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Why do people hate Jar-Jar?


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There is something i have been wondering for a long time. Why exactly do people hate Jar-Jar? :confused: I mean, he's clumsy and quite stupid, but who isn't? I think there was nothing wrong with Jar-Jar in TPM, he could even be funny sometimes.


My best theory is that people fear him, since fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering. But personally, I do not think Jar-Jar is very scary. Or is people afraid of Jar-Jar with a booma?


I just don't understand why people is so scared to death by Jar-Jar.




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You must be joking. We all hate Jar-Jar for the same reason we hated C3PO in the original trilogy - they serve as nothing more than the comic relief, and even though he got a major role as stand-in for Amidala in AotC, he's exactly the kind of character the audience is supposed to hate. :D


And now, without further ado:



If you can get that link to work, you won't be disappointed. :D

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I think they went over board with the jar jar humor in TPM. Its good to have comic relief, it would not be star wars without it. But at least the older triology had good humor and at appropiate times. Everything jar jar did an attempt to do something funny, and you get tried of it. At least they started bringing back the good stuff in AotC. Still not quite there, but they did a much better job humor wise. Lets hope they hit the mark in the last film.

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i dont like him cos hes stupid, has a stupid voice a stupid walk, has no purpose and cos he tries to be funny but fails and ends up just looking stupid


stupid jarjar


you can see why people dont like him if you look at why people like someone else:


people like yoda cos: he is wise, respected by all characters and can take peoples heads off with a lightsaber


everthing jarjar isnt

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People hate him because he made Ep1 more to small children than to the old SW fans....they felt that Ep1 was alot different from Ep4, 5 and 6, since Jar Jar, made the film much more...."fun"..


And GL also admitted it, and changed it in the newest Episode, Ep2, where he then made JJB a senator....so, that's how it is....


Personally I like Jar Jar, I have no prob with him....and I also dl the newest patches to JK2, since....it's just the way Lucas wanted it....

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

I think they went over board with the jar jar humor in TPM. Its good to have comic relief, it would not be star wars without it. But at least the older triology had good humor and at appropiate times. Everything jar jar did an attempt to do something funny, and you get tried of it.


Totally agree with that. With C3PO, it was funny to watch because he's intelligent without being wise, and he's got personality quirks like just hating Chewbacca. :) But his humor came from him getting shot up, beaten up, or yelling "Oh, switch off!" at R2. :) The two were natural foils vs. one another.


Jar Jar, on the other hand, was just, well, dumb. Kinda like Uncle Lester trying to impress the blonde babysitter at dinner in "Addams Family Values". As a SW fan since 1st grade, C3PO was funny to me; Jar Jar is silly. It's a fine but critical difference.



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Asking why people hate jar jar is like asking why do we smile when we are happy? Or why does our stomach growl when we are hungry?


Such simple answers have much more complex yet profound conotations that are the very essence of who we are as human beings yet still unable to be grasped by the conscience human mind. Though undoubtedly if one were able to understand and comprehend such things it boggles the mind of what ramifications would be the end result for such basic yet eternal enlightenment.

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit

I hated him because, along with 'annie', he made the film a lot more childish and for someone who takes the film quite seriously it is quite annoying that the Star Wars saga is now a merchandise advert aimed at 7 year olds!


See I dissagree with this statement because the Star Wars Saga was meant to bring children the multi-generational modern day myth. I was only 4 years old when the first one came out, I'm not sure if I would have liked it the same if I was older at the time. Star Wars was one of the biggest parts of my childhood because it was the first thing I saw in a theater that wasn't a cartoon. TPM has younger characters because I think Goerge meant what he said when "Every Saga Has a Begininning". I'm not a big fan of Jar Jar but I don't get on the Jar Jar Hateing bandwagon either......he wasn't as annoying as some of the characters in other Sci-Fi drivel I have seen [insert "Lost In Space"] However Jar Jar has hell to pay for voting Palpating "emergeancy powers" bad move!

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Jar Jar was stupid in both movies. In the first movie, well... need I say it? He acted like a dumbass!


In the second movie... heh heh...


Jar Jar: "Meesa votin' for lettin' Senator Palpatine start a cruel and imperialist regime that'll be oppressin' da galaxy for centuries to come!


How wude! Meesa one big stereotype!"


And they ask why we hate Jar Jar? :rolleyes:

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