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Beginner Modeller seeking help


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Hello everyone...I just began 'modelling' for the first time ever about an hour ago (haven't bothered touching the tutorials), and have come up with a relatively simple saber (it looks horribly plain and hideous I know)...was hoping possibly you experienced folk could give me a couple pointers on what I could do to 'spice it up'.


Unfortuneately I am currently having problems finding a *decent* free site to host my pictures, and I also have no idea how to take pictures with Gmax and find out where they are saved, but hopefully I will have both problems worked out by tonight! (Any help would be much appreciated of course...)


Thanks :D.

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Well for one, start doing some tutorials. Concentrate on plain old fashioned box modeling. Hint: box modeling doesnt mean you have to start with a box necisarily. But its just manipulating the mesh at its simplest form . Your basically just extruding edges and faces, moving points or vertices and welding or merging them depending on the lingo of your program. And just tweaking until you get what you want. Also learn what the differance in a tri and a quad is and model mostly with quads the flow naturally into each other as much as you can. Hope this helps. There are really some important things I just mentioned there if you can figure out what I meant by doing some tuts and reading.

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Alright, well -- I went through 3 of the tutorials (out of 5) and came up with this basic product...I really just need to know what I should do to sharpen it up, it seems so *boring*. I have no intentions to release this model, I'm just looking for a place to start learning modelling.


I plan to have a nice chrome finish on the saber when the model is done:


Clickie for pic 1.


Clickie for pic 2.


Will post pic3 when I can access my Geo account again *sigh*

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Well for one thing, that thing has way to many polys. You have cylinders with lots of segments that serve no purpose. Be concious of ho many segments you are using. I'd say dont make any cylinder more than 10 segmeant around axis and many time in modeling an 8 or even 6 sided cylinder is sufficiant. Also a tip for quality atleast for higher rez stuff. Always put a beveled edge on edges of say a box or other oblects. It will catch the light and make things more realistic looking. If you dont know what i'm talking about. do research on those things. look in the back of some of the 3d books. Alot of times they have indexes and glossarys and stuff. Look it up. try a tutorial on the subject. Anyway just trying to help:)

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hey you guys.


Im working on a saber right now and want to post my screens but am screwed over with my internet because it doesnt provide free web space. whats the best place to post my screens



This is also my first saber so it might be polys up the ying yang

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Gram, send me your pictures, detroit_69_chris@hotmail.com


I'll host them for ya.


Couple more pics of my n00b saber:








Thanks for the links and comments guys :) this narrows it down to two more questions (I went through quite a few tutorials now)...


#1 What could I do to make the saber look more interesting ?


#2 How do I check to see how many polies my saber has?

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I've made a saber model but I can't get it to show up in-game... I did the tutorials at the jk2models.cjb.net page, but it still doesn't show up... The skin shows up on Kyle's(the standard) saber, but my model won't show... Should I try renaming it or something...? *shrug* It's confusing me now... lol





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