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Anakin Skywlaker Hilt W.I.P.


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lets see here


Hey alaris on the jedimod hilt selection (which is jedimod 1.1). You need to have the texture file named differntly, so when you compile it name the texture "anakinsabertexture.jpg or tga" or whatever. So it doesnt conflict with other "saber.jpg" files.




But only way is to recompile and stuff. All you'd need to do to rerelease em is recompile with diffrent texture file names.


half of that is right


on a side note, make sure you have it in "models/weapons2/saber_anakin" and a texture in "models/weapons2/saber" Thats how i did it. Works. Or you could just put the glm in both folders, but that'd be a waste wouldnt it? Heh.


you have everything in saber_anakin, the glm, the md3 (if you want), the skin (can be named what ever, even if it's saber.jpg) and the icon (named w_icon_lightsaber_na.tga) for the saber (if you want, if no it will set the default).


and no, I didn't only beta test things, your "assumption" was way off there hypocrite


I'm a 2D and a 3D artist too, I make textures every day, what was that info for ? this is not an interview. I also never said you couldn't make working hilts for Jedi type Mods, I just said you can't make a proper and simple conversion, that is all.


and I signed up here not long ago, I've been here maybe 2 month longer then the date I've signed up at but what does that suppose to mean ? you're saying I can't judge a model if I see one ? or a skin ? or a mod ? or a fan made file because my registry date isn't the same as yours ? well....I think you're theory there is a little ####ed up in the head if you think that because I've been making and judging models before I've had my first date, I'm not some 13 pimpled #### sitting here on forums all day long bitching about people not having a life..no! the post that you're friend there made had no sense of excitement or "over excitement", it had no sign of joy or anything like that so I've made a 'remark' about it, that's what you do on forum but wait! you know that already, you're a "PRO FORUMER!!" (you try to make yourself believe that), I've been to modeling/art forums from around late 1998, does that make you appear like a noob forumer compared to me now ? that's what I'm talking about, don't throw farther then you can reach


and working on mods (and TC's) and models and skins and art and sounds DOES give you "experience" on forum, that's where you show off your work and that's where you discuss it to see if it needs changes or if it's fine the way it is, I rather use a forum then "assume" what people think about my model/skin/art/etc


Oh well, don't ya just hate these wannabe vets who think too much of themselves ? -_-

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The single player saber has been sent to jediknightii.net and jk2files.com


I'm not taking any sides here because everyone has been very supportive. These forums can spark such hostility---believe you me. Please, let's let it all drop. There's nothing wrong with people getting overly excited about this stuff. Aren't we all excited kids when it comes to Star Wars?


Remark--Your hud images are par excellance! (if that's even french). Garik Loran made me some hud images for the single player saber, but I'm not sure if they can be used in the jedimod. Gex contacted me by email for jedimod++ 2.2---I think I know what you are going to say. I sent him the saber anyways with the correct naming conventions. If you are working on the "official" release, I would definately be interested in that as well. And if you want to make the hud images, I would be honored.


Thank you to everyone who has posted in these forums and are supporting this project.

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Hey remark 666, I was making new HUD images for all the sabers, now that you can use them all the same time with the mod.

But when I saw your 3 images I got an idea, something you already know.

Now that the images are not shown in the ingame weapon selection the backgorund doesn't have to be black and we don't need the alphachannel.

This makes lots of cool images possible.

I have not thought of this, but hey, that's cool! :D

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that last post added itself without me touching anything....weird.


Anyways, Gamewarriorx1, take of the "http://" next time you want someone to cut and paste because the "..." kills the link.


I read the description. It's based on the hilt that Anakin used in the movie, not off . Thank you.


Fan_boy---don't you have anything better to do than to do than proofread readme files? There's some woman out there just waiting for you to do something more productive with your time I bet.


I do have something a little more important to bring up: Those of you who have downloaded the lightsaber---HOW IS THE SIZE??


I checked it over and over again, but I think I poll of opinions may help---and please don not let others influence your opinion---thanks.

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are you loading a saved game? you may have to start a new game and give yourself the saber with the cheats. You have to take the saber out, put it away, and take it out again for it to look right. Also, make sure you don't have any other mods loaded, cause that may be screwing it up. And does it look that way in first person only?

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Heya Alaris. It is truely the best hilt I have ever seen but it has two slight problems. Have you noticed that the beam of the saber kinda doesn't align the right way with the hilt. It seems to be a little off.


And the saber does seem to be a little large. But that is just my opinion. I just wanted to say that this is just constructive advice and not a slam on the saber. I have been following this saber for quite a while now. Impressive work, man. I have never posted before but this saber is nice enough to warrent a first post ;-)

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Originally posted by alaris

are you loading a saved game? you may have to start a new game and give yourself the saber with the cheats. You have to take the saber out, put it away, and take it out again for it to look right. Also, make sure you don't have any other mods loaded, cause that may be screwing it up. And does it look that way in first person only?



the saber is like that in 3rd person too and would having a skin to replace kyle in sp count as a mod too? and i do load from saved games

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I just wanted to let everyone know the haps. Yes, I will resize the saber ASAP and repost it.


GameWarriorX1---you seem to be the only one having this issue. Make sure you start a NEW game and then use the cheats to get the lightsaber----then take it out, put it away, and take it out again.


Also, make sure you don't have any other mods active.


Mandalorian---sorry for ignoring you. really. I am flattered you would like me to skin the scout trooper. unfortunately, I have a full plate. If you absolutely can not find anyone else to do it, send the maps my way, and I will

consider it.


Also, Ulic is going to test the new size (remember--size matters not ;))


I need one or two more people to test the size please. Send me a PM or post here with your email address if you're interested. Thanks--

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I'll test that and I'll test one you make for JediMod (unless you want me to convert) :)


I think we'll need to talk more freely, AIM ?


aim - remark666

e-mail - remark666@hotmail.com


and yeah, I'm likeing the new icons, they look soooo badass ingame, I didn't think they would actually. I'll make the icon, I have on official pack for "JediMod Official 1.2" ready, I want the icons to have the same style so I'll do that.


[joke]wow, Ulic Quel Droma and his friend didn't post yet, I'm shocked!! I thought they'd be here kissing you feet and saying all these nice things, hmmm....[/joke]

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Originally posted by GameWarriorX1

the saber is like that in 3rd person too and would having a skin to replace kyle in sp count as a mod too? and i do load from saved games

I think the problem is the name of the texture. It seems the model uses the wrong file as texture, so make sure you have the right names and all in the right directories.

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Good idea Garik. I sent a "mod-compatible" version to a mod-maker, but it is not posted yet. So, make sure you have the correct version of the saber. rename the pk3 to a zip and make sure the last directory says "saber" instead of "saber_anakin".


The name of the texture is saber.jpg---which is the correct naming convention.




Check out the picks on padawan's guide:






Notice the size of the lightsaber. Smaller than usual (I see his schwartz is not as big as mine)

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Originally posted by alaris

I just wanted to let everyone know the haps. Yes, I will resize the saber ASAP and repost it.


GameWarriorX1---you seem to be the only one having this issue. Make sure you start a NEW game and then use the cheats to get the lightsaber----then take it out, put it away, and take it out again.


Also, make sure you don't have any other mods active.


Mandalorian---sorry for ignoring you. really. I am flattered you would like me to skin the scout trooper. unfortunately, I have a full plate. If you absolutely can not find anyone else to do it, send the maps my way, and I will

consider it.


Also, Ulic is going to test the new size (remember--size matters not ;))


I need one or two more people to test the size please. Send me a PM or post here with your email address if you're interested. Thanks--

well the thing is a guy named CortoMaltes, u guys probaly know him from his Fett models, started a Scout Trooper model, finished the model but said he couldn't skin it. He said if he coud get someone to skin it he would give them credit in the release and would send them his work. Since then, i have been trying to contact him and there has been no respnse, it's been almost a month, some ppl think he is on vacation, but know one really knows. I asked you, Alaris, because u do nice work skinning and modeling. I just wanted to know if u would finish this model up so it can be released, when ever, if ever, Corto returns.....:confused:

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