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Galactic Battles.com - first again./ New look

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Just to let all you GB'ers out there know....


Yet again, this website was first in delivering the news about the patch and first again, with a full detailed run down about what the patch fixed - and the link to get it. (sorry other sites)


You will also remember, that GB.com was the ONLY website allowed to feature official screenshots and screens of our own for Clone Campaigns and the ONLY website to have a FULL run down on the new units in Clone Campaigns.


Proof, if it was ever needed that visiting any Lucas Fan Network website (LFN) means that you can be sure of the very latest news before anyone else.


This site has come along way from when it started last July to when I took over the running of these boards and the design of the current website.


I have been working very hard on a new look, that will launch on Thursday and it will rock!!!


What's new?


1) Some excellent strategies and tips from experts

2) 'Screenshot Of The Week' - you can send in yours

3) A complete new File system to download campaigns/patches/etc

4) A Tournament section with dates of current and upcoming events

5) New Poll every week, where you can vote on the current issues

6) Details of the NEW GB.com League

7) Info on playing online


and a lot more. Im so excited!!!!




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