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Anti-Patch Proclamation

Master Dorgan

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The Provisional Government of the New Republic


To the People of Coruscant and the

territories of the

New Republic


Fellow Coruscant Citizens and Allies of The Republic: In the name of The Force and of the dead generations from which she recieves her old tradition of Force, Coruscant, through us, summons her children to raise the Sabres and strike the evil infestation within our systems.


Having organised and trained our Jedi Forces, the Jedi Council has mandated the purge of this parasite. Having patiently perfected the discipline of the Force, we have resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal itself. It will now sieze that moment, with the support of her exiled children. But relying in the first on her own strength, she brings the Sabre down with assurance of Death from Above.


We declare the right of the People of Coruscant and all the People of her Territories to the ownership of Truth. The long usurpation of that right from a foreign matter has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished, except by the destruction of her own hand. In every generation, people have asserted their freedom to possess healthy binary systems: two times during the past year, we have dealt with this infestation of our systems. We hereby proclaim the purge of this

foreign matter in the name of Honor.


The New Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Sabre-wielding freak. The New Republic guarantees uncorrupt data, equal gaming rights and equal infliction of damage to all who step onto the Jedi Training Grounds. Cherishing all the children who wield the Divine Piller of Light, be it for the Dark Side or the Light Side. With Sabres in hand and the Force as our Ally, no foe shall obstruct our path -- for we walk the Shining Path of Righteousness.


We place the cause of the New Republic under the protection of the Highest Midi-chlorian, from Jedi Master to Padawan Learned.







Master Dorgan and Master Damaclees





Next time, let 3D Shooters adapt to Light Sabre Games. Don't restrict us our moves that we can perform just to appeal to the market. There are several excellent 3D Shooter games (Quake, Unreal, etc.). Let us have this one!The Provisional Government of the New Republic

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Originally posted by Master Dorgan

The Provisional Government of the New Republic



Master Dorgan and Master Damaclees [/b]


It's a shame that sort of thing only worked in "Ender's Game."


Welcome to LucasForums Master Dorgan, I hope you enjoy your stay. I honestly doubt you will get any such "request" out of many of the folks here, but you get one point for trying. :cool:


... just try it somewhere else, because it's not going to happen here. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by L3onheart

ROTFL :D :D :D :D :D




You play PC games and visit a forum about a PC game? Guess what? YOU'RE A GEEK.


To the original poster of this thread: I tried to read that multiple times. I get the jist that you don't like the patch, but otherwise, I have no idea what you said. Confidential to you: grammer is good.

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Originally posted by Patton


You play PC games and visit a forum about a PC game? Guess what? YOU'RE A GEEK.


To the original poster of this thread: I tried to read that multiple times. I get the jist that you don't like the patch, but otherwise, I have no idea what you said. Confidential to you: grammer is good.


So that makes you a geek as well? Hmmm ok then we're all geeks



Seems to me like you have NOOOOOOOO idea of the definition of "GEEK", and I'm not gonna be the one to explain that to your 5 year old sized brain.

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Thats it both of you go to the corners..



L3onheart and Patton you both will not be allowed any juice, snacky cakes, and will the last children to pick out some toys.





Flaming is not allowed, no matter how small, so please play nice.








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On the contrary, despite the title, "Jedi Knight" has always been about the integration of gun play and the force, as well as the lightsaber and other weapons.


Playing Quake3 or another FPS isn't the same, because you don't get to use the Force!

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Originally posted by NightFallMyriad

Gee, what a lovely community we have here. Someone posts something and people flame him. See, this is why I hate people in general.


I think he's getting flamed for the RPG elements of his post. Have a little faith in us. :)

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No, it's not just that, it's everywhere. I see flaming everywhere I look and I'm not jsut talking about JKII or computer games. Flame wars are going on all over the world and it's because of people in general. I'm just ranting about this because maybe, just maybe, if a smaller community like this noticed that flaming is a bad thing, then maybe other places would too.


I had such high hopes that JKII players would be just as sincere and jovial as the good ol' descent groupies, but I have to say I've been disappointed. People talk about how there are still good people who play games and don't spam things or resort to hacking, scripts, spamming or flame wars, but I can't find them. The more computer gaming moves towards pvp, the less enthralled I am in it. Gone are the days where one could pass the time in solitude, living a fantasy alone in an alien world where the chores and stresses of the real world don't seem to apply. If there really are decent people out there, show me, because the longer I am surrounded by free-thinking liberalists who get on your case the moment you step on their rights, the worse of a person I seem to get. Really, it's something that's a deep problem for me as of late. This year I have broken so many friendships and pushed so many people away and when I ask myself why it's because I'm just sick of living in a world where THIS happens. Where someone expresses an opinion in a creative way and gets shot down by his would-be friends and society.


I'm afraid I'm going to live to be very old and very lonely in a land that is not my own. The only peace I think anyone can truly know is solitude, and in a multiconnected world where everyone can reach you at the touch of a button, those precious moments alone are dwindling.

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Originally posted by NightFallMyriad

No, it's not just that, it's everywhere. I see flaming everywhere I look and I'm not jsut talking about JKII or computer games. Flame wars are going on all over the world and it's because of people in general. I'm just ranting about this because maybe, just maybe, if a smaller community like this noticed that flaming is a bad thing, then maybe other places would too.


I had such high hopes that JKII players would be just as sincere and jovial as the good ol' descent groupies, but I have to say I've been disappointed. People talk about how there are still good people who play games and don't spam things or resort to hacking, scripts, spamming or flame wars, but I can't find them. The more computer gaming moves towards pvp, the less enthralled I am in it. Gone are the days where one could pass the time in solitude, living a fantasy alone in an alien world where the chores and stresses of the real world don't seem to apply. If there really are decent people out there, show me, because the longer I am surrounded by free-thinking liberalists who get on your case the moment you step on their rights, the worse of a person I seem to get. Really, it's something that's a deep problem for me as of late. This year I have broken so many friendships and pushed so many people away and when I ask myself why it's because I'm just sick of living in a world where THIS happens. Where someone expresses an opinion in a creative way and gets shot down by his would-be friends and society.


I'm afraid I'm going to live to be very old and very lonely in a land that is not my own. The only peace I think anyone can truly know is solitude, and in a multiconnected world where everyone can reach you at the touch of a button, those precious moments alone are dwindling.


You're completely right. Humanity sucks. But there's an inherent problem with our stance. We hate the fact that flaming goes on, but it seems like a necessary evil sometimes. I mean, if you want to get on a message board and express your opinion, thats fine by me. But at least make it readable and relevant. For example, going on the quake forums, and posting something like "Quake sucks, UT is better" is just asking to be flamed. Don't feed the trolls, yeah yeah. But honestly, there's no way to find out where said poster lives, walk into their house, punch them in the face(s) and leave. Stupid people plague this planet more than I can imagine. It makes me wish I lived on a different planet entirely, one where a certain species hasn't FUBAR'd it.


Regardless, I think you should chill out. Its not like we're condemning people to a slow death over a spit, like the meat popsicle they are. At this point, going on the internet and expecting not to be flamed for any and everything you post is just naive.


And if I don't get my snacky cake, people start dying. And juice. Dear god the juice. The horror. The horror. *glares*

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Patton, NightFallMyriad, I just have three words for ya:


Welcome to LucasForums.


Every forum will have its trolls, its flamers, and its, well, idiots for lack of a better word. Get used to it. You should know by now that some people have nothing better to do than flame, complain, or otherwise air their grievances in whatever way possible, so it should be no suprise that Dorgan got flamed for any attempt at an anti-1.04.


And if you would like to file my earlier posting and/or myself into the flamer/lamer bin, go ahead. I'm only trying to make my point here without getting run over by :flamethro


Just my $.02 in this whole thread. :rolleyes:


Edit: And just so I don't offend any legit posters here, I specifically mean Obi-Dan Kenobi, L3onhart, and Rankin-skin. Give me a break; if you weren't a geek, would you really be on these forums in the first place. :rolleyes:

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