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Which patch was/is the best?


Which is best?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is best?

    • 1.02 (out of the box)
    • 1.03 (1st official patch)
    • 1.04 (2nd official patch)
    • Other/Not Listed

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

To all the ppl who like 1.02... u can still go back to it!!? Having 1.04 doesnt stop u from playing in 1.02 servers.. in fact! reinstall the game, or unistall the patch or wutever and play 1.02! stop playing 1.04 cuz ur complaining that ur fav move is gone (bs).. and if you like 1.03! guess wut!? install 1.03 and play in 1.03 servers


People are kind of upset because many people like to play in ladder matches and tourny's. When a new patch comes out the laddersswitch to it and if you dislike the patch you are left out in the cold.


Also the number of servers that host your favorite version are fewer then those of the latest patch, so you have less competition.


We are just bringing it to Ravens attention that people like 1.02 and that they should do something to help our side of the argument instaed of alway listening to those that want everything removed from the game.


I would be happy if Raven put out a patch that just added the technical changes to 1.02. Like the consol icon in-game, invisible abosrb, swing damage being relative to where it hits, and other stuff like that that do not take away or changes the way things work but just add to it. I don't care if it was the official patch or not, but I would like a more refined game without having to lose the speed and excitement that got me hooked in the first place.


Anyway thanks for voting and for posting your thoughts.


(edit: This post was placed at the top and I do not know why, please note that this should be at the bottom of this thread below Chaynsaw's post)

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  • 4 months later...

Very true!

I loved 1.02, i can only think of 1 problem with that version and that was the DFa thing where the saber was in the ground but it still killed u, other than that i loved every minute of it.

But i chose 1.04 over 1.02 because its long gone, and i dont want to think about it :crybaby:

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Sounds like you should vote on 1.02... the question was: "Which is best?"


If you really loved the 1.02 version, why dont you stick up for it, if everyone who thought like you did would make there voices heard about it... maybe 1.05 would be a step in that direction.


Thanks for posting in the poll anyway

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Zup FatalStrike!? - Thanks, you too!

Remember: The more we make ourselves heard the more they will have to stop ignoring the major imbalances brought on by these patches and finally do something right, which is IMO: go back to the game as it was 1.02


<>Phant0m<> - Welcome back!

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1.02 owned, the DFA thing wasn't that bad, it just makes u more cautious. The sticking out blade from the ground thing was perfectly logical if u thought about it from the game sense. ITS A GAME







































No games gonna be completely 1:1 to the real-life situation/movie it was based on, unless its all SP. If you want cool movie-like action, play SP or with your Friends(trusting u have some:p )Plz don't ruin a perfectly fine game just because you think it's not Star Wars enough. If u checked out JK1, it was NOTHING like any Star Wars movie i've ever seen (spamming force speed, destruction, grip, barely any lightsiders except on oasis) but JK1 had GREAT gameplay. This game lost out due to raven/LEC catering to movie fans...

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I voted 1.02, and its easy to see why. There was so much more to the game. 1.02 got me really hooked on JK2, 1.03, I was pissed, but because I loved the game so mcuh already I stayed. But when I was at an internet cafe, and introduced the game to my friends, they thought it sucked. killing took too long, sabers didn't have the flair or deadliness as they did in 1.02.


1.02 is the best IMHO, as 1.03 AND 1.04 are nerfing patches. People complain without thinking, and in turn, end up limiting the power of the light saber. 1.02, the battles could be quick and clean, aside from the obvious DFA bug of hitting in the ground, there was nothing really wrong about 1.02 except for complainers who would rather nerf moves they can't handle then learn how to get away from them. What move was exploited in 1.02? DFA, sure, but to counter it, did YOU have to use it? no.


In 1.03, there were assfighters and pull backstab. how do you counter backstabbers? throw. how do you counter pull backstab? well..dark rage or protection, and that only PROTECTS you from it. The fact of the matter is that in 1.02, you did not need to know how to sue the exploit to beat the exploiter. the best way to NOT be backstabbed is to do it yourself before they can. The top ranks of the ladders I bet DO use pull backstab, or backstab (on NF ladders).


In 1.02, there was a lot mroe variety in the ladder ranks. This alone proves as evidence of change in variety. Now that pull/backstab is gone, 1.04 will have something else. I have already heard something about a jump down slash. I haven't upgraded yet, but obviously people are complaining already.


Well, I guess it is another step towards rendering the game into a one swing, random luck of the draw game.



just my two cents, 1.02 all the way.

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No offense! I am only stating my thoughts and in no way am I claiming you are a bad person. :)



1.04 = No lucky noob wins

WRONG!!!!!! Thank to blocking and no variety anyone can get lucky in 1.04



1.04 = No more ass fighters




1.04 = No more light stance spammers




1.04 = Reaching true enlightenment

????? No comment on this one. I think you need to put the 1.04 blunt down and back away slowly



Please don't send me a Private message for flaming I am just joking and I said nothing hateful :) so be happy :)

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I voted for 1.03(noob heaven my ass) since i played this version the most and have become an expert in that version. Don't get me wrong version 1.02 was good i thought it was better then 1.03 at first. but now that i've played a lot of 1.03 i learned how to counter every single attack someone threw at me. I like the pull backstab because it will kill you if your not carefull what you say you cant block it ha right i dont use absorb and you cant pull me down how can that be why cant you pull me down because i am smart you are not. those that think pull backstab is dirty are just to stupid to try and find counters for it.

dueling is bad in version 1.03 you say sabers dont do enough damage well your wrong at that too i and many other good players chop down an opponent in seconds without even using backstab or any other special move for that mather.

I'm gonna try version 1.04 soon altough I think you have to play it for at least 2 weeks until you can give your opion on that one.

I have a bad feeling about it but i don't want to judge it until i've played it enough.




o and raven will make 1.05 and even further destroy the game.

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I think the game is quite balanced now, and yes, 1.03 was noob heaven, full of ass fighters, light stance spammers and lucky killers,


If you won lots in 1.03 you where either really cheap or a noob, you guys probly suck now in 1.04, thats why ur all crying about losing all your ghey moves from 1.03

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Originally posted by 00M-187

I think the game is quite balanced now, and yes, 1.03 was noob heaven, full of ass fighters, light stance spammers and lucky killers,


If you won lots in 1.03 you where either really cheap or a noob, you guys probly suck now in 1.04, thats why ur all crying about losing all your ghey moves from 1.03


Blanced - maybe (whiners will want kicks removed soon)


Skill oriented - NO (less methods of attack leaves us all attacking in exactly the same way)


Variety - sacrificed on the alter of balance


Fun - dropping fast (hand me the paddles before this player flat lines!)


In other words what you are left with is a world of balance, where everyone is forced to behave in the same or very similar way, by decreasing the number of choices. Congrats you turned the JKII community into a communist enviroment. THANKS

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Yeh, let go spammers. It's over. :p


I have no doubt that you will be complaining about "kick spammers" and "heavy spammers" very soon. :rolleyes:



Question: how many times did you lose before you started to think it was the games fault?


Ever think that maybe you weren't as good as you thought and that most of these horrible moves could be countered instead of nerfed?


Just wondering no offense intended. I just would like to know why people like you wish to remove every special move form the game until we are left with only basic saber swing and super blocking.

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Strong spammers? is there such a thing? How can you spam strong its so slow, if you win with strong you have awesome skill and timing, its hard to hit someone with strong stance unless you time it right.


Jumps spamming? if your fast and have timing jump is a powerful tool.


Like i said before, your just mad cuz all your ghey cheap moves are gone from 1.03, nuff said.

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Originally posted by 00M-187

Strong spammers? is there such a thing? How can you spam strong its so slow, if you win with strong you have awesome skill and timing, its hard to hit someone with strong stance unless you time it right.


Jumps spamming? if your fast and have timing jump is a powerful tool.


Like i said before, your just mad cuz all your ghey cheap moves are gone from 1.03, nuff said.


First let me say that it pains me to reply to anyone that uses the word "ghey". Just write "gay," its ok none of us seem to be involved with the PC (politically correct) crowd.


I did not like 1.03 so please do not confuse what I am saying with "I like pull backstab" but I do like having options. Most people would have realized that 1.03 wasn't my favorite when they saw my signature *see below*


What I am trying to slip past your mental defenses is that both patches TOOK AWAY FROM THE GAME in order to solve a percieved problem. In my opinion this is the WRONG way to fix things.


Also why did you avoid replying to the message intended for you? I guess my questions for you were to difficult. Too bad I don't have a way to send you a coloring book with "hidden" questions. Maybe that way I can get you to answer a question instead of scanning forums to see what you can flame.



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I am amazed I havent seen people complaining about 1.02. The first version was great, it was pretty balanaced and required a lot of skill to be successful. It had a very high learning curve which a lot of the newbies refused to learn and rather complain on the boards.


The saber was more deadly as it should be in 1.02. Making a small mistake often resulted in loosing the match.


I'd often hear complaints about DFA and how you cant avoid it and so forth. You know why those people complained? Becuase they were newbies and didnt know how to counter it. I can think of at least 2 counters for DFA and one of them resulted in killing them instantly :)


Anyways, I voted for 1.02. The greatest game i've played... until the newbies got their way.

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I agree with you all the way there fatalstrike raven does not know how to fix things thats for sure.

As for thinking its the games fault i never felt that way in version 1.02 or 1.03(like i said i havent tried 1.04 yet) if you die from a dfa or bs its your own slow reflexes(or bad ping) fault getting kicked to death same deal.

I'm always on the lookout for a way to counter people who spam things. I think absorb is a bit too good you should be able to pull guns out of an absorbers hands but thats about it(i'm not saying remove absorb). I wonder why raven removed the air lunge this was one of my fav moves and really necesarry on some maps. it become clear that all you need to fear now is guns and maybe lightning as drain is a little bit too weak but if you see someone running up to you with a lightsaber youll just want to laugh yourself to death.

ps: ignore 00M-187 he is not the brightest star in the sky if you know what i mean.

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I liked 1.02 because even though the saber had a high learning curve it had alot more potential then in 1.03.


1.04 ain't bad but the Servers have to modify to bring it to full glory. Up that saberdamage cvar and it is a lot like 1.02. But 1.02 made me feel more like a master of the force when the ranks were up to Jedi master levels.

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The only argument that pro-1.04's have are the same: "It takes skill, because <insert move here>is gone."


Any better arguments?


1.02 was good because of fast and quick gameplay, and a variety of moves to use that could be potentially devastating, including the normal swings AND the special moves.


1.03 was ok, but on the weak side, it hurt competitive gameplay because of the drastic slowdown(beefed up blocking and increased ammo consumption)


1.04 just completely killed competitive play, so far, the only improvemens i've seen are in duels, but only the NF ones


i want to hear some better arguments for 1.04

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