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A note to Back Stabers


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Now this is just a warning.


As many people do complain about those who do the back stab move alot (A BackStaber duh) Raven might come out with a patch later that makes the back stab lose it's edge. This is not to say stop doing it all together, but a suggestion not to make it your main fighting style. Of course you don't have to listen, but you may be the sorry ones if Raven does what I have just said. They have started on it by making pull not as probable as before.


To the you the truth I only go backstabing crasy when the other guy is doing the same and I like the BackStab's power it is nice when someone is behind you. I realy like killing helpless bots with it:D . So I'm just saying choose you styles carefully.


Happy killing

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

backstab does about 20-25 damage now. Just FYI Pointless attack, really. No reason to use it. The problem was with PULL and spammers...not backstab/slash. Raven just hurt alot of people using it in a legit way.


There were a few people on every server "pwning" with a scripted spinning backstab. Every time you even Looked at them, they started spinning like crazy. Running close by meant instant death, of course.


An unblockable one-hit-kill used as the only move = not very cool fights.


It also made DFA's "safe". If you went in to hit a DFA'er with his saber in the ground, only *perfect* timing let you get away with it. Great timing resulted in losing only ~80 points of health to the suddenly spinning lamer. Good timing got you killed, but hurted him a bit too, I guess.


And I'm talking about no force games here...


Backstab is fine as it is in 1.04. It's not an Ubermove anymore...and it sure as hell shouldn't be!

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