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Looking for high damage saber server


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After standing still for a full 2 min and NEVER taking damage from a saber fight....I'm pretty much burn-out on this game now. Sabers do NOTHING. It's all guns now.



So, I was wondering if there was a server out there that had saber damage how it SHOULD be.


Anyone out there?

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Read the sig.


QuietSith has a 1.04 with 4X DAMAGE! In my opinion, that's a bit high, ever hit pretty much does you in unless you brought shields to the party. I don't have his address, but look around here and you'll find it.


I've also started having some stability problems with mine, and I'm going out of town on vacation, so it might be a little shaky until I get back.


Later. Enjoy the game the way it should be.

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