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Revan Bakr'

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I don't know about the rest of you, but is anybody tired of being the good guy? I mean, what the deal with Kyle's lightning abilities? Did any body else enjoy the fact of getting to choose your path? In Jk2 you don't even get to allot your own force stars. I think Lucasarts should have an expansion pak or a new game that has a pure breed Sith as the hero. Well, in a manner of speaking. Also, the expansion would have new characters, some different weapons, and maybe an extra force or two.



This way, you get to fight on the other side, and hack those self-righteous Jedi to pieces.


Anybody have thoughts on the subject?

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Well....I think they are planning all this in Galaxies so....don't expect a jk3 with sith player instead of Kyle....also, JK is a series based on Kyle Katarn, so if there where to be a game where you were sith, it would be called something else I think.-..


But if you wanna be evil, play galaxies when it comes out !

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1) find your favorite sith skin, rezip it in a .pk3 and name the player folder to "kyle" This will change the default sp skin to the one you chose


2) change the saber to red by typing "sabercolor red" add


3) change your force to full dark, "this is a cheat but oh well"


4) Whoops some ass!


This aught to cure your ailments,

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Thanx Hanch, and I'll be sure to get that game. But who's to stop everybody from being Jedi and Sith in Galaxies. I mean, sure, lots of people will be other things, but I just don't see a balance between Jedi/Sith, and say, Tuskens/Mercs/BountyHunters/Imperials/Rebels/and just dang normal citizens. Thanx Anyway.

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It's the same with me Hanch. But sometimes when I get home after a stressful day I just have to let loose!! Also, in MP, I'm always dark because of the lightning and drain abilities. I'm not one of those spam-gripper types. I foind the light side to be ineffective with my battle strategy. I've never gotten mind trick down, because my opponents are always running away.The other powers are defensive. (just like those righteous Jedi in the movies) I'm an aggressive duelist, I gave up on guns months ago. I may use the dark side, but I am not an evil personality. Boohoo, boohoo...


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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

It's the same with me Hanch. But sometimes when I get home after a stressful day I just have to let loose!! Also, in MP, I'm always dark because of the lightning and drain abilities. I'm not one of those spam-gripper types. I foind the light side to be ineffective with my battle strategy. I've never gotten mind trick down, because my opponents are always running away.The other powers are defensive. (just like those righteous Jedi in the movies) I'm an aggressive duelist, I gave up on guns months ago. I may use the dark side, but I am not an evil personality. Boohoo, boohoo...



If you want to let "loose".. Just kill some jar jar! It actually works!! see it for yourself =)

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Sorry, HellFyyyyre, but...... oh wait, that was fun. HellFyyyyyre. Anyway, I seem to be short on jarjar at the moment, so I'm gonna go after those righteous mp peeps with names like obiwan,padawan, luke, and any other name that is spammed; and I'll thrash for me and for you. K?

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

Sorry, HellFyyyyre, but...... oh wait, that was fun. HellFyyyyyre. Anyway, I seem to be short on jarjar at the moment, so I'm gonna go after those righteous mp peeps with names like obiwan,padawan, luke, and any other name that is spammed; and I'll thrash for me and for you. K?



lol... Well i dont see the fun in that.. but go ahead =P.. and kill sum padawans for me =P

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I don't care if it's an official expansion or sequel, call it Sith Knight or Dark Jedi Knight, who cares!, but a single player adventure with the chance to control a Dark Side user... awww yeah.


The JK series needs its equivalent of what TIE Fighter was to X-Wing... to play the bad guys, for real!


Heck, if we still have to include Kyle (instead of somebody bad fighting him, like a former apprentice) have it be a "Star Wars Infinities" type of "what if" scenario... like if Kyle had turned to the Dark Side in the original JK instead of embracing the light... or if he hadn't spared Mara on Drommund Kaas...

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Well apparently, Kyle isn't really a Jedi, nor is he a Sith. The reason Kyle has some dark powers, like lightning and grip is because of his jaunt with the Dark side in JK2. I mean remember the whole reason Kyle went to get his force powers and lightsaber back was to avenge Jan. Thus, for the first two Lightsaber levels (Naahsarah (sp) and Bespin), he's acting on his anger. But once you beat Tavion, and she spills her guts about what she knows, you find out Jan is alive. So after that Kyle becomes as Luke says "less angry".


So, as the back of the JK2 box says "To know the Light, you must see the Dark" So basically, Kyle is a mix between Sith and Jedi. That's why he's a "Jedi Outcast" or failed Jedi, he is called by himself and Desann. But I guess once he defeats Desann, he becomes a Jedi, once and for all.


As for a JK3, I think it's possible. But I doubt it'd be like the first one where you could choose. But then again you never know. Because Anakin was a Jedi Knight when he fell to the Dark side, just because you're a Jedi, doesn't mean you can't end up a Sith. So.. it's up to the developers, really.

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That's the best part about JkII. It's not part of an actual Star Wars movie, so there are no boundaries! They can do anything with this game and if they're smart they will. But I think by the time a new game comes out Kyle will be an old geezer. Maybe Jan and Kyle will have a son or something....

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Yeah, they'd have to put him in an institute. A brown-haired reptilian scumbag would kick Katarn's butt!


But seriously, I think Lucasarts has so much to mess around with seeing as the game is not made after a movie. They can do anything! Come on Lucasarts!

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

Oh, I got it. Desann had a son. Kyle has a son. They become friends until Desann's kid figures out what happened to his dad, and Kyle's son and Desann's son duke it out saber-style!


lol... That would be funny as hell dude!!... I dun think is going to happen tho... but o well

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