk of the forum's spaceforce (well, there's Zoomie, but we're not sure where he's gotten to).


And no planetary cataclysms; there're innocent life forms on Europa that may someday evolve into something special.


As for my week: meh.


Good news:

-The repair creatures have started work on my leaking bathroom ceiling, meaning that the leaks have stopped.

-I have learned that, with the new Transformers: Armada line already coming out, RiD figures are being marked down to ridiculously low clearance prices ($20 for an Ultra-sized figure, with electronics and a degree of articulation not usually seen outside of G.I. Joes).


Bad news:

-The repair creatures wandered off before finishing my bathroom, meaning that I now have two gaping holes in the ceiling.

-I'm living in Ottawa, and the only stores here sell either groceries, clothing, books, or office supplies. No toys of any kind.

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

You can try. Unfortunately, he appears to be on a moon of Jupiter, and I think that Niner, Nute and I control the bulk of the forum's spaceforce (well, there's Zoomie, but we're not sure where he's gotten to).


Nute always did say that cruise missiles were super acurate...




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Bleh. I want my AP results back too.


In related news, found out that I got an A- for the year in AP French. Hardest foreign language class there is, next to German. w00t.


Spent the past two days with my g/f and her family down at the Jersey Shore. Man, that was fun. Hope to return at some point this week when I get some time off from work.

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I lived in Gloucester, I had to pass by three different shopping centers before I could get to Orleans, it would almost take an hour to get there... The other shopping centers are nothing compared to Orleans.

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