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Anakin Skywlaker Hilt W.I.P.


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the best way to fully unwrap (simple) models in milkshape is to make an exact copy of the surface you are texturing, then unwrap the one you are texturing until it's spread out. Using a 512x512 BLACK bmp file, remap the unwrapped texture (making sure you unbound the vertices first) and take a screenshot (print screen) of the texture coordinates window. Go into your paint program and edit your skin from there. Once your skin is done, apply it as a material, go back in, and wrap the vertices back up (using the copy you made as a guide).


If you did it right, this should be your unwrapped model. If you don't want to get so complex, use Ultimate Unwrap or something along those lines. Better keep it simple though. It could get ugly :p

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If you haven't looked at the Qui Gonn and Dooku hilts skinned thread, do it. Cypher is an excellent skinner (and modeler) and was very kind in giving me some skinning pointers. I am making progress on the skin rest assured---and it will be my best yet thanx to Cypher

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i was going to take the Vader hilt and just make some parts silver or metal or what ever but for 1 i dont even have a prog. for modeling, i always make modifications to different skins and mods and add cool things to them, but i never realse anything, its kinda something i do for myself.

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I know I mentioned I should have it finished by this weekend, but I have been fighting a nasty cold. I just need to skin the switches and the top of the cylinder, then it will be complete. Patience. Soon you will be with it.

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Alaris i know you use Milkshape but i need to know what tool u used to create the saber grip. i have been trying every tool in g-max ,and it might just be because im stupid, but nothing works. could you tell me how you created the saber grip on the saber?

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yes you have to skin it.


This is basically how I modeled the grip. I created one of the four six grip pieces and skinned it. Then I duplicated and mirrored it so the two pieces were on the front and back. Then I duplicated it again and rotated it to fit the side. I duplicated that one three more times and mirrored it appropriately. Then I selected all of the duplicates and assigned the skin to it. Wammo!

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