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Grappling hook model?


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I thought about making a grappling hook. I got this idea off of a Scifi show and came up with this:




It may look like a big hook, but really it's only supposed to be a little smaller to where it can fit on a person's under part of their

wrist. The brace can be made to where it clamps to walls and objects. If possible in JK2, it can be used to take people's heads

and other body parts off.


If anyone's interested in working with this model let me know.

It's just a little model I was making when I first started playing around with 3DS Max 4.

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That would work as well. I wasn't really actually trying to get my idea as the main idea for a grappling hook.


It's just that I was thinking someone may have had interest. I guess I was wrong.


Okay, time to switch to my second assumption:


I'll let you know when I have one.

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Originally posted by keo718

Hmmm. Good Ideas. Someone also mentioned the grappling hook that Luke had in A New Hope. I don't personally remember it, but perhaps one of you might know.

must be what he used to swing across the gap with leia... and d, i didn't mean to sound like that. :sweat:

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