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Is this game dead or what?


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Originally posted by Clone_1102A


so basicly the hole point of tribes is to fly around endlessly and put stuff on the grounds, and guard a generator? blah




Anyhow. JK2 is now collecting dust for me. Back to other games.

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I have to agree with Hiteche5. I think the slow play of the new patch is turning off alot of people.


Personally I don't care. I'll keep playing, and wait for the day when JK2++ comes out.


I personally didn't mind the BS whores in 1.03. It was easy to counter, and at least you could frag em' quick if you needed to.

In 1.04 it's much harder to get a kill. This is not necessarily a bad thing when you are dueling, but CTF is completely useless now.


I know most of you don't play CTF on a regular basis so it's not a big deal to you, but that was the only real part of the game I enjoyed. Anyway, I've been trying 1.03 and 1.04 FFA and it's OK but I still miss CTF. I personally don't like dueling, and it's just my opinion.


So until JK2++ is released, or until Raven unnerfs sabers (in general), I'll probably try out Tribes2. I took a look at that demo posted before and it looks great.


I really am a huge SW fan, and I love JK2, but I just don't have alot of time to play every day, and 10min battles just to get one kill aren't any fun for me(again, just my opinion).


I won't give up on JK2 but at the moment I'm not very happy with the state of the community. Here's hoping things get better...



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Well I have a couple of browsers to track the stats of the game and the numbers are dwindling. Yes I'm checking all of the game versions and mods.


at 10 am?


Anyhoo, Why does anyoen care if someone says " jk2 is dying" if you can paly and have fun why give a crap? and anyway all those who like 1.04 are out PLAYING the game, not preaching how much they like it. I've noticed my psot count drop sicne 1.04 has been released and quite a few other :cool: (not that i got around checking people's post counts)

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I think the essential problem is the game just gets boring after awhile.


You can only do so much FFA and Duel. You kill him, he kills you.


The lack of objectives or decent team-play are hurting the game.


I think the only way for that to change is through an expansion that includes much more team-play, but the Quake 3 engine has problems with that due to lack of vehicles and large maps.


Since CTF is pretty much dead, the game is basically Quake 3 with lightsabers and force powers. There is no goal to achieve.

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More team or objective-based play would obviously be a good thing. As much as Deathmatch/FFA seems to be the de rigueur for multi-player FPS, team and objective based mods or gameplay seem to be the most popular (CS, DoD, Team Fortress, etc).


However, just because JK2 doesn't have them now doesn't mean that these things won't be added in a mod or an add-on. Look at Counterstrike - it wasn't originally built in to Half-life, it just took dedicated people to make it and then people to catch on before it became popular.


Originally posted by Absurd

Since CTF is pretty much dead, the game is basically Quake 3 with lightsabers and force powers. There is no goal to achieve.


And Quake 3 is still one of the most popular games, so I don't see why this should be an issue.


And as for JK2 not being as popular as CS, or Tribes, Q3 etc - I don't think it ever had the potential to be that popular, merely due to the subject matter. Star Wars is a sub-culture; it may be the most popular series of movies ever, however when it comes to gaming and SW-fanaticism, it is only a sub-culture and therefore is only ever going to attract a certain percentage of the population. You could make the best game ever, but if it was seen as being a "Star Wars" game, there would always be people who would not want to play it as they would only see it as being part of that sub-culture. Games like Q3 or tribes etc have a much wider appeal, because they start with something relatively neutral, thereby appealing to a much wider audience. JK2, on the other hand, is for Star Wars fans, plus a few other people who get interested and therefore come to the party.


Of course gameplay and the way the game has evolved through the different patches, and the way it will continue to evolve through further patches and community involvement, play a major role in the longevity and popularity of a game - but my argument is: don't look for and expect JK2 to be something it isn't. It was never going to be a CS-killer, so don't look down on it simply because it isn't as popular. [Note: if you haven't been doing this, then this argument is not aimed at you, and congratulations].


Then again, maybe we should never measure a game is by how popular it is; maybe we should simply judge it by how much we enjoy it.

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Originally posted by Clone_1102A


so basicly the hole point of tribes is to fly around endlessly and put stuff on the grounds, and guard a generator? blah


Shut your mouth fool! :D j/k



Tribes 2 was fun! Tribes 2 ctf was alot funner the jk2 ctf and it had people take specific roles to try to get a victory of just have fun. It was a game where you could man a bomber and clear 5-8 turrets from an enemy flag leaving it open for caping, grab a cloak pack and take out enemy after enemy while they stand there simi-oblivious, take out the enemy generators and camp them out(Lame but your suppose to distroy them then let then get them back up w/o a fight? no thx), be heavy or medium and set up a matrix of turrets defending an object, be light and chase down any poor bastard that takes your flag, grab a tank and plow through the enemy base, or tk...I mean go all out on your own. It had alot of potential out of the box, but do to numerous bugs, bad balancing (that wasn't even required), and the quake adatudes that made most people go out on their own and screw over their team, and lack of support from the tribes community that killed it.





Ahh well, I wish I never uninstalled Tribes 1 cause now my CD is missing.




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Originally posted by Locke101

oh I'm so sorry I hurt your little ego. But you know what, I'm glad that those people quit. That means that they didn't have the skill or talent to adapt to the new patches. I mean really come on, is it really so hard to figure out a new style of fighting when a patch comes out. I think its a breath of fresh air and if you don't like it, then quit, I don't care. One less whiny ass bitch on the forums.


If you are glad "those people quit" you do not realize the full scope of what you are saying. When people lose interest and leave they start a trend. When less players play the game the support goes with them. In other words the more people that leave the less servers, updates, mods, maps, and skins that we will get.


"one less whiney --- ----- on the forums"

This statement is flawed. What you don't understand is that the whiners are the ones that are getting these patches made. So each time one of these little miracles is released the more good honest players leave. The end result is you are left with a higher percentage of whiners.


"is it really so hard to figure out a new style of fighting when a patch

comes out. "

What new style? You mean slower and less options? You call that a new style? Because to the best of my knowledge I haven't really seen anything "new" of any significance. All I see is less than the previous version. You may call this a new style if you want but those of us that played 1.02 for a while understand that the only thing 1.04 is, is a watered down version of the original.



NK_Zephorath wrote

"You really think the people that quit lacked skill ? I'm sorry, but you're wrong. MANY of the top CTF teams left, because the game sucked. Teams like Deviant Objectives, Ne Plus Ultra, and others. All very skilled. "


Nk you are 100% correct. When 1.03 came out most of the best left with 1.02. Including the best dueler of them all at his time Atrifex. They all sited the same reason, they left because they did not like the lack of options. Fights were too basic and too slow.


Now they are even more basic and even longer unless you turn up the damage in an attempt to make it more like 1.02.


Here is a thought people: Why try to make the game more like 1.02 if 1.04 is so damn good?


I would like to hear one argument for 1.04 that is not

"its more balanced" with no reason being stated


"just get used to it and stop whining"


If you would like to no more on my opposition to the current patch trend please read my thread titled "slippery slope"



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Originally posted by SeraphimII

It had alot of potential out of the box, but do to numerous bugs, bad balancing (that wasn't even required), and the quake adatudes that made most people go out on their own and screw over their team, and lack of support from the tribes community that killed it.


It's coming back:



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Originally posted by Daishin

Dark Beggar: :violin:


I like 1.04, because it weeded out all the good players. By good, I mean 'I AM SO 1337 U SHULD PH34R M3' players. By which, I mean the idiots who think so highly of themselves that they can't bring themselves to learn a new style of fighting.


Short, concise and to the point. :)



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