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Help ? how to install Jedi_Knight2 manually ?


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Er...well I do not know why you want to do this? But all you have to do is double click on the Game data folder in picture one and go to the Setup on no 2 and double click that. That will take you through the install shield and into the main installation menu. I hope that is what you wanted. Also it may not autorun in your cd drive if the cd or the drive is dirty. The other thing could be that for some reason autorun was turned off on your drive. Look under the device manager for your cd and click on it. Then select properties and make sure autorun is checked. Then all of you cd games will load normally. Hope this helps if not just give a little more info on your problem. Good luck.

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Depends on your problem...did you "manually" uninstall the game before? Becuase if you did, it would leave the registry entries behind, unless you also deleted those...if you don't get rid of those, the installer thinks the game is still isntalled and won't install...


But if it's an error in the MIDDLE of installing the game, like when it's writing all the files from the CD...that's probably either a bad CD or a computer problem, and you'd have to, like MUHAHAHAHAH said, contact LucasArts

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I think you should contact Lucasarts support. You can install JK2 manually by copying the GameData folder (pic 2) to your harddrive . This way however you won't be able to apply any patches and I doubt that thirdparty serverbrowsers such as gamespy or ASE will work.

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